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Naval’s Writing


Life Formulas I (2008) 生命公式I(2008)

These are notes to myself. Your frame of reference, and therefore your calculations, may vary. These are not definitions—these are algorithms for success. Contributions are welcome.


  • Happiness = Health + Wealth + Good Relationships

  • 幸福=健康+财富+良好的关系

  • Health = Exercise + Diet + Sleep

  • 健康=锻炼+饮食+睡眠

  • Exercise = High Intensity Resistance Training + Sports + Rest

  • 运动=高强度耐力训练+运动+休息

  • Diet = Natural Foods + Intermittent Fasting + Plants

  • 饮食=天然食品+间歇禁食+植物

  • Sleep = No alarms + 8–9 hours + Circadian rhythms

  • 睡眠=无闹钟+8-9小时+昼夜节律

  • Wealth = Income + Wealth * (Return on Investment)

  • 财富=收入+财富*(投资回报)

  • Income = Accountability + Leverage + Specific Knowledge

  • 收入=责任+杠杆+特定知识

  • Accountability = Personal Branding + Personal Platform + Taking Risk?

  • 责任=个人品牌+个人平台+承担风险?

  • Leverage = Capital + People + Intellectual Property

  • 杠杆=资本+人员+知识产权

  • Specific Knowledge = Knowing how to do something society cannot yet easily train other people to do

  • 专门知识=知道如何去做社会还不容易训练别人去做的事情

  • Return on Investment = “Buy -and -Hold ” + Valuation + Margin of Safety [72]

  • 投资回报率=“买入并持有”+估值+安全边际[72]

Naval’s Rules (2016)


  • Be present above all else.
  • 至高无上地出席。
  • Desire is suffering. (Buddha)
  • 欲望就是痛苦。(佛陀)
  • Anger is a hot coal you hold in your hand while waiting to throw it at someone else. (Buddha)
  • 愤怒是你手中拿着的滚烫的煤,而你正等着把它扔向别人。(佛陀)
  • If you can’t see yourself working with someone for life, don’t work with them for a day.
  • 如果你看不到自己与某人终生共事,那就不要与他们共事一天。
  • Reading (learning) is the ultimate meta -skill and can be traded for anything else.
  • 阅读(学习)是终极的元技能,可以用来交换任何其他东西。
  • All the real benefits in life come from compound interest.
  • 生活中所有的实际利益都来自复利。
  • Earn with your mind, not your time.
  • 用你的头脑而不是你的时间来挣钱。
  • 99 percent of all effort is wasted.
  • 99%的努力都白费了。
  • Total honesty at all times. It’s almost always possible to be honest and positive.
  • 任何时候都要完全诚实。诚实和积极几乎总是可能的。
  • Praise specifically, criticize generally. (Warren Buffett)
  • 具体表扬,一般批评。(沃伦·巴菲特)
  • Truth is that which has predictive power.
  • 真理是具有预测能力的东西。
  • Watch every thought. (Ask “Why am I having this thought?”)
  • 仔细观察每一个想法。(问“我为什么会有这样的想法?”)
  • All greatness comes from suffering.
  • 所有的伟大都来自于苦难。
  • Love is given, not received.
  • 爱是给予的,而不是接受的。
  • Enlightenment is the space between your thoughts. (Eckhart Tolle)
  • 开悟是你的思想之间的空间。(埃克哈特·托尔)
  • Mathematics is the language of nature.
  • 数学是自然界的语言。
  • Every moment has to be complete in and of itself. [5]
  • 每一个时刻本身都必须是完整的。

Health, love, and your mission, in that order. Nothing else matters.
