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JarrodCrane edited this page Oct 12, 2016 · 10 revisions

API Overview

BTC Markets provides a simple REST API which allows for integration of business applications, payment systems, trading engines, mobile apps, etc.

All requests use the "application/json" content type and must use https.

Unless specified all API methods use http POST.

The base url for the API is:

If you have any feedback on the API please post a question in our support center.

Getting started

Before using API please take some time to understand the authentication mechanism built into the API. Some parts of the API require authentication and in those cases you will be required to register with BTC Markets and then generate a set of API keys.

Why Do I Get a Cloudflare Message When Attempting To Access the API?

Make sure you have a valid user agent set in your code.

Why Do I Get "authentication failed" Message?

Please check the list below as failing to meet any one of those requirements can cause this error.

  • Secret key must be encoded to base64
  • Confirm public key and secret are correct by logging into your account and confirming the values are correct.
  • Timestamp/nonce is in milliseconds and therefore must be 13 digits long.
  • The order of post variables is important and must be exact otherwise an invalid HMAC will be created.

Introduction updated 9/28/18



WebSocket v2

WebSocket v1 deprecated

Market Data API updated 7/24/19

Trading API updated 08/19/19

Transaction API

Account API updated 3/14/19

Fund Transfer API updated 08/06/19


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