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How to modify the Android Eversense App

BernhardRo edited this page Nov 3, 2018 · 6 revisions
  1. Install the official EversenseApp from the Playstore
  2. Extract the APK of this App (e.g. with MyAppSharer)
  3. Upload this APK (com.senseonics.gen12androidapp) to your PC
  4. Decompile the APK to .smali code (e.g. with Apktool)
  5. In the decompiled app, navigate to com.senseonics.gen12androidapp\smali\com\senseonics\db
  6. Copy/duplicate ConnectedTransmitterContentProvider.smali and name the new file GlucoseContentProvider.smali (see the file in this repo for references)
  7. Edit GlucoseContentProvider.smali and rename every instance of ConnectedTransmitterContentProvider to GlucoseContentProviderand connectedTransmitters to glucosereadings (in the SQL statements) - except of line 29: for security reasons, rename the string in performDelete to something like deletenotsupported
  8. Modify com.senseonics.gen12androidapp\AndroidManifest.xml: Replace line 66 (<provider...) with: <provider android:authorities="com.senseonics.gen12androidapp.transmitter" android:grantUriPermissions="true" android:exported="true" android:name="com.senseonics.db.ConnectedTransmitterContentProvider"/> <provider android:authorities="com.senseonics.gen12androidapp.glucose" android:grantUriPermissions="true" android:exported="true" android:name="com.senseonics.db.GlucoseContentProvider"/> (see the file in this repo for references)
  9. Compile the code according the documentation of your tool you have used to decompile it
  10. Sign the compiled APK (See the Android Documentationfor help)
  11. Uninstall the original Eversense App on your phone (Warning: the local history of your CGM readings in your Eversense App will get lost) and install your new APK. The new App will behave just like the original one - except of the difference that the CGM reading can be accessed from other Apps e.g. by ESEL
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