First, make sure that VCF files are compressed with bgzip and indexed with tabix:
for i in *.vcf.gz; do gunzip $i; bgzip ${i%%.gz}; done
for i in *.vcf.gz; do tabix -p vcf $i; done
Then merge the single-sample VCF files to multi-sample VCF files with bcftools
. This only works for a maximum of about 1000 samples because Linux has a maximum of 1024 open files per shell by default, so if the total number of samples is larger, then multiple multi-sample-VCF files need to be generated, or the limit needs to be increased, e.g., to 4096 with ulimin -n 4096
. Splitting into parts may be a good idea anyway because the parts can be run in parallel and the results can be merged afterwards. However, don't use too many batches per machine because then the I/O is the limit. For example, running 8 parts in parallel on a 8-core machine is not faster than running 4 parts.
bcftools merge -Oz -o ../part1.vcf.gz $(/bin/ls *.vcf.gz|head -n 1000)
bcftools merge -Oz -o ../part2.vcf.gz $(/bin/ls *.vcf.gz|tail -n +1001|head -n 1000)
bcftools merge -Oz -o ../part3.vcf.gz $(/bin/ls *.vcf.gz|tail -n +2001|head -n 1000)
# etc.
This takes about 10-12 minutes for each batch of about 1000 samples.
for VCF in $@
if [ -f $BASE.json.gz ]; then continue; fi
echo "*********************************************************"
echo "* Annotating $VCF"
echo "*********************************************************"
dotnet $NDIR/bin/Release/net6.0/Nirvana.dll \
-c $NDIR/Data/Cache/$GENOME/Both \
--sd $NDIR/Data/SupplementaryAnnotation/$GENOME \
-r $NDIR/Data/References/Homo_sapiens.$GENOME.Nirvana.dat \
-i $VCF \
-o $BASE \
2>&1 \
| tee $BASE.log
This takes about 40-50 minutes for each multi-sample VCF file.
import icaparser as icap
icap.split_multi_sample_json_file("part1.json.gz", "SINGLE_SAMPLE_JSON_DIR")
icap.split_multi_sample_json_file("part2.json.gz", "SINGLE_SAMPLE_JSON_DIR")
This takes about 25 minutes for each multi-sample JSON file.
For 1000 single-sample VCF files, we get approximately these runtimes:
- 00:12 for merging VCF files to a multi-sample VCF file
- 00:50 for annotating the multi-sample VCF file with ICA
- 00:25 for splitting the multi-sample JSON file into single-sample JSON files
This is about 1.5 hours total runtime. If we ran ICA on each VCF file for the 1000 samples separately, the runtime would be about 15 hours, i.e., 10 times as long.