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High level overviews, important features of, and example usage for significant components in a subreddit's configuration are found here.

This list is not exhaustive. For complete documentation on a subreddit's configuration consult the schema.

Table of Contents


A Run is made up of a set of Checks that represent a group of related behaviors the bot should check for or perform. Checks within a Run are processed in the order they are listed. Refer to the How It Works section to see how Runs fit into CM's lifecycle.

Runs are the largest unit of behavior in a subreddit's configuration and are defined at the top level of the configuration like so:

    # the first run of the config
  - name: MyFirstRun
  - name: MySecondRun

An example of Runs:

  • A group of Checks that look for missing flairs on a user or a new submission and flair accordingly
  • A group of Checks that detect spam or self-promotion and then remove those activities

Both group of Checks are independent of each other (don't have any patterns or actions in common).

However, Checks processed prior to a Run can determine if a Run is processed or not depending on the flow control configured in those Checks.

Flow Control Defaults Using Runs

Checks in a Run that do not specify their own Flow Control can have their defaults configured at the Run level:

  - name: MyFirstRun
    postFail: nextRun
    postTrigger: next

Runs may also have these flow control defaults specified at the subreddit or bot level.

Filter Defaults Using Runs

Checks in a Run may have their Filters merged or replaced by run-level filter defaults:

  - name: MyFirstRun
        - isMod: false

Runs may also have these filter behavior defaults specified at the subreddit or bot level.


A Check is a set of:

  • Zero or more Rules that define what conditions should trigger this Check.
  • Zero or more Actions that define what the bot should do once the Check is triggered.

Refer to the How It Works section to see how Checks fit into CM's lifecycle.

  • If a Check has no Rules and passes any Filters it is automatically triggered
  • If a Check is triggered and has no Actions it is only recorded
  • Checks must have explicitly defined:
    • name
    • kind -- what type of Activity (submission or comment) it should process
  - name: MyFirstRun
        # a minimal check
      - name: MyMinimalCheck
        kind: submission
        # a normal check
      - name: MyNormalCheck
        kind: submission

        # a kitchen-sink check
      - name: KitchenSink
        kind: submission
        description: A friendly description
          - approved: false
          - verified: true
        postTrigger: stop
        postFail: next

Testing Rules

The Rules specified in a Check are processed in the order they were written in.

A Check determines when it has been triggered by setting a condition to evaluate Rules and Rule Sets with. When this condition is:

  • AND -- all Rules in the Check must be triggered for the Check to be triggered
  • OR -- any Rule in the Check that is triggered will trigger the Check
- name: MyCheck
  kind: submission
  condition: AND # Rule1 AND Rule2 must be triggered to trigger MyCheck
    - name: Rule1
    - name: Rule2
- name: MyCheck
  kind: submission
  condition: OR # Rule1 OR Rule2 must both be triggered to trigger MyCheck
    - name: Rule1
    - name: Rule2

Specifying Flow Control

When a Check is finished processing it can have one of two states: triggered or not triggered. The behavior of CM after a Check is finished processing 1) depends on what state the Check is in and 2) is dictated by the Check itself using a property for each type of state:

  • postFail -- for not triggered
  • postTrigger -- for triggered

This enables a user to arbitrarily configure how CM responds to the triggering (or not triggering) of a Check.

Each Check will always have these properties defined -- either explicitly or passed down as defaults from a Run, Subreddit, or Operator configuration.

Refer to the main Flow Control documentation for an in-depth explanation and all possible options.

Recording Options

postFail and postTrigger also enable specifying if/how an Event is recorded. Valid options for recording:

  • false -- do not record this Event
  • true -- record Event to all available outputs
  • database -- record Event to the database
  • influx -- record Event to InfluxDB (not implemented)
  • list of: database, influx -- a list of outputs to record to

The default recording options for flow control properties are:

  • postFail -- false (do not record)
  • postTrigger -- true (record to all)

Recording options can be explicitly defined by providing a PostBehaviorOptionConfig object to one/both of the flow control properties EX:

- name: MyCheck
  kind: submission
    recordTo: database
    recordTo: false

When an Activity has finished being processed CM will aggregate all Recording Options and output to all specified. Any "positive" outputs override a false output IE to prevent an Event from being recorded all recordTo values must be false.

recordTo values can also be specified in flow control defaults for a Run, Subreddit, or Operator configuration.


