- Go to Google Cloud Console (Compute Engine API) and press the "ENABLE" button if it isn't yet enabled (it might ask you to also create and enable billing)
- Press the "CREATE INSTANCE" button
- Select the following options (keep other options as default):
Option Value Machine Configuration -> Machine type e2-standard-2 Firewall -> Allow HTTPS Checked (yes) - Go to the "Boot disk" section and press the "CHANGE" button
- In the "Operating system" dropdown menu select "Ubuntu" (keep other options as default)
- Press the "SELECT" button
- Press the "CREATE" button at the end of the page
- Press the "SSH" button on the created instance
- Run the following script:
bash <(curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BigWhaleLabs/seal-hub-prover/main/scripts/install.sh)
- Note the prover URL that will be displayed in the end, this is the URL you will use at SealHub
⚠️ Don't forget to delete the instance after you generated the ZK proof so that you don't get a surprise bill from GCP