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Bhavye Mathur edited this page Jul 8, 2020 · 29 revisions


I have tried to make this documentation as comprehensive and easy to understand as I could. If there are any questions, feel free to mail me at the address provided below or post an issue on the issues tab.

Graphics Objects

Anyways, let's get started. This graphics library is object-orientated and is divided into the classes linked to below. I categorize these classes into 3 sections: Primitive, Compound, and Other. Primitive classes are the most basic classes; all the compound classes require them to work. These would include the most basic geometrical shapes like Polygons & Ellipses and slightly more complex widgets and objects such as Images & Entries.

The Compound classes, as their name suggest, are made from 1 or more Primitive class. Take Buttons - you can make a button from any Primitive class. Do you want to make a polygon a button? a circle? an image? go ahead. Similarly, for classes like the Checkbox & Radiobuttons, you can either supply a Primitive object and create a Checkbox or Radiobutton out of them... or you could also supply a Button!

The other classes aren't exactly Graphics Objects, they just sort of help with creating the Graphics Objects. This would include the GraphWin which helps you draw objects on top, or the Point class which helps you position objects.

Primitive Classes

  • GraphicsObject - This is a general class for all primitive-objects.
  • Rectangle - This class lets you create, you guessed it, rectangles & squares.
  • Oval - A class for creating ellipses.
  • Circle - A child class of the oval to create circles.
  • Polygon - Create shapes with more vertices!
  • Line - Create Lines!
  • Arc - Create Arcs!
  • Image - Built on top of PIL.
  • Text - Use this to add text to your application and customize the font, colour, style, and more!
  • Entry - Need an input from the user? Use this.

Compound Classes

  • Button - Makes the work of creating and animating a Button easy.
  • CheckBox - Adding a settings page? You can add Checkboxes!
  • CycleButton - Gives you more than 2 states unlike the Checkboxes.
  • RadioButton - Perfect for Multiple Choice Selection related functions.
  • SlideBar - Create a modern-looking Slider to take input from the user!

Other Classes

  • GraphWin - This creates a window for you to draw the other objects on
  • Point - This helps position the objects on the window

But, it is not limited to just this. This next part might not be for everyone, but if you ever require vector graphic functions or easing for your animations, Goopy provides mathematical functions for help with animations and vector graphics:

Mathematical Functions

Lists of Objects:



New Features!



Important Classes

Graphics Objects

Primitive Classes

Compound Classes

Internal & Other Classes

Graphics Math Functions

Lists of Options

New & Planned Features


Version History

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