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There is so much to be grateful for, and so many people to be grateful to. I am overwhelmed with happiness when I consider all of the people who contributed pieces of themselves to create this book. I feel a rising, inflating warmth of gratitude for all of you.


Here is my written Oscars speech of thanks and appreciation: 以下是我在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上的致谢感言: I’m extremely grateful to Naval for trusting a stranger from the internet to create a book out of his words. This all started with a half -assed tweet, and became something great because of your trust and support. I appreciate your responsiveness, generosity, and trust.


I am grateful to Babak Nivi for the most succinct and precise writing advice I’ve ever received. You have been generous with your time to make this book better, and I really appreciate it.


I am grateful to Tim Ferriss for bending your iron rule and writing the foreword for this book. Your presence in this project means a lot to me and will certainly help many more people find their way to Naval’s wisdom.

我感谢蒂姆·费里斯(Tim Ferriss)打破了你的铁律,为这本书写了序言。您在这个项目中的参与对我意义重大,肯定会帮助更多的人找到纳瓦尔的智慧之路。

The building blocks of this book are excerpts from excellent interviews of creators like Shane Parrish, Joe Rogan, Sarah Lacy, and Tim Ferriss. I massively appreciate all of the effort that goes into your interviews. Creating this book gave me and others the opportunity to learn deeply from your work.


I am grateful to Jack Butcher for reaching out and offering to lend his enormous talents to creating the illustrations for this book. His work at Visualize Value has always struck me as simple genius, and we’re all lucky to have his efforts in these pages.

我感谢杰克·布彻伸出援手,表示愿意为这本书创作插图,贡献他巨大的才华。他在Visualize Value上的工作一直让我觉得他是个简单的天才,我们都很幸运能在这些页面上看到他的努力。

I am grateful to my parents for every gift, effort, and sacrifice that has put me in a position to create this book. You built the foundation of everything I ever do, and I’ll never forget that. The family practice of “spitting your doubts” is alive and well in this project.


I am grateful to Jeannine Seidl for being a one -woman support system of love and encouragement. You are an endless spring of positivity, patience, and good advice. Thank you for always keeping morale high.


I am grateful to Kathleen Martin for being a truly wonderful line editor and doing her