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453 lines (369 loc) · 20.4 KB

File metadata and controls

453 lines (369 loc) · 20.4 KB

Originally copied from this gist

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Useful Spacemacs commands

  • SPC q q - quit


Binding Description
SPC w / split window vertically
SPC w - split window horizontally
SPC 1 switch to window 1
SPC 2 switch to window 2
SPC w d delete current window
SPC TAB switch to previous buffer

buffer/file/project juggling

Binding Description
SPC b b switch buffers
SPC f f find a file
SPC f s save a file (:w also works)
SPC b d kill current buffer
SPC p p open project
SPC p f find a file in current project
SPC p h switch buffers within current project
`SPC b 0-9 move buffer to numbered window
SPC v enter expand-region mode
SPC b b Helm mini; lists buffers & recent files
- CTRL SPC Mark Items
- CTRL z Actions
SPC b B ibuffer
SPC f f open files
- CTRL h up a folder
- CTRL l open a folder
- CTRL j up
- CTRL k down
SPC p p switch projects
SPC / searches through project
/ search in a file
SPC s s interactive search in a file
SPC h d help describe
SPC h d f help describe functions
SPC h d v help describe variables
SPC f e h help
ALT / snippet completion
SPC t s toggle syntax checking
SPC e syntax checking options
SPC a d dired


Binding Description
SPC v expand region
SPC V contract region
v set visual char mode
V set visual line mode
C-v block visual mode
s ( put parens around a region


Binding Description
[e Move line up
]e Move line down
[SPACE Insert space above
]SPACE Insert space below
[p Paste above current line
]p Paste below current line


evil-mc is a multi-cursor implementation available in spacemacs by default in the develop branch, optionally enabled in the main.

Binding Description
grm make-all-cursors
gru undo-all-cursors
grs pause-cursors
grr resume-cursors
grf make-and-goto-first-cursor
grl make-and-goto-last-cursor
grh make-cursor-here
M-n make-and-goto-next-cursor
grN skip-and-goto-next-cursor
M-p make-and-goto-prev-cursor
grP skip-and-goto-prev-cursor
C-n make-and-goto-next-match
grn skip-and-goto-next-match
C-t skip-and-goto-next-match
C-p make-and-goto-prev-match
grp skip-and-goto-prev-match

2.1 Quick Guide for Using Multiple Cursors

Multiple cursors can be used to simultaneously modify occurrences of a word, expression, symbol, etc. To enable it globally add (global-evil-mc-mode 1) to your .spacemacs file.

2.2 General Principles

  1. Descriptions here are provided to supplement the evil-mc documentation which makes sense if you have a foundation but may be somewhat terse for the novice.

  2. You use evil-mc commands to make or manipulate multiple "fake" cursors. You are then able to make modifications to text at all cursors at once in multiple locations of the buffer.

  3. Once created, fake cursors persist until you clear them (grq).

  4. There are two sets of commands, those that create/remove cursors and those that navigate among them.

  5. Fake cursors are created in two ways: a) by matching text, or b) by manually selecting where the cursor should be.

2.3 Simple Case 1 - Matching

Using text matching we can create cursors on multiple lines. Let's say we have this picnic list:

Ron: Ice and soda
Sally: Volleyball
Ron: Vollball nets
Ron: Sand
Ann: Adult beverages
Ron: Sunblock

Rob can't make it now we have to change his assignments to someone else.

  1. Put your cursor on the first Rob.
  2. In command mode type C-n (evil-mc-make-cursor-and-goto-next-match).
  3. You should get another cursor on the next match.
  4. Again, type C-n which should give you another cursor on the third match.
  5. At this point you can move and edit as appropriate (e.g., b cw Rick).
  6. Type ESC to exit insert mode.
  7. To clear your cursors, type grq (evil-undo-all-cursors).