A Rule is some set of criteria (conditions) that are tested against an Activity, a User, or a User's history. A Rule is considered triggered when the criteria for that rule are found to be true for whatever is being tested against.

Rules must have a kind that identifies what kind of Rule they are.

Optionally, they may have Filters.

Named Rules

Rules may be given a name. If a Rule is named it can re-used anywhere in the configuration regardless of location. This is done by:

  • specifying a name on a Rule once EX: name: MyNamedRule
  • using the Rule's name in place of a Rule object in your Checks or Rule Sets.
  - name: MyFirstRun
      - name: MyFirstCheck
        kind: submission
          - name: AnonymousRule1
            kind: regex

            # use the name of the Rule instead of writing an entire Rule object
          - NamedRule1

          - name: AnonymousRule2
            kind: recent
      - name: MySecondCheck
        kind: submission
          # named rule
          - name: NamedRule1
            kind: history

Named Rules are essential building blocks of a readable and effective configuration. If you find yourself repeating the same Rule many times it's a sign you should give it a name and replace it's usage with references to it.

See Rule Name Reuse Examples YAML | JSON

List of Rules


Full Documentation

The Attribution rule will aggregate an Author's content Attributions (youtube channels, twitter, website domains, etc.) and can check on their totals or percentages of all Activities over a time period:

  • Total # of attributions
  • As percentage of all Activity or only Submissions
  • Look at all domains or only media (youtube, vimeo, etc.)
  • Include self posts (by reddit domain) or not

Recent Activity

Full Documentation

Given a list subreddit criteria, the Recent Activity rule finds Activities matching those criteria in the Author's history over window and then allows for comparing different facets of the results:

  • number of activities found
  • aggregated karma from activities
  • number of distinct subreddits found

The above can also be expressed as a percentage of all activities found, instead of number.

The search can also be modified in a number of ways:

  • Filter found activities using an Item Filter
  • Only return activities that match the Activity from the Event being processed
  • Only return certain types of activities (only submission or only comments)

Repeat Activity

Full Documentation

The Repeat Activity rule will check for patterns of repetition in an Author's Activity history over a window. When comparing submissions it checks a composite of the submissions' title and content.

To determine sameness it uses an average of Dice's Coefficient, Cosine Similarity, and Levenshtein Distance weighted by the length of the content being compared (more weight for longer content).

Some of the ways the rule can be modified:

  • Only return repeated activities that match the Activity from the Event being processed
  • Specify the sameness percentage used to classify a repeat (default must be 85% similar)
  • Include/exclude activities from a list of subreddit criteria
  • Specify gap size allowed between non-repeats


Full Documentation

The History rule can check an Author's submission/comment statistics over a time period:

  • Submission total or percentage of All Activity
  • Comment total or percentage of all Activity
  • Comments made as OP (commented in their own Submission) total or percentage of all Comments


Full Documentation

The Author rule behaves the same as the Author Filter. It can be used when you want to test Author state alongside other rules to create more complex behavior than would be possible by only applying to individual Rules or an entire check.


Full Documentation

The Regex rule matches on text content from an Activity in the same way automod uses regex. However, it can also be used to match on content from the Author's Activity history over a window.


Full Documentation

The Repost rule is used to find reposts for both Submissions and Comments, depending on what type of Check it is used on.

This rule is for searching all of Reddit for reposts, as opposed to just the history of the Author of the Activity being checked. If you only want to check for reposts by the Author of the Activity being checked you should use the Repeat Activity rule.

Sentiment Analysis

Full Documentation

The Sentiment Rule is used to determine the overall emotional intent (negative, neutral, positive) of a Submission or Comment by analyzing the actual text content of the Activity. Predictions

Full Documentation

ContextMod integrates with (MHS) toxic content machine learning model through their API. This rule sends an Activity's content (title or body) to MHS which returns a prediction on whether the content is toxic and actionable by a moderator. Their model is specifically trained for reddit content.

Rule Sets

The rules list on a Check can contain both Rule objects and RuleSet objects.

A Rule Set is a "nested" set of Rule objects with a condition specified. These allow you to create more complex trigger behavior by combining multiple rules that a Check only sees as "one" Rule to use with its condition.

