All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- 加入预加载动画 (0ea62ef)
- add inspector node debug support (9c90249)
- add vscode debug file (656519c)
- app.on('activate') handle (b62d5fa)
- better hot reload preload script (9eda22f)
- ci: add github action 🔨 (c653a73)
- ci: add github dependabot (01bcf16)
- disableHardwareAcceleration on windows 7 (874b06c)
- expose withPrototype (cf3fd49)
- external dependencies (fc93d31)
- git-hooks: add nano-stage & git hooks (c1f7a40)
- improve some functions (2221092)
- nodeIntegration: set nodeIntegration as true by default (42fb116)
- support preload script hot reload (a4ca740)
- support use electron in Renderer-process (9476b5f)
- supported preload rollup package (5e0bb24)
- supported psar package (0a0e667)
- test: add playwright e2e test tool (e35dde0)
- use vitejs-plugin-electron (e7406e9)
- utils.buildins() (7d9e364)
- vscode: add typescript language support for volar (b5bae8a)
- 打包 BUG (a6dd5d1)
- 构建环境避开 esm2cjs (abd91f8)
- 启动动画卡顿 (118cc7d)
- 相对路径加载问题 (a13e807)
- cicd: build stage cicd fix (1300b63)
- Content-Security-Policy (2c6ca1e)
- correct process.env.NODE_ENV (76660bb)
- ensure process.cwd() correct. (d5f294c)
- failed load preload.js. (f28a05b)
- load sourcemap BUG (862523f)
- main: remove disableHardwareAcceleration (5a9ffbf)
- package BUG on windows. (fb362b2)
- package.json: prebuild runs twice (642c2c9)
- preload removeChild error (5f31d09)
- rollup-plugin-esbuild 低版本报错 (48d5a92)
- tsconfig support ESM (8e7045f)
- typo (c676f92)
- watch (e3b1cdd)
- with esm2cjs to resolve dev BUG. (6ef3306)