In order to contribute you need to create a GitHub Fork of this project. When you Fork a project on Github you create a copy of the repository under your personal account. You can then make contributions to your own copy without them affecting the original.
Follow along with the activities below to get yourself ready for the rest of the walkthrough.
One Team Member
Fork the source repository:
- Visit
- Click the "fork" button, and choose your personal GitHub account if prompted
Add a contributor:
- Read the Github guide on adding collaborators
- Add the other team member as a collaborator on your copy of the repository
- Make sure they accept the invitation email before proceeding
All Team Members
Clone this project to your local machine. Note that this is cloning your forked copy, not the original:
$ cd Z:/my/parent/directory
$ git clone
# clone the fork repository from GitHub
$ cd repository-name
# change working directory to the cloned repository
View existing branches:
$ git branch
# show local branches
* master
$ git branch -r
# show remote branches
origin/HEAD -> origin/master
All Team Members
By now you should have noticed that you do not have a local develop
$ git branch
* master
Checkout the develop
branch to get a local copy:
$ git checkout develop
You should now be ready to move on to the rest of the walkthrough. If you'd like to see the repository you've created on your local machine in GitHub desktop, you can add a repository by choosing a local path.
Next we will walk through the process of creating feature branches, publishing changes to GitHub, and making a request to merge changes into the source repository using a Pull Request.