2.4 Simple Case 2 - Columnar

Another common case for changing multiple lines is that you want to change a column of text but there are no matching symbols. In the example below, let's say you want to change the ) numbering to simply a ..

1) Sample line A
2) Sample line B
3) Sample line C

If you put your cursor on ) and use the C-n you get the message Search failed because evil doesn't recognize the matching parenthesis. What we can do in this case is use the evil-mc-make-cursor-and-goto-next-line function. Rather than looking for match evil will simply move directly down one line.

  1. Put your cursor on the first ).
  2. In command mode type grj (evil-mc-make-cursor-and-goto-next-line).
  3. You will get a new fake cursor directly below where you started. Type grj again and you will have your third cursor.
  4. As before, you can make your edits here using the normal commands.
  5. Type ESC to exit insert mode and type grq to clear the cursors.

2.5 Simple Case 3 - Movement Args

When running the cursor commands you can make use of normal vim/spacemacs movement arguments.

1) Sample line A
2) Sample line B
3) Sample line C
  1. As before, in command mode put your cursor on the first ).
  2. Type 2grj.
  3. Edit as usual, ESC to exit insert mode, etc.

2.6 Simple Case 3 - Manually Setting Cursors

In the last example let's say we have some word or symbol that isn't matching really well or we're only dealing with a few lines. In that case you might want to manually place your fake cursors. Let's say we want to instances below from appl to run.

def appl_start = "apple"
println "Application end: {appl_end}"
def (other, appl_and_exit) = [true,false]
  1. Move your cursor to the a in appl in the first line.
  2. Place a cursor using grh (evil-mc-make-cursor-here).
  3. You have your first fake cursor but now it will want to chase the real cursor around while you place your other cursors so you need to pause it. Type grs (evil-mc-pause-cursors).
  4. Now move to the a in appl_end and do another grh.
  5. Move to the a in appl_and_exit and place your final fake cursor with grh.
  6. Now resume cursors with grr (evil-mc-resume-cursors).
  7. Edit as usual, ESC to exit insert mode, etc.

Once you get the idea, refer to the evil-mc documentation for more details.


Changing workspace

Binding Description
gT previous workspace
SPC l w n create or switch to workspace n
SPC l w TAB last active workspace
SPC l w c close current workspace
SPC l w <n or l> next workspace
SPC l w <N, p or h> previous workspace
SPC l w r set a tag to the current workspace
SPC l w w switched to tagged workspace


Binding Description
Alt % interactive find/replace within selected region, or from cursor point to end
y do the replacement.
n skip
! do this and all remaining replacements without asking.
Ctrl+g cancel.


Binding Description
SPC g b open a magit blame
SPC g B quit magit blame
SPC g c commit changes
SPC g C checkout branches
SPC g d show diff prompt
SPC g D show diff against current head
SPC g e show ediff comparison
SPC g E show ediff against current head
SPC g f show fetch prompt
SPC g F show pull prompt
SPC g H c clear highlights
SPC g H h highlight regions by age of commits
SPC g H t highlight regions by last updated time
SPC g i git init a given directory
SPC g I open helm-gitignore
SPC g l open a magit log
SPC g L display the log for a file
SPC g P show push prompt
SPC g s open a magit status window
SPC g S stage current file
SPC g m display the last commit message of the current line
SPC g t launch the git time machine
SPC g U unstage current file
  • Highlight by age of commit or last update time is provided by smeargle.
  • Git time machine is provided by git-timemachine.
  • Git last commit message per line is provided by git-messenger.

3.1 Magit

A well-featurend Spacemacs layer for managing Git repositories.