  - name: MyFirstRun
      - name: ComplexCheck
        kind: submission
        # all "top level" rules must be triggered
        # --  TopLevelRule1 AND TopLevelRule2 and the Rule Set
        condition: AND
          - name: TopLevelRule1
            kind: regex

          - name: TopLevelRule2
            kind: history

            # a Rule Set
          - condition: OR # if any Rule in this Rule Set is triggered the Check sees the Rule Set as "triggered"
              - name: NestedRule1
                kind: recent
              - name: NestedRule2
                kind: recent

See ruleSets YAML | JSON for a complete example as well as consulting the schema.


An Action is some action the bot can take against the checked Activity (comment/submission) or Author of the Activity as well as some "meta" actions used for controlling how CM handles Events.

CM has Actions for most things a normal reddit user or moderator can do.

Actions are performed in the order they are listed in the Check.

Named Actions

Named Actions work the same as Named Rules and Named Filters:

Actions may be given a name. If an Action is named it can re-used anywhere in the configuration regardless of location. This is done by:

  • specifying a name on an Action once EX: name: MyNamedAction
  • using the Action's name in place of a Action object in your Checks
  - name: MyFirstRun
      - name: MyFirstCheck
        kind: submission
          - kind: remove 
          - MyNamedAction # use the name of the Action instead of writing an entire Action object
      - name: MySecondCheck
        kind: submission
          - name: MyNamedAction
            kind: comment
            content: 'This is a test comment the bot will make'


Actions that can submit text (Report, Comment, UserNote) will have their content values run through a Mustache Template. This means you can insert data generated by Rules into your text before the Action is performed.

Action Templating Documentation

List of Actions


Approve an Activity. Schema Documentation

Optionally, may specify a list of targets to approve:

  • self -- approve Activity being processed
  • parent -- if Activity being processed is a Comment then approve the Submission it comes from
  - kind: approve
    target: ['self'] # or both with ['self', 'parent']


Ban the Author of the Activity being processed. Schema Documentation

message can be templated and use URL Tokens

  - kind: ban
    message: string # required, the ban message the user receives
    note: string # mod note
    reason: string # reason shown for ban
    # number of days to ban user. Min 1 Max 999
    # leaving 'duration' unspecified will ban user permanently
    duration: number 


Reply to an Activity with a comment. Schema Documentation

  • If the Activity is a Submission the comment is a top-level reply
  • If the Activity is a Comment the comment is a child reply


content can be templated and use URL Tokens


Optionally, specify the Activity CM should reply to. When not specified CM replies to the Activity being processed using self

Valid values: self, parent, or a Reddit permalink.

self and parent are special targets that are relative to the Activity being processed:

  • When the Activity being processed is a Submission => parent logs a warning and does nothing
  • When the Activity being processed is a Comment
    • self => reply to Comment
    • parent => make a top-level Comment in the Submission the Comment belong to

If target is not self/parent then CM assumes the value is a reddit permalink and will attempt to make a Comment to that Activity

  - kind: comment
    content: string # required, the content of the comment
    distinguish: boolean # distinguish as a mod
    sticky: boolean # sticky comment
    lock: boolean # lock the comment after creation
    targets: string # 'self' or 'parent' or ''


Create a Submission Schema Documentation

The Submission type, Link or Self-Post, is determined based on the presence of url in the action's configuration.

  - kind: submission
    title: string # required, the title of the submission. can be templated.
    content: string # the body of the submission. can be templated
    url: string # if specified the submission will be a Link Submission. can be templated
    distinguish: boolean # distinguish as a mod
    sticky: boolean # sticky comment
    lock: boolean # lock the comment after creation
    nsfw: boolean # mark submission as NSFW
    spoiler: boolean # mark submission as a spoiler
    flairId: string # flair template id for submission
    flairText: string # flair text for submission
    targets: string # 'self' or a subreddit name IE mealtimevideos


content,url, and title can be templated and use URL Tokens

TIP: To create a Link Submission pointing to the Activity currently being processed use

  - kind: submission
    url: {{item.permalink}}
    # ...


Optionally, specify the Subreddit the Submission should be made in. When not specified CM uses self

Valid values: self or Subreddit Name

  • self => (Default) Create Submission in the same Subreddit of the Activity being processed
  • Subreddit Name => Create Submission in given subreddit IE mealtimevideos
    • Your bot must be able to access and be able to post in the given subreddit


  - kind: comment
    targets: mealtimevideos

To post to multiple subreddits use a list:

  - kind: comment
      - self
      - mealtimevideos
      - anotherSubreddit 


Add or Remove the Author of the Activity being processed as an Approved Contributor to the subreddit. Schema Documentation

  - kind: comment
    action: 'add or remove' # required, add or remove contributor


Create a new Event, from the currently processing Activity or its Parent, for CM to process. Schema Documentation

Optionally, may specify a list of targets to dispatch:

  • self -- create new Event from Activity being processed
  • parent -- if Activity being processed is a Comment then create a new Event from the Submission it comes from

Additionally, may specify a duration of time to delay processing by.

