A Wiring Spec or just Wiring instantiates services, connects them together, and specifies how they should be modified, configured, and deployed. Wiring specs are separate from workflow specs, because the same workflow logic can be instantiated in many different ways.
Wiring specs are written as standalone go programs; invoking the program will compile the application. To dive straight in to examples, see the SockShop wiring.
By convention we recommend placing wiring specs in a sibling module wiring
alongside the workflow spec workflow
. The wiring
subdirectory will be a golang module that contains your wiring spec implementation(s). Your wiring module will likely want dependencies on the following modules:
- the core blueprint compilergithub.com/blueprint-uservices/blueprint/plugins
- plugins that implement much of the wiring functionality
A wiring spec does the following:
- It defines the instances that will exist when we run the program.
- It configures how those instances are deployed (e.g. within processes, containers, etc.)
- It connects instances together that communicate with each other
- It enables and configures features, such as tracing, that should be applied to instances.
When we execute a wiring spec, it compiles the application that was defined, generating all artifacts needed to actually run the application. When we talk about instantiating services in the wiring spec, we mean defining service instances that will be compiled.
After executing a wiring spec, it will be up to you to actually run the application using the compiled artifacts. Blueprint attempts to make this step as straightforward as possible, but it will typically still involve setting some environment variables and issuing a run command (e.g. a docker or kubernetes command).
import "github.com/blueprint-uservices/blueprint/blueprint/pkg/wiring"
Initialize a new wiring spec
spec := wiring.NewWiringSpec("my_application")
Next, you would instantiate services using Blueprint plugins, which we describe in more detail below.
After instantiating services we construct the IR
var nodesToBuild []string // populated when instantiating services
applicationIR, err := spec.BuildIR(nodesToBuild...) // Construct the IR
Constructing the IR might yield some errors if the wiring spec has errors, inconsistencies, or incompatible choices
We finally generate artifacts for the IR:
outputDir := "build"
err = applicationIR.GenerateArtifacts(outputDir)
If we then run the application, it will generate artifacts to outputDir
. (Note: the example above will not generate anything, because it doesn't instantiate any services).
To define a service instance, we use Blueprint's workflow plugin.
Initialize a service that exists within the workflow spec.
echo_service := workflow.Service[workflow.EchoService](spec, "echo_service")
In the above example, we create an instance of "EchoService" and we call it "echo_service". For more details on creating services, see the workflow plugin documentation.
To explicitly instantiate echo_service
we will also need to add it to nodesToBuild
nodesToBuild = append(nodesToBuild, "echo_service")
Note: it is unnecessary to explicitly add every service to nodesToBuild
. Blueprint can recursively discover service instances by following the dependencies between services, so typically the only service that needs to explicitly added to nodesToBuild
is the front-end API service of the application (e.g. nodesToBuild := []string{"frontend_service"}
). This is usually sufficient to discover all other services in the application.
Elsewhere in the wiring spec, if we wish to refer to the echo service, then we will do so by (string) name ("echo_service"
). For example, the grpc plugin lets us deploy services using gRPC:
grpc.Deploy(spec, "echo_service")
In general, Blueprint plugins will expose a few methods that can be used within a wiring spec to define or modify service instances. This functionality is entirely plugin-specific, so each plugin will define and document how it is supposed to be used.
We provide a non-exhaustive list of the more important Blueprint plugins on the 📝Wiring Spec Plugins page of the User Manual. An exhaustive list of plugins can be found in the plugins module.
Examples of plugin usage can be found in the example applications, such as the Leaf Application and the Sock Shop Application.
It is usually useful to define multiple wiring specs for your application. If this is the case, the cmdbuilder is a useful way of doing so. All applications in the examples directory make use of the cmdbuilder, and can be consulted for example usage.