- Implement parser for function parameters and function return type
- Implement WASM codegen for function parameters and return
- Implement parser and WASM codegen for branches
- Implement parser and WASM codegen for loops
var x: float = 5;// generate x it as int and not float
PARSER: The 5 is parsed as int instead of float
print(z/2.0); // this doesn't work (give false negative) ;(
IDK: Gives this error
thread 245479 panic: index out of bounds: index 2143289344, len 0
/--/--/Khichu/src/wasm/codegen.zig:264:56: 0x10040a6e7 in generateWASMCodeFromAst (UndefinedLanguage)
const expr_type = ExprTypeTable.table.items[ast.nodes.items[node_idx].idx].type;
This doesn't work (it should):
fn foo() float {
return 32.0;
fn main() void {
This works (as it should):
fn foo() float {
return 32.0;
fn main() void {
var x: float = foo();
NOTE: Calling function in function arguments now works, but calling function in print() doesn't because it is not a real function. TODO: Make print() a real function, by introducting some sort of foreign object concepts (able to export/import functions/variables)