  - kind: dispatch
    target: ['self']
    delay: '10 minutes'
    identifier: 'myDispatch'

TODO in-depth documentation on dispatch

Cancel Dispatch

Cancel a Dispatch Action that has been delayed using:

  • the target of the action (self or parent) AND/OR
  • an identifier used for the initial Dispatch Action
  - kind: cancelDispatch
    target: ['self']
    identifier: 'myDispatch'


User Flair

Set the flair for the Author of the Activity being processed. Schema Documentation

  - kind: userflair
    flair_template_id: string # optional, flair template to use. Will override all other properties
    css: string # optional, css value to use
    text: string # optional, css class name to use

If the userflair action is used but no properties are specified then the action removes any user flair.

Submission Flair

Set the flair for the Submission being processed Schema Documentation

  - kind: flair
    flair_template_id: string # optional, flair template to use. Will override all other properties
    css: string # optional, css value to use
    text: string # optional, css class name to use

If the flair action is used but no properties are specified then the action removes any submission flair.


Lock the Activity being processed. Schema Documentation

  - kind: lock


Send a private message. Schema Documentation

Must specify these properties:

  • asSubreddit: boolean -- send the message as the subreddit or not
  • content: string -- the content of the message to send

Some other things to note:

  • If the to property is not specified then the message is sent to the Author of the Activity being processed
    • to may be a User (u/aUser) or a Subreddit (r/aSubreddit)
    • to cannot be a Subreddit when asSubreddit: true -- IE cannot send subreddit-to-subreddit messages
    • TIP: to can be templated -- to send a message to the subreddit the Activity being processed is in use 'r/{{item.subreddit}}'
  • content and title can be templated and use URL Tokens
  - kind: message
    asSubreddit: true
    content: 'A message sent as the subreddit' # can be templated
    title: 'Title of the message' # can be templated
    to: 'u/aUser' # do not specify 'to' in order default to sending to Author of Activity being processed. Can also be templated


Remove the Activity being processed. Schema Documentation

  • note can be templated
  • reasonId IDs can be found in the editor using the Removal Reasons popup

If neither note nor reasonId are included then no removal reason is added.

  - kind: remove
    spam: false # optional, mark as spam on removal
    note: 'a moderator-readable note' # optional, a note only visible to moderators (new reddit only)
    reasonId: '2n0f4674-365e-46d2-8fc7-a337d85d5340' # optional, the ID of a removal reason to add to the removal action (new reddit only)


Report the Activity being processed. Schema Documentation

content is required. It can be templated and use URL Tokens

  - kind: report
    content: 'This is what will show up in the report'


Add a Toolbox User Note to the Author of the Activity. Schema Documentation

Your subreddit must have Toolbox UserNotes enabled for this action to work.

  - kind: usernote
    type: spamwarn
    content: 'Usernote message'
    existingNoteCheck: boolean # if true (default) then the usernote will not be added if the same note appears for this activity

Mod Note

Full Documentation

Add a Mod Note for the Author of the Activity.

  • type must be one of the valid note labels:
    • BOT_BAN
    • BAN
  - kind: modnote
    type: SPAM_WATCH
    content: 'a note only mods can see message' # optional
    referenceActivity: boolean # if true the Note will be linked to the Activity being processed
    existingNoteCheck: boolean # if true (default) then the note will not be added if the same note appears for this activity


Filters are an additional channel for determining if an Event should be processed by ContextMod. They differ from Rules in several key ways:

  • Runs, Checks, Rules, and Actions can all have Filters
  • Filters test against the current state of the Activity (or it's Author) being processed, rather than looking at history/context/etc...
  • Filter test results only determine if the Run, Check, Rule, or Action should run -- rather than triggering it
    • When the filter test passes the thing being tested continues to process as usual
    • When the filter test fails the thing being tested fails.

