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Biostar Handbook, Source:


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The content on this page originates in a SeqAnswers forum post

That content has been reformatted and it is being expanded to include more information.

There are common options for most BBMap suite programs and depending on the file extension the input/output format is automatically chosen/set.

Using BBMap

Mapping Nanopore reads has a length cap of 6kbp. Reads longer than this will be broken into 6kbp pieces and mapped independently.

Code: -Xmx20g k=7 in=reads.fastq ref=reference.fa maxlen=1000 minlen=200 idtag ow int=f qin=33 out=mapped1.sam minratio=0.15 ignorequality slow ordered maxindel1=40 maxindel2=400

The "maxlen" flag shreds them to a max length of 1000; you can set that up to 6000. But I found 1000 gave a higher mapping rate.

Using Paired-end and single-end reads at the same time

BBMap itself can only run single-ended or paired-ended in a single run, but it has a wrapper that can accomplish it, like this: in1=read1.fq,singletons.fq in2=read2.fq,null out=mapped.sam append

This will write all the reads to the same output file but only print the headers once. I have not tried that for bam output, only sam output

Count k-mers/find unknown primers in=reads.fq out=trimmed.fq ftr=19

This will trim all but the first 20 bases (all bases after position 19, zero-based). in=trimmed.fq out=counts.txt fastadump=f mincount=10 k=20 rcomp=f

This will generate a file containing the counts of all 20-mers that occurred at least 10 times, in a 2-column format that is easy to sort in Excel.


...etc. If the primers are 20bp long, they should be pretty obvious.

Sampling reads in=reads.fq out=sampled.fq sample=3000

Extract reads from a sam file in=reads.sam out=reads.fastq

Verify pairing and optionally de-interleave the reads in=reads.fastq verifypairing

If that completes successfully and says the reads were correctly paired, then you can simply de-interleave reads into two files like this: in=reads.fastq out1=r1.fastq out2=r2.fastq

Base quality histograms in=reads.fq qchist=qchist.txt

That stands for "quality count histogram".

Filter SAM/BAM file by read length in=x.sam out=y.sam minlength=50 maxlength=200

BBMerge now has a new flag - "outa" or "outadapter". This allows you to automatically detect the adapter sequence of reads with short insert sizes, in case you don't know what adapters were used. It works like this: in=reads.fq outa=adapters.fa reads=1m

Of course, it will only work for paired reads! The output fasta file will look like this:


If you have multiplexed things with different barcodes in the adapters, the part with the barcode will show up as Ns, like this:


Finding reads with a specific sequence at the beginning of read -Xmx1g in=reads.fq outm=matched.fq outu=unmatched.fq restrictleft=25 k=25 literal=AAAAACCCCCTTTTTGGGGGAAAAA

In this case, all reads starting with 'AAAAACCCCCTTTTTGGGGGAAAAAwill end up inmatched.fqand all other reads will end up inunmatched.fq`. Specifically, the command means "look for 25-mers in the leftmost 25 bp of the read", which will require an exact prefix match, though you can relax that if you want.

So you could bin all the reads with your known sequence, then look at the remaining reads to see what they have in common. You can do the same thing with the tail of the read using "restrictright" instead, though you can't use both restrictions at the same time. in=reads.fq outm=matched.fq literal=NNNNNNCCCCGGGGGTTTTTAAAAA k=25 copyundefined

With the "copyundefined" flag, a copy of each reference sequence will be made representing every valid combination of defined letter. So instead of increasing memory or time use by 6^75, it only increases them by 4^6 or 4096 which is completely reasonable, but it only allows substitutions at predefined locations. You can use the "copyundefined", "hdist", and "qhdist" flags together for a lot of flexibility - for example, hdist=2 qhdist=1 and 3 Ns in the reference would allow a hamming distance of 6 with much lower resource requirements than hdist=6. Just be sure to give BBDuk as much memory as possible. Removing illumina adapters (if exact adapters not known) in=reads.fq out=unmatched.fq outm=matched.fq literal=ACGTACGTACGTACGTAC k=18 mm=f hdist=2

Make sure "k" is set to the exact length of the sequence. "hdist" controls the number of substitutions allowed. "outm" gets the reads that match. By default this also looks for the reverse-complement; you can disable that with "rcomp=f".

