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File metadata and controls

84 lines (62 loc) · 3.64 KB

Suid Extensions

This small "gist" consists of these components which cannot currently be found in @swordev/suid, but might be handy for development. I share these components to:

  1. hopefully improve suid in the longterm
  2. help desperate developers out of their depression
  3. give developers a place to share their custom useful components

Currently, you would have to copy the code from the repository to your project to use it, because I don't have enough time to set up a whole project with CI pipeline and so to publish it to npm. If you want to contribute, a pr with a full setup like this is welcomed.


This is a MUI Select component which fully supports SSR and the <For/> component. Unfortunately, it is not fully compatible with the original implementation of mui, because this would require to render the selectable items in advance which conflicts with the idea behind solid.js - performance.

Sample usage:

import CtSelect from "~/lib/suid/CtSelect/CtSelect";
import CtSelectItem from "~/lib/suid/CtSelect/CtSelectItem";
import {createSignal, For} from "solid-js";
import {Typography} from "@suid/material";

export default function () {
    const [value, setValue] = createSignal(0)
    return <>
            renderValue={v => "Item " + v} // this is how the item will be rendered in the component when selected, you can return JSX there
            value={value()} // this is currently only required to execute renderValue, but might be used in future for autofocus too
            onSelected={value1 => setValue(value1)} // the onChange alternative which only provides the newValue
            sx={{width: 200}} // this is a full-fledged suid component, so we have similar customization options
            <For each={Array.from({length: 5}, (_, i) => i + 1)}>{item =>
                <CtSelectItem value={item}/> // We need this component, because it registers in the context of the CtSelect to forward click events
            <Typography variant={"overline"} sx={{ml: 2}}>This is a
                category</Typography> {/*Will only be rendered in the popup as in the mui implementation*/}
            <CtSelectItem value={-1}>This will show as Item -1 when
                selected</CtSelectItem> {/*Per default, the `renderValue` function of the parent CtSelect will be used, but you can also override it by passing your own implementation*/}

Note: The component currently doesn't support autofocus. This is when you open the Menu the initially selected item is the one that is selected. This is quite useful, when working with a keyboard

Also: I don't know why the MUI implementation includes a native select component (probably because of accessibility), but I had to remove the onChange listener on this native component. I didn't seam to do anything, but I don't know if I destroyed accessibility with that.

The name comes from an internal Project and has nothing to do with the functionality.


Implementation of the currently unsupported LoadingButton in the labs package of mui. Usage is the same als mui implementation, so see their documentation for more information.


A collapse component which supports only vertical collapsing with animation.


export default function () {
    const [show, setShow] = createSignal(false)
    return <>
       <Collapse in={show()}>
            Hello World!