Add magit to dotspacemacs-configuration-layers in your .spacemacs file. Access it from spacemacs using SPC f e d

Magit can only work from a Git repository

From within a Git repo:

  • SPC g s open magit for a git repo

Common commands

Binding Description
$ open command output buffer
c c open a commit message buffer
b b checkout a branch
b c create a branch
f f fetch changes
F u pull tracked branch
-r toggle rebase on pull
gr refresh
C-j goto next magit section
C-k goto previous magit section
l l open log buffer
o revert item at point
P u push to tracked branch
P m push to matching branch (e.g., upstream/develop to origin/develop)
q quit
s on a file or hunk in a diff: stage the file or hunk
S stage all
x discard changes
+ on a hunk: increase hunk size
- on a hunk: decrease hunk size
TAB on a file: expand/collapse diff
u on a staged file: unstage
U unstage all staged files
v or V select multiple lines
z z stash changes

NOTE Staging lines

Magit allows you to stage specific lines by selecting them in a diff and hitting s to stage. Due to inconsistencies between Vim and Emacs editing styles, if you enter visual line state with V, you will stage one more line than intended. To work around this, you can use v instead (since Magit only stages whole lines, in any case).

3.2 Commit message editing buffer

When done editing, commit with <leader>c (<leader> defaults to , in spacemacs) or C-c C-c. Discard the commit with <leader>k, or C-c C-k.

3.3 Interactive rebase buffer

Binding Description
c or p pick
e edit
f fixup
j go down
gj move line down
k go up
gk move line up
d or x kill line
r reword
s squash
u undo
y insert
! execute

3.4 Quick guide for recurring use cases in Magit

Amend a commit:

  • l l to open log buffer
  • c a on the commit you want to amend

Squash last commit:

  • l l open log buffer
  • r e on second to last commit, it opens the rebase buffer
  • j put point on last commit
  • s squash it

Force push a squashed commit: in the status buffer you should see the new commit unpushed and the old commit unpulled

  • P -f P for force a push (beware usually it is not recommended to rewrite the history of a public repository, but if you are sure that you are the only one to work on a repository it is ok - i.e. in your fork). Add upstream remote (the parent repository you have forked):
  • M open the remote popup
  • a add a remote

Pull changes from upstream (the parent repository you have forked) and push:

  • F (-r) C-u F then choose upstream or the name you gave to it
  • (-r) toggle on rebase if needed
  • P P push the commit to origin

3.5 Git-Flow

magit-gitflow provides git-flow commands in its own magit menu.

  • % open magit-gitflow menu

3.6 Git time machine

git-timemachine allows to quickly browse the commits of the current buffer.

Enter git timemachine with SPC g t from the file you wish to explore

  • c show current commit
  • n show next commit
  • N show previous commit
  • p show previous commit
  • q leave micro-state and git timemachine
  • Y copy current commit hash

Useful Vim key bindings


Binding Description
0 beginning of line
^ beginning of non-whitespace
$ end of line
9j move down 9 lines
w move forward by word
b move backward by word
gg first line
G last line
C-u up half page
C-d down half page
f/ move forward to first "/" character
t/ move forward right before the first "/" character
; repeat that command again
H head of the screen
M middle of the screen
L last of the screen
} move forward by paragraph or block
{ move backwards by paragraph or block
* search for word under the cursor
n search again forward
N search again backwards
# search backwards for word under cursor
/ search forward
? search backward
% find matching brace, paren, etc
ma mark a line in a file with marker "a"
``a` after moving around, go back to the exact position of marker "a"
'a after moving around, go back to line of marker "a"
:marks view all the marks
'' go to the last place you were


Binding Description
x delete char under cursor
X delete char before cursor
A add to end of line
I insert at the beginning of the line
dd delete line
D delete from cursor to end of line
di' delete text inside single quotes
yy copy line
Y copy from cursor to end of line
p paste after cursor
P paste before cursor
o add line below
O add line above
. repeat last comment
r replace character
R replace. (overwrite) (good for columns of text)
J join line (cursor can be anywhere on line)
cc change line
C change from cursor to end of line

Change text inside something, e.g.

Binding Description
cit inside html tag
ci' inside single quotes
ci{ inside curly brackets.
ciw inside word