All credit goes to nsf/code and Go authors. All Vim plugins from Go 1.2 are also included.
You should not install this plugin with either fsouza/go.vim or jnwhiteh/vim-golang! It could take unknown effect on your setup.
- :RelPkg takes no or one argument, a relative package path, and prints it as a full package path. If no argument is given, default to current package.
Example :RelPkg ../pkg/child
in the $GOPATH/src/
file will print
- :GoInstall takes no or one argument, a relative package path, installs it or prints compilation errors otherwise. If no argument is given, default to current package.
Example :GoInstall ../pkg/child
with current working directory $GOPATH/src/
will try to install the
- :GoTest takes no or one argument, a relative package path, tests it and prints its output. If no argument is given, default to current package.
Example :GoTest ../pkg/child
with current working directory $GOPATH/src/
will try to test the
:GoImport, :GoImportAs and :GoDrop are equivalent of original :Import, :ImportAs and :Drop but takes all a relative package path to the current working directory
:make — you can use QuickFix to iterate through build errors if any; if file is in subdirectory of $GOPATH/src/, the whole package is build, else — only current file
See #1 to see future commands implementation.
Make sure you have installed gocode before installing this plugin :
go get
Add this line to your ~/.vimrc configuration file :
Bundle 'Blackrush/vim-gocode'
And then run vim :
vim +BundleInstall
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone