- Publish app
(Serve app)
npm run start:app
aragon apm publish InvoicingApp --http localhost:8001 --http-served-from ./dist
- Publish kit
cd kit
npm i
(check compilation)
truffle compile
(bump version)
aragon apm version major
npm run publish:kit
- Spin up DAO
to replaceabi = ctx.repo.abi || BARE_KIT_ABI
with the kit abi. (Todo: Work on enhancement and send PR)
./node_modules/@aragon/cli/dist/cli.js dao new arquest-kit-dev --fn "newInstance" --fn-args <requestCoreContractAddress> <requestEthereumContractAddress>
./node_modules/@aragon/cli/dist/cli.js dao new arquest-kit-dev --fn "newInstance" --fn-args "0xbcfddf0fb6a918cb1e5040b9f0f529cbb930e23a" "0x97d0cab15baac862aa32679562e02200d2abe0fa"
- Start webserver
aragon run --app-init-args 0x24fb684237f8b1835d2e85ce35b729002a88e526 0x2b6953ba77dcdc967a2ac2e8d3d8dc34e015a996 --http localhost:8001 --http-served-from ./dist
- Replace with DAO address created in 3.
aragon apm publish InvoicingApp --network rinkeby --apm.ens-registry "0xfbae32d1cde62858bc45f51efc8cc4fa1415447e" --http localhost:8001 --http-served-from ./dist
Publish arquest-dev-2.open.aragonpm.eth [completed]
cd kit
aragon apm version major
✔ New version: 3.0.0
truffle exec scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby
aragon apm publish 0xa7ee7a38c0f8af8511b45629a9827f76dc4b2674 --network rinkeby --apm.ens-registry "0xfbae32d1cde62858bc45f51efc8cc4fa1415447e"
✔ Publish arquest-kit-dev-2.open.aragonpm.eth
cd ..
./node_modules/@aragon/cli/dist/cli.js dao new arquest-kit-dev-2.open.aragonpm.eth --fn "newInstance" --fn-args "0x8fc2e7f2498f1d06461ee2d547002611b801202b" "0xd88ab9b1691340e04a5bbf78529c11d592d35f57" --network rinkeby --apm.ens-registry "0xfbae32d1cde62858bc45f51efc8cc4fa1415447e"
npm run ganache
ipfs daemon
Build and serve app frontend over http
npm run start:app
$ aragon --version
Publish the app
$ aragon apm publish --http localhost:8001 --http-served-from ./dist > output.txt
�[?25l[17:05:35] Preflight checks for publishing to APM [started]
[17:05:35] Check version is valid [started]
[17:05:35] Check version is valid [completed]
[17:05:35] Checking version bump [started]
[17:05:35] Checking version bump [completed]
[17:05:35] Preflight checks for publishing to APM [completed]
[17:05:35] Deploy contract [started]
[17:05:35] Compile contracts [started]
[17:05:55] Compile contracts [completed]
[17:05:55] Deploy 'InvoicingApp' to network [started]
[17:05:55] → Deploying 'InvoicingApp' to network
[17:05:55] Deploy 'InvoicingApp' to network [completed]
[17:05:55] Deploy contract [completed]
[17:05:55] Determine contract address for version [started]
[17:05:55] Determine contract address for version [completed]
[17:05:55] Check for --http-served-from argument and copy manifest.json to destination [started]
[17:05:55] Check for --http-served-from argument and copy manifest.json to destination [completed]
[17:05:55] Generate application artifact [started]
[17:05:55] Generate application artifact [completed]
[17:05:55] Publish arquest-dev.aragonpm.eth [started]
[17:05:55] → Generating transaction and waiting for confirmation
❯ {"to":"0xD33824d26df396F04Dba40e709f130D86a2F5Ddd","data":"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","gas":1721285,"gasPrice":"19000000000","nonce":31,"from":"0xb4124cEB3451635DAcedd11767f004d8a28c6eE7"}
[17:05:59] Publish arquest-dev.aragonpm.eth [completed]
Spin up a new dao
$ aragon dao new bare-kit
✔ Fetching kit bare-kit.aragonpm.eth@latest
✔ Create new DAO from kit
✔ Checking DAO
✔ Created DAO: 0xCb0FF465e3847606603A51cc946353A41Fea54c0
Install the app
$ aragon dao install 0xCb0FF465e3847606603A51cc946353A41Fea54c0 arquest-dev.aragonpm.eth
✔ Fetching arquest-dev.aragonpm.eth@latest
✔ Upgrading app
✔ Deploying app instance
✔ Set permissions
✔ Installed arquest-dev.aragonpm.eth at: 0xa1958D24A9afecB1FaE17eD7A6D2cb6DB3E4b43A
Verify installed apps
$ aragon dao apps 0xCb0FF465e3847606603A51cc946353A41Fea54c0
✔ Inspecting DAO
✔ Successfully fetched DAO apps for 0xCb0FF465e3847606603A51cc946353A41Fea54c0
│ App │ Proxy address │ Content │
│ acl │ 0xB9A34A79eD122554029b0fC04Be431E671133bD3 │ (No UI available) │
│ evmreg │ 0x7af161003a74D1d63F89fa72d617841e9ACbAca7 │ (No UI available) │
│ arquest-dev@v1.0.0 │ 0xa1958D24A9afecB1FaE17eD7A6D2cb6DB3E4b43A │ http:localhost:8001... │
change appName
to arquest-dev.open.aragonpm.eth
(add the open
Publish the app
$ aragon apm version minor
✔ New version: 1.1.0
$ aragon apm publish InvoicingApp --network rinkeby --apm.ens-registry "0xfbae32d1cde62858bc45f51efc8cc4fa1415447e" --http localhost:8001 --http-served-from ./dist
I understand serving from localhost:8001
doesn't make sense. Just wanted a faster publish.
Fails with Error: Transaction would not succeed ("Returned values aren't valid, did it run Out of Gas?")
See apm.js
See output_out_of_gas
This issue suggested that it could be a problem with recent beta
versions of web3
so I downgraded to web3@1.0.0-beta.10
and ran into please check your gas limit
. See output_check_gas_limit