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martin-nginio edited this page Jul 26, 2017 · 15 revisions

Are there any restrictions on API calls?

Users can call any public or private APIs and below limits are enforced. We may decide to change those limits or add new ones depending on usage patterns and traffic.

/order/create maximum 45 calls per 10 seconds

/order/history maximum 5 calls per 10 seconds

/order/trade/history maximum 5 calls per 10 seconds

In case if your application is calling above APIs with higher rate then you will receive the following error message: "Throttle limit exceeded."

Why Do I Get a Cloudflare Message When Attempting To Access the API?

Make sure you have a valid user agent set in your code.

Introduction updated 9/28/18



WebSocket v2

WebSocket v1 deprecated

Market Data API updated 7/24/19

Trading API updated 08/19/19

Transaction API

Account API updated 3/14/19

Fund Transfer API updated 08/06/19


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