General notes for

BBDuk can operate in one of 4 kmer-matching modes: Right-trimming (ktrim=r), left-trimming (ktrim=l), masking (ktrim=n), and filtering (default). But it can only do one at a time because all kmers are stored in a single table. It can still do non-kmer-based operations such as quality trimming at the same time.

BBDuk2 can do all 4 kmer operations at once and is designed for integration into automated pipelines where you do contaminant removal and adapter-trimming in a single pass to minimize filesystem I/O. Personally, I never use BBDuk2 from the command line. Both have identical capabilities and functionality otherwise, but the syntax is different.

Generate random reads in various formats ref=genome.fasta out=reads.fq len=100 reads=10000

You can specify paired reads, an insert size distribution, read lengths (or length ranges), and so forth. But because I developed it to benchmark mapping algorithms, it is specifically designed to give excellent control over mutations. You can specify the number of snps, insertions, deletions, and Ns per read, either exactly or probabilistically; the lengths of these events is individually customizable, the quality values can alternately be set to allow errors to be generated on the basis of quality; there's a PacBio error model; and all of the reads are annotated with their genomic origin, so you will know the correct answer when mapping.

Bear in mind that 50% of the reads are going to be generated from the plus strand and 50% from the minus strand. So, either a read will match the reference perfectly, OR its reverse-complement will match perfectly.

You can generate the same set of reads with and without SNPs by fixing the seed to a positive number, like this: maxsnps=0 adderrors=false out=perfect.fastq reads=1000 minlength=18 maxlength=55 seed=5 maxsnps=2 snprate=1 adderrors=false out=2snps.fastq reads=1000 minlength=18 maxlength=55 seed=5

Simulate a jump library

You can simulate a 4000bp jump library from your existing data like this.

cat assembly1.fa assembly2.fa > combined.fa ref=combined.fa reads=1000000 length=100 paired interleaved mininsert=3500 maxinsert=4500 bell perfect=1 q=35 out=jump.fq.gz

Demultiplex fastq files when the tag is present in the fastq read header (illumina) in=r#.fq out=out_%_#.fq prefixmode=f names=GGACTCCT+GCGATCTA,TAAGGCGA+TCTACTCT,... outu=filename

"Names" can also be a text file with one barcode per line (in exactly the format found in the read header). You do have to include all of the expected barcodes, though.

In the output filename, the "%" symbol gets replaced by the barcode; in both the input and output names, the "#" symbol gets replaced by 1 or 2 for read 1 or read 2. It's optional, though; you can leave it out for interleaved input/output, or specify in1=/in2=/out1=/out2= if you want custom naming.

Plotting the length distribution of reads in=file out=histogram.txt bin=10 max=80000

That will plot the result in bins of size 10, with everything above 80k placed in the same bin. The defaults are set for relatively short sequences so if they are many megabases long you may need to add the flag "-Xmx8g" and increase "max=" to something much higher.

Alternatively, if these are assemblies and you're interested in continuity information (L50, N50, etc), you can run stats on each or statswrapper on all of them: in=file

or in=file,file,file,file…

By default, "filterbyname" discards reads with names in your name list, and keeps the rest. To include them and discard the others, do this: in=003.fastq out=filter003.fq names=names003.txt include=t

Splits a sam file into forward and reverse reads mapped.sam forward.sam reverse.sam

BBSplit now has the ability to output paired reads in dual files using the # symbol. For example: ref=x.fa,y.fa in1=read1.fq in2=read2.fq basename=o%_#.fq

will produce ox_1.fq, ox_2.fq, oy_1.fq, and oy_2.fq

You can use the # symbol for input also, like "in=read#.fq", and it will get expanded into 1 and 2.

Added feature: One can specify a directory for the "ref=" argument. If anything in the list is a directory, it will use all fasta files in that directory. They need a fasta extension, like .fa or .fasta, but can be compressed with an additional .gz after that. Reason this is useful is to use BBSplit is to have it split input into one output file per reference file.

NOTE: 1 By default BBSplit uses fairly strict mapping parameters; you can get the same sensitivity as BBMap by adding the flags "minid=0.76 maxindel=16k minhits=1". With those parameters it is extremely sensitive.

NOTE: 2 BBSplit has different ambiguity settings for dealing with reads that map to multiple genomes. In any case, if the alignment score is higher to one genome than another, it will be associated with that genome only (this considers the combined scores of read pairs - pairs are always kept together). But when a read or pair has two identically-scoring mapping locations, on different genomes, the behavior is controlled by the "ambig2" flag - "ambig2=toss" will discard the read, "all" will send it to all output files, and "split" will send it to a separate file for ambiguously-mapped reads (one per genome to which it maps).

NOTE: 3 Zero-count lines are suppressed by default, but they should be printed if you include the flag "nzo=f" (nonzeroonly=false).

NOTE: 4 BBSplit needs multiple reference files as input; one per organism, or one for target and another for everything else. It only outputs one file per reference file., on the other hand, which is similar, can use a single concatenated file, as it (by default) will output one file per reference sequence within a concatenated set of references.

To generate transcript coverage stats in=mapped.sam normcov=normcoverage.txt normb=20 stats=stats.txt

That will generate coverage per transcript, with 20 lines per transcript, each line showing the coverage for that fraction of the transcript. "stats" will contain other information like the fraction of bases in each transcript that was covered.

Calculating coverage of the genome

Program will take sam or bam, sorted or unsorted. in=mapped.sam out=stats.txt hist=histogram.txt

stats.txt will contain the average depth and percent covered of each reference sequence; the histogram will contain the exact number of bases with a each coverage level. You can also get per-base coverage or binned coverage if you want to plot the coverage. It also generates median and standard deviation, and so forth.

It's also possible to generate coverage directly from BBMap, without an intermediate sam file, like this: in=reads.fq ref=reference.fasta nodisk covstats=stats.txt covhist=histogram.txt

We use this a lot in situations where all you care about is coverage distributions, which is somewhat common in metagenome assemblies. It also supports most of the flags that supports, though the syntax is slightly different to prevent collisions. In each case you can see all the possible flags by running the shellscript with no arguments.

To bin aligned reads in=mapped.sam out=stats.txt bincov=coverage.txt binsize=1000

That will give coverage within each bin. For read density regardless of read length, add the "startcov=t" flag.

Dedupe ensures that there is at most one copy of any input sequence, optionally allowing contaminants (substrings) to be removed, and a variable hamming or edit distance to be specified. Usage: in=assembly1.fa,assembly2.fa out=merged.fa

That will absorb exact duplicates and containments. You can use "hdist" and "edist" flags to allow mismatches, or get a complete list of flags by running the shellscript with no arguments.

Dedupe will merge assemblies, but it will not produce consensus sequences or join overlapping reads; it only removes sequences that are fully contained within other sequences (allowing the specified number of mismatches or edits).

Dedupe can remove duplicate reads from multiple files simultaneously, if they are comma-delimited (e.g. in=file1.fastq,file2.fastq,file3.fastq). And if you set the flag "uniqueonly=t" then ALL copies of duplicate reads will be removed, as opposed to the default behavior of leaving one copy of duplicate reads.

However, it does not care which file a read came from; in other words, it can't remove only reads that are duplicates across multiple files but leave the ones that are duplicates within a file. That can still be accomplished, though, like this:

  1. Run dedupe on each sample individually, so now there are at most 1 copy of a read per sample.
  2. Run dedupe again on all of the samples together, with "uniqueonly=t". The only remaining duplicate reads will be the ones duplicated between samples, so that's all that will be removed.

