Rabbithole provides a simple REST /publish endpoint for AMQP servers.
git clone <repo>
yum install nodejs npm -y
cd express-rabbithole
cp rabbithole.cfg.example /etc/rabbithole.cfg
npm install
DEBUG=express-rabbithole PORT=9999 USER=<someusername> PASSWORD=<somepassword> ./bin/www
Or, instead of the last line above, you can run as a service:
npm install forever -g
chmod 755 system/rabbithole
cp system/rabbithole /etc/init.d/rabbithole
echo "PORT=<some port>
" > /etc/default/rabbithole
service rabbithole start
Publishes the POST body to the default exchange and the given routingKey.
Publishes the POST body to the given exchange and routingKey. This has not been tested since converting to expressjs
- READ PORT number from config
- TEST POST /publish/:exchange/:routingKey