A Filter has these properties:

  • include -- An optional list of Filter Criteria. If any passes the filter passes.
  • exclude -- An optional list of Filter Criteria. All must NOT pass for the filter to pass. Ignored if include is present.
  • excludeCondition -- A condition that determines how the list of Filter Criteria are tested together

Filter Criteria

A criteria is some property of a thing can be tested, and what the expected outcome is EX

age: '> 2 months' => Author is older than 2 months

Filter Criteria is one of more criteria combined together to form a set of criteria that must all be true together for the Filter Criteria to be true EX

age: '> 2 months'
verified: true

The above Filter Criteria is true if the Author's account is older than 2 months AND they have a verified email

Filter Shapes

Generically, a "full" Filter looks like this:

include: #optional
  - name: AFilterCriteria
  ... #one or more filter criteria

exclude: #optional
  ... # one or more filter criteria

excludeCondition: OR or AND

But for convenience a Filter's shape can be simplified with a few assumptions

Simple Object

When a Filter is an object, the object is assumed to be a Filter Criteria which is used in include

  approved: false

Simple List

When a Filter is a list, the list is assumed to be a list of Filter Criteria and used in include

  - approved: false
    filtered: false
  - is_self: true

Filter Types

There are two types of Filter. Both types have the same "shape" in the configuration with the differences between them being:

  • what they are testing on
  • what criteria are available to test

Author Filter

Test the Author of an Activity. See Schema documentation for all possible Author Criteria

Mod Actions/Notes Filter

See Mod Actions/Notes documentation.

Toolbox UserNotes Filter

See UserNotes documentation

Item Filter

Test for properties of an Activity:

Subreddit Filter

Test for properties of the Subreddit an Activity belongs to. See Schema documentation

Named Filters

Named Filters work the same as Named Rules and Named Actions:

Filter Criteria may be given a name. A named Filter Criteria can re-used anywhere in the configuration regardless of location. This is done by:

  • specifying a name on a Filter Criteria once EX: name: MyFitlerCriteria
  • using the Filter Criteria's name in place of a Filter Criteria object
  - name: MyFirstRun
      - name: MyFirstCheck
        kind: submission
          - MyFilterCriteria
      - name: MySecondCheck
        kind: submission
            - name: MyFilterCriteria
                approved: false

Common Patterns


ContextMod uses AND/OR operands in many places to allow you to determine how a set of conditions is evaluated.

A condition is a statement that can be determined to be true or false. A set of conditions:

  • an orange is orange
  • the sky is blue
  • the sun is black

These conditions can be combined together to evaluate to either true or false using AND or OR operands.


All statements in the set must be true for the condition to be true

  • an orange is orange => TRUE
  • the sky is blue => TRUE
  • the sun is black => FALSE

=> Condition evaluates to FALSE


Any statement in the set must be true for the condition to be true

  • an orange is orange => TRUE
  • the sky is blue => TRUE
  • the sun is black => FALSE

=> Condition evaluates to TRUE because the first two were true

Activities window

Most Rules have a window property somewhere within their configuration. This property defines the range of Activities (submission and/or comments) that should be retrieved for checking the criteria of the Rule.

Full Activities window documentation

URL Tokens

A field that can use URL Tokens can use a special prefix at the beginning of the string to tell ContextMod to fetch content from a URL instead of using the field as-is for content. If the field is also templated then the content is run through templating after being retrieved.

If value starts with wiki: then the proceeding value will be used to get a wiki page from the current subreddit EX

wiki:botconfig/mybot tries to get

If the value starts with wiki: and ends with |someValue then someValue will be used as the base subreddit for the wiki page EX

EX wiki:replytemplates/test|ContextModBot tries to get

If the value starts with url: then the value is fetched as an external url and expects raw text returned EX

EX url: tries to get the text response of

If none of the above is used the value is used as-is.

Thresholds and Comparisons

Most rules/filters have criteria that require you to define a specific condition to test against. This can be anything from repeats of activities to account age.

In all of these scenarios the condition is defined using a subset of comparison operators (very similar to how automoderator does things).

Available operators:

  • < -- less than => 5 < 6 => 5 is less than 6
  • > -- greater than => 6 > 5 => 6 is greater than 5
  • <= -- less than or equal to => 5 <= 5 => 5 is less than or equal to 5
  • >= -- greater than or equal to => 5 >= 5 => 5 is greater than or equal to 5

In the context of a rule/filter comparison you provide the comparison omitting the value that is being tested. An example...

