Explore the captivating world of 'Beware of Dragons' a high-fantasy Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) text adventure game powered by Elixir and Phoenix. This open-source game server brings the mystical realms of 'Beware of Dragons' to life, providing an immersive experience for players and valuable insights for aspiring game developers.
'Beware of Dragons' is more than just a game; it's an ambitious project that combines rich lore, dynamic combat, and technical prowess. The game server is an integral part of this project, delivering an authentic MUD experience using the Elixir and Phoenix framework. Just like the online book, our goal is to empower you to create an immersive multiplayer text adventure game.
The 'Beware of Dragons' game server is built on the same technology stack as the online book. We leverage Elixir, Phoenix, and LiveView to ensure a robust and highly interactive gaming experience. This choice of technology is not just a matter of preference; it reflects a commitment to best practices in distributed systems.
This repository is more than just code; it's a valuable resource for aspiring game developers. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting, this server provides insights into game development, distributed systems, and best practices. It's designed to be a community-driven effort to help you pick up Phoenix/LiveView and learn good practices in distributed systems.
Embark on an epic journey through 'Beware of Dragons.' Your contributions, whether through code, documentation, or feedback, are instrumental in shaping the game and enhancing the learning experience for fellow developers.
How to Contribute:
- Report Issues: If you encounter bugs or have suggestions, please let us know.
- Submit Pull Requests: Contribute directly to the development of the game server.
- Participate in Discussions: Share your thoughts and engage with the community.
By participating in the development of the 'Beware of Dragons' game server, you're not just playing a game; you're building a unique learning resource for game developers and promoting best practices in distributed systems.
Embark on a journey into the heart of 'Beware of Dragons.' The game server is a pivotal element in our mission to create an immersive multiplayer text adventure game and share the knowledge needed to make it happen.
Start your adventure by exploring the code, contributing to the community, and helping shape the future of 'Beware of Dragons.' Together, we can turn the world of fantasy into reality.