This document describes how to build and test new component. The Dapr runtime and all of its components are written in Go. If you are completely new to the language you can take a tour of its features. For building your first component, using an existing one as a template is as a great way to get started.
cd $GOPATH/src
# Clone dapr
mkdir -p
git clone
# Clone component-contrib
mkdir -p
git clone
- Create your component directory in the right component directory
- Copy component files from the reference component to your component directory
- Add go unit-test for your component
Type | Directory | Reference | Docs |
State | components-contrib/state | Redis | concept, howto, api spec |
Pubsub | components-contrib/pubsub | Redis | concept, howto, api spec |
Bindings | components-contrib/bindings | Kafka | concept, input howto, output howto, api spec |
Secret Store | components-contrib/secretstore | Kubernetes, Azure Keyvault | concept, howto |
Middleware | components-contrib/middleware | Oauth2 | concept, howto |
Name Resolution | components-contrib/nameresolution | mdns | howto |
make test
make lint
- Make sure you clone Dapr and component-contrib repos under $GOPATH/src/
- Replace reference to the local component-contrib
go mod edit -replace
- Import your component to dapr main.go
- Register your component in dapr main.go(e.g. binding)
- Build debuggable dapr binary
go mod tidy
make DEBUG=1 build
- Replace the installed daprd with the test binary (then dapr cli will use the test binary)
# Back up the current daprd
cp ~/.dapr/bin/daprd ~/.dapr/bin/daprd.bak
cp ./dist/darwin_amd64/debug/daprd ~/.dapr/bin
Linux Debuggable Binary: ./dist/linux_amd64/debug/daprd Windows Debuggable Binary: .\dist\windows_amd64\debug\daprd
- Prepare your test app (e.g. kafka sample app:
- Create yaml for bindings in './components' under app’s directory (e.g. kafka example :
- Run your test app using dapr cli
- Make sure your component is loaded successfully in daprd log
- Create a pullrequest to add your component in component-contrib repo
- Get the approval from maintainers
- Fetch the latest dapr/dapr repo
- Update component-contrib go mod and ensure that component-contrib is updated to the latest version
go get -u
go mod tidy
- Import your component to Dapr main.go
- Register your component in Dapr main.go
- Create a pullrequest in Dapr
API versioning of Dapr components follows the same approach as Go modules where the unstable version (v0) and first stable version (v1) are contained in the root directory of the component package. For example v1 of the Redis binding component is located in bindings/redis
. Code changes may continue in this package provided there are no breaking changes. Breaking changes include:
- Renaming or removing a
field that the component is currently using - Adding a required
field - Adding an optional field that does not have a backward compatible default value
- Making significant changes to the component's behavior that would adversely affect existing users
In most cases, breaking changes can be avoided by using backward compatible metadata
fields. When breaking changes cannot be avoided, here are the steps for creating the next major version of a component:
- Create a version subdirectory for the next major version (e.g.
, etc.) - Copy any code into the new subdirectory that should be preserved from the previous version
- Submit your component as described in the previous section
- Import your component to Dapr main.go without removing the package for the previous version
- Register your component in dapr main.go like before, but append its new major version to the name (e.g.
) - Validate your component as described previously