Generate ROC curves from any aligner

You have to index the reference

  1. Index the reference: ref=reference.fasta
  2. Generate random reads reads=100000 length=100 out=synth.fastq maxq=35 midq=25 minq=15
  3. Map to produce a sam file in=synth.fq out=mapped.sam

...substitute this command with the appropriate one from your aligner of choice

  1. Generate ROC curve in=mapped.sam reads=100000

Calculate heterozygous rate for sequence data in=reads.fq khist=histogram.txt peaks=peaks.txt

You can examine the histogram manually, or use the "peaks" file which tells you the number of unique kmers in each peak on the histogram. For a diploid, the first peak will be the het peak, the second will be the homozygous peak, and the rest will be repeat peaks. The peak caller is not perfect, though, so particularly with noisy data I would only rely on it for the first two peaks, and try to quantify the higher-order peaks manually if you need to (which you generally don't).

Compare mapped reads between two files

To see how many mapped reads (can be mapped concordant or discordant, doesn't matter) are shared between the two alignment files and how many mapped reads are unique to one file or the other. in=file1.sam out=mapped1.sam mappedonly in=file2.sam out=mapped2.sam mappedonly

That gets you the mapped reads only. Then: in=mapped1.sam names=mapped2.sam out=shared.sam include=t

...which gets you the set intersection; in=mapped1.sam names=mapped2.sam out=only1.sam include=f in=mapped2.sam names=mapped1.sam out=only2.sam include=f

...which get you the set subtractions. in=old.fasta out=new.fasta

That will rename the reads as 1, 2, 3, 4, ... 222.

You can also give a custom prefix if you want. The input has to be text format, not .doc.

Generating “fake” paired end reads from a single end read file in=reads.fastq out1=r1.fastq out2=r2.fastq length=100

That will generate fake pairs from the input file, with whatever length you want (maximum of input read length). We use it in some cases for generating a fake LMP library for scaffolding from a set of contigs. Read 1 will be from the left end, and read 2 will be reverse-complemented and from the right end; both will retain the correct original qualities. And " /1" " /2" will be suffixed after the read name.

Generate random reads ref=genome.fasta out=reads.fq len=100 reads=10000

"seed=-1" will use a random seed; any other value will use that specific number as the seed

You can specify paired reads, an insert size distribution, read lengths (or length ranges), and so forth. But because I developed it to benchmark mapping algorithms, it is specifically designed to give excellent control over mutations. You can specify the number of snps, insertions, deletions, and Ns per read, either exactly or probabilistically; the lengths of these events is individually customizable, the quality values can alternately be set to allow errors to be generated on the basis of quality; there's a PacBio error model; and all of the reads are annotated with their genomic origin, so you will know the correct answer when mapping.

Generate saturation curves to assess sequencing depth in=reads.fq out=histogram.txt

It works by pulling kmers from each input read, and testing whether it has been seen before, then storing it in a table.

The bottom line, "first", tracks whether the first kmer of the read has been seen before (independent of whether it is read 1 or read 2).

The top line, "pair", indicates whether a combined kmer from both read 1 and read 2 has been seen before. The other lines are generally safe to ignore but they track other things, like read1- or read2-specific data, and random kmers versus the first kmer.

It plots a point every X reads (configurable, default 25000).

In noncumulative mode (default), a point indicates "for the last X reads, this percentage had never been seen before". In this mode, once the line hits zero, sequencing more is not useful.

In cumulative mode, a point indicates "for all reads, this percentage had never been seen before", but still only one point is plotted per X reads.

CalcTrueQuality is a new member of the BBTools package. In light of the quality-score issues with the NextSeq platform, and the possibility of future Illumina platforms (HiSeq 3000 and 4000) also using quantized quality scores, I developed it for recalibrating the scores to ensure accuracy and restore the full range of values.

The usage is fairly simple. I will walk through how I recalibrated the reads used in the attached images. First adapter-trim the reads: -Xmx1g in=reads.fq out=trimmed.fq ref=adapters.fa tbo tpe k=23 mink=11 hdist=1 ftm=5

This is very important because adapter sequence will appear to be errors during mapping, so it will mess up the calibration statistics. Do not quality-trim or quality filter. The "ftm=5" flag is optional; it will trim the last base off of 151bp reads; that base is very low quality. Specifically, ftm=5 will trim reads so that their length is equal to zero modulo 5, and ignore reads that are already 100bp or 150bp, etc. Next, map the reads to a reference: in=trimmed.fq outm=mapped.sam ignorequality maxindel=100 minratio=0.4 ambig=toss qahist=qahist_raw.txt qhist=qhist_raw.txt mhist=mhist_raw.txt

A finished reference is optimal, but not required; any assembly will be sufficient. For paired reads, I recommend using the "po" flag to only include proper pairs in the output. If you have a lot of input you can just map a fraction of it, with e.g. the flag "reads=20m" to only use the first 20 million reads (or pairs). You don't have to use BBMap for this, but you do need to use an aligner that produces cigar strings with "=" and "X" symbols for match and mismatch, not just "M" for everything.

Then, generate recalibration matrices: in=mapped.sam

This will analyze the sam file and write some small files to /ref/qual/ (you can change the location to write to with the "path" flag). You can also give the program multiple sam files with a comma-delimited list; the more data, the more precise the calibration.

Lastly, recalibrate the reads: in=trimmed.fq out=recalibrated.fq recalibrate

The reads that you map to generate the calibration matrices do not need to be the same as the reads you are recalibrating. For example, if you multiplexed 10 samples in a lane, you could just map one of them and recalibrate the others based on it. But certainly it's best to do the mapping with reads from the same run, and ideally, the actual reads you are recalibrating.

This is what the NextSeq V1 data looked before recalibration (but after adapter-trimming):

The left is "qhist" and the right is "qahist", both outputs from BBMap. For qhist, the "log" lines are based on translating the quality score to probability, then taking the average, then translating back to a quality score, so perfectly accurate quality scores will have for example the "Read1_log" line exactly overlaying the "Read1_measured" line.

With perfectly accurate quality scores, the yellow points on the qahist graph will overlay the dark blue line. Points under the blue line indicate inflated quality scores. For example, the upper-right yellow point is calculated by counting the number of times bases with Q37 map with a match or a mismatch. TrueQualitySub is based only on mismatches, while TrueQuality also counts indels as errors.

After recalibration, the data looks much better, and has expanded to the full range of 2 through 41:

Finally, since that's not quite perfect, I decided to try a second pass of recalibration. I don't think that's generally necessary and it requires you to regenerate the calibration matrices (you can't use the same ones again!) but it did lead to very nice results:

As you can see, up to Q34 the quality scores are pretty much dead-on in the qahist, and in qhist, the "log" lines are now very close to the "measured" lines.

This program will work with any Illumina reads, not just NextSeq. Right now I don't recommend it for platforms that exhibit indel-type errors because those are not used in the recalibration.

P.S. Probably, you could get even better results by separately calibrating read 1 and read 2; I may add that capability later.

In light of the quality-score issues with the NextSeq platform, and the possibility of future Illumina platforms (HiSeq 3000 and 4000) also using quantized quality scores, I developed it for recalibrating the scores to ensure accuracy and restore the full range of values.

BBMap is designed to find the best mapping, and heuristics will cause it to ignore mappings that are valid but substantially worse. Therefore, I made a different version of it, BBMapSkimmer, which is designed to find all of the mappings above a certain threshold. The shellscript is and the usage is similar to or For primers, which I assume will be short, you may wish to use a lower than default K of, say, 10 or 11, and add the "slow" flag. and

Quoted from Brian's response directly.

I also wrote another pair of programs specifically for working with primer pairs, and will forcibly align a primer sequence (or a set of primer sequences) against a set of reference sequences to find the single best matching location per reference sequence - in other words, if you have 3 primers and 100 ref sequences, it will output a sam file with exactly 100 alignments - one per ref sequence, using the primer sequence that matched best. Of course you can also just run it with 1 primer sequence.

So you run msa twice - once for the left primer, and once for the right primer - and generate 2 sam files. Then you feed those into, which will create a new fasta file containing the sequence between the primers, for each reference sequence. We used these programs to synthetically cut V4 out of full-length 16S sequences.

I should say, though, that the primer sites identified are based on the normal BBMap scoring, which is not necessarily the same as where the primers would bind naturally, though with highly conserved regions there should be no difference.

Identify type of Q-score encoding in sequence files in=seq.fq.gz sanger fastq gz interleaved 150bp