The RepeatActivity rule has a threshold comparison to test against the number of repeat activities it finds

  • You want the rule to trigger if it finds 4 or more repeat activities
  • The rule would be configured like this "threshold": ">= 4"

Essentially what this is telling the rule is threshold: "x >= 4" where x is the largest repeat of activities it finds.


Some criteria accept an optional percentage to compare against:

"threshold": "> 20%"

Refer to the individual rule/criteria schema to see what this percentage is comparing against.


Some criteria accept an optional duration to compare against:

"threshold": "< 1 month"

The duration value compares a time range from now to duration value time in the past.

Refer to duration values in activity window documentation as well as the individual rule/criteria schema to see what this duration is comparing against.

Filter Defaults

Filters can have default values specified at the bot level, subreddit level, and run level.

Each level is "more specific" than the previous and will override more specific levels below it until, eventually, the defaults are applied to a Check.

IE Bot Defaults -> Subreddit Defaults (overiddes Bot) -> Run Defaults (overrides Subreddit) -> Apply to Check

Applying Default Behavior

The defaults object also specifies how it applies itself to the Filters on a Check using authorIsBehavior and itemIsBehavior.

Both behavior properties have these options:

  • merge -- will add any Filter Criteria in the defaults to the Filters, leaving any explicitly specified in the Check untouched.
  • replace -- If the Check has any explicitly specified Filters the default's Filter Criteria are ignored.

Filter Defaults Defaults

If no Filter Defaults are specified at any level then all Checks will have this default applied:

    - isMod: true
authorIsBehavior: merge

In other words -- Checks will not run if the Author of the Activity being processed is a Moderator.

Flow Control Defaults

See Flow Control Documentation

Subreddit-Level Configuration

Other than configuration specific to processing Events there are many subreddit-level defaults and settings that can be controlled from the top-level of your configuration.

See Filter Defaults and Flow Control Defaults for links to those defaults for a subreddit.


Polling is how ContextMod creates Events from new Activities in a Subreddit. CM monitors one or more polling sources and processes any new Activities it discovers.

Polling Sources

There are four valid polling sources:


Activities that have yet to be approved/removed by a mod. This includes all modqueue (reports/spam) and new submissions.

Use this if you want the bot to act like a regular moderator and act on anything that can be seen from mod tools.

This is the default polling source.


Activities requiring moderator review, such as reported things and items caught by the spam filter.

Use this if you only want the Bot to process reported/filtered Activities.


Get only Submissions that show up in /r/mySubreddit/new

Use this if you want the bot to process Submissions only when:

  • they are not initially filtered by Automoderator or
  • after they have been manually approved from modqueue


Get only new Comments

Use this if you want the bot to process Comments only when:

  • they are not initially filtered by Automoderator or
  • after they have been manually approved from modqueue

Configuring Polling Sources

Polling can be configured by specifying the top level polling property in your subreddit's configuration:



polling must be a list comprised of either polling source names:

  - unmoderated
  - modqueue

and/or a polling source objects:

# using names and objects
  # using a name
  - unmoderated
  # using an object
  - pollOn: newComm
    delayUntil: 30

Best Practices

Order of Operations

Check Order

Checks are run in the order they appear in your configuration, therefore you should place your highest requirement/severe action checks at the top and lowest requirement/moderate actions at the bottom.

This is so that if an Activity warrants a more serious reaction that Check is triggered first rather than having a lower requirement check with less severe actions triggered and causing all subsequent Checks to be skipped.

  • Attribution >50% AND Repeat Activity 8x AND Recent Activity in 2 subs => remove submission + ban
  • Attribution >20% AND Repeat Activity 4x AND Recent Activity in 5 subs => remove submission + flair user restricted
  • Attribution >20% AND Repeat Activity 2x => remove submission
  • Attribution >20% AND History comments <30% => remove submission
  • Attribution >15% => report
  • Repeat Activity 2x => report
  • Recent Activity in 3 subs => report
  • Author not vetted => flair new user submission

This behavior can be arbitrarily controlled using Flow Control but, in order to keep complexity low, the above approach is a good rule-of-thumb.

Rule Order

The ordering of your Rules within a Check/RuleSet can have an impact on Check performance (speed) as well as API usage.

Consider these three rules:

  • Rule A -- Recent Activity => 3 subreddits => last 15 submissions
  • Rule B -- Repeat Activity => last 3 days
  • Rule C -- Attribution => >10% => last 90 days or 300 submissions

The first two rules are lightweight in their requirements -- Rule A can be completed in 1 API call, Rule B potentially completed in 1 Api call.

