All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.9.6 (2017-03-21)
- Name of project should link to config page (7a7e9d9)
- Use correct name for project deletions. (dc4ccb2)
- wording for error message (0ce4b92)
1.9.5 (2017-02-20)
- cli use strict and semi (a76bb0b)
- context server name was undefined (8e5cb5c)
- log error if bad mongo connection, resolves #997 (04cdefb)
- [BUGFIX] HAve server us it's own version of ansi.js, see (#991)
- [BUGFIX] Fix collaborator router returning 404, see (#990)
- [UI] Build Metadata: Move progress bar to the bottom
- [UI] History Row: Hide took and / in certain states
- [DEV] Build client scripts on prepublish
The biggest change in this release is that Strider expects to be run with Node.js version greater or equal to 4.2.
- Expect Node >= 4.2
- Update dependencies
- Fix tests
- Fix config merge behavior
- Fix express deprecations
- Order plugins alphabetically
- Convert more routes to express router syntax
- Don't create default config for runner plugins
- Fix duplicate job listings
- Jade to Pug deprecation fix
- Improved logging, use
env - Dashboard & Build Page UI refresh (#988)
- Update moment again for security
- Remove Heroku XHR polling (#920)
- Document concurrent jobs env
- Fix login redirects (#923)
- Add plugin blocks for login form (#924)
- Cleanup travis config
- Lock in Angular version
- Update plugin dependencies
- Set name of local plugins (#932)
- Add SMTP_SECURE config (#933)
- Fix script (#943)
- Fix performance issues when viewing failed builds (#952)
- Fix hard-coded admin notification email address (#951)
- Fix ESLint usage (#954)
- Fix footer being scrolled out of view
- Go to hash-targetted tab
- Add IntelliJ code style definition
- Replace ssh-keypair with native JS solution (win support)
- Allow strider.json to set runner
- Add more
instances for logging - Replace Makefile with npm scripts
- Update moment to a secure version
- Add option to disable deploy on PR (#908)
- Update everypaas
- Update github provider
- Fix strider.json fetch for Github provider (#914)
- Update dependencies
- Delete unused dependencies and files
- Add strider-gitlab as dep
- Invite code checks email
- Update angular and router
- Fix module usage for ecosystem client
- Case-sensitive emails
- Fix provider accounts title
- Fix tab switching error
- Project branch cloning
- Github config more explicit
- Fix accesslevel for new projects with no jobs
- Error on malformed projects
- Fix codemirror refresh
- Add save button to branch settings page
- Sort build history by created date
- Client fixes in config and job pages
- Add missing client build
- Update strider dependencies
- ANSI fixes (#848)
- Fix job aborting if strider.json not found (#849)
- Fix job model location (#847)
- Fix crash if plugin missing (#845)
- Update fonts and styles
- Cleanup of main.js, move to utils
- Test fixes for travis (#843)
- Fix invite code render (#842)
- Project access levels for sockets (#839)
- Dropdown fix and new plugin blocks (#841)
- Fix user invite email (#840)
- Update jquery to 2.x
- JSHint updates
- Fix plugin template registration (#838)
- Upgrade all plugins (#671)
- Fix config in Firefox (#717)
- Easier install (no bower issues) (#764)
- Many more bugs fixed, see the diff 2e3106a4...402c1d6
- [FEATURE] Corporate Proxy Support (#741)
- [ENHANCEMENT] io.js support (commit)
- [ENHANCEMENT] Make configure button more obvious on build page (commit)
- [BUGFIX] mongoose version issues (#752)
- [BUGFIX] Fix issue with mission critical routes (#748)
- Readme updates
- Docker support in core.
- Bring back password reset.
- addUser retry if email taken.
strider addUser -f
for overwritting user.- New project config page layout, see #629
- Plugin manager
- Invite revoke
- Layout/Style fixes
- Plugin dependency updates
- Bug fixes
- Modular client-side (browserify)
- Major cleanup of client-side code
- strider-cli moved out
- etc..
- Many bugfixes and improvements.
- New plugin: strider-ssh-deploy. Continuously deploy your code to servers over SSH. [ ]
- New plugin: strider-slack: SlackHQ integration [ ]
- New Plugin: strider-metadata: Add job metadata to environment [ ]
Bugfix release for 1.4. Fixes bugs in email notifications, github and bitbucket.
Bugfix release for 1.4. Adds Windows support, many fixes and small improvements.
1.4.3 - milestone
Bugfix release for 1.4. No major new features.
Fixes include:
- #286 strider crash on large github webhook post body
1.4.2 - milestone
Bugfix release for 1.4. No major new features.
Fixes include:
- #296 encoding / LOCALE issues
- #289 / #281 getTime() crash
- #287 unable to add environment variables
1.4.1 - milestone
Bugfix release for 1.4. No major new features.
Fixes include:
- #210 collaborator acces level issue
- #278 failed to load plugins when running as non-root user
- #280 move plugin aggregation to dynamic route
- #274 error when promoting user to admin
- #284 safari displays logged-in cache of / despite logout
1.4 - track progress, milestone
Released Nov 16th 2013
Major refactor, almost everything has changed:
Pluggable VCS providers enable:
- Git
- Github Enterprise
- BitBucket
- Generic Git
- 3rd party projects working on Gitlab
Per-branch repos and config. E.g. "release" branch can have different config from "master" branch.
Testing of Pull Requests.
Per-projet plugin configuration. Plugins can be ordered and configured entirely through the web UI.
1.3 milestone
- This seems like ages ago...
- Records are blurry back here - look at the git log for information.