However, depending on how active the Author is, Rule C will take at least 3 API calls just to get all activities (Reddit limit 100 items per call).

If the Check is using AND condition for its rules (default) then if either Rule A or Rule B fail then Rule C will never run. This means 3 API calls never made plus the time waiting for each to return.

It is therefore advantageous to list your lightweight Rules first in each Check.

Configuration Re-use and Caching

ContextMod implements caching functionality for:

  • author history (window criteria in rules)
  • authorIs and itemIs results
  • content that uses wiki pages (on Comment/Report/Ban Actions)
  • User Notes
  • Rule results

All of these use api requests so caching them reduces api usage.

Cached results can be re-used if the criteria in configuration is identical to a previously cached result or by using Named Rules/Actions/Filters. So...

  • author history cache results are re-used if window criteria on a Rule is identical to the window on another Rule IE always use 7 Days or always use 50 Items for absolute counts.
  • authorIs criteria is identical to another authorIs elsewhere in configuration..
  • etc...

Re-use will result in less API calls and faster Check times.

PROTIP: You can monitor the re-use of cache in the Cache section of your subreddit on the web interface. See the tooltips in that section for a better breakdown of cache statistics.

Learn more about how Caching works

Partial Configurations

ContextMod supports fetching parts of a configuration (a Fragment) from an external source. Fragments are an advanced feature and should only be used by users who are familiar with CM's configuration syntax and understand the risks/downsides associates with fragmenting a configuration.

Fragments are supported for:

Should You Use Partial Configurations?

  • PROS
    • Consolidate shared configuration for many subreddits into one location
    • Shared configuration can be updated independently of subreddits
    • Allows sharing access to configuration outside of moderators of a specific subreddit or even reddit
  • CONS
    • Editor does not currently support viewing, editing, or updating Fragments. Only the Fragment URL is visible in a Subreddit's configuration
      • No editor support for viewing obscures "complete view" of configuration and makes editor less useful for validation
    • Currently, editor cannot validate individual Fragments. They must be copy-pasted "in place" within a normal configuration.
    • Using external (non-wiki) sources means you are responsible for the security/access to the fragment

In general, Fragments should only be used to offload small, well-tested pieces of a configuration that can be shared between many subreddits. Examples:

  • A regex Rule for spam links
  • A Recent Activity Rule for reporting users from freekarma subreddits


A Fragment may be either a special string or a Fragment object. The fetched Fragment can be either an object or an array of objects of the type of Fragment being replaced.


If value starts with wiki: then the proceeding value will be used to get a wiki page from the current subreddit

  • EX wiki:botconfig/myFragment tries to get

If the value starts with wiki: and ends with |someValue then someValue will be used as the base subreddit for the wiki page

  • EX wiki:myFragment/test|ContextModBot tries to get

If the value starts with url: then the value is fetched as an external url and expects raw text returned

  • EX url: tries to get the text response of


The object contains:

  • path -- REQUIRED string following rules above
  • ttl -- OPTIONAL, number of seconds to cache the URL result. Defaults to WikiTTL


Replacing A Rule with a URL Fragment

- checks:
  - name: Free Karma Alert
    description: Check if author has posted in 'freekarma' subreddits
    kind: submission
      - 'url:'
      - name: badSub
        kind: recentActivity
        useSubmissionAsReference: false
          # if the number of activities (sub/comment) found CUMULATIVELY in the subreddits listed is
          # equal to or greater than 1 then the rule is triggered
          - threshold: '>= 1'
              - MyBadSubreddit
        window: 7 days
      - kind: report
        content: 'uses freekarma subreddits and bad subreddits'

Replacing A Rule with a URL Fragment (Multiple)

- checks:
  - name: Free Karma Alert
    description: Check if author has posted in 'freekarma' subreddits
    kind: submission
      - 'url:'
      - kind: report
        content: 'uses freekarma subreddits and bad subreddits'

Replacing A Rule with a Wiki Fragment

- checks:
  - name: Free Karma Alert
    description: Check if author has posted in 'freekarma' subreddits
    kind: submission
      - 'wiki:freeKarmaFrag'
      - kind: report
        content: 'uses freekarma subreddits'

Subreddit-Ready Examples

Refer to the Subreddit-Ready Examples section to find ready-to-use configurations for common scenarios (spam, freekarma blocking, etc...). This is also a good place to familiarize yourself with what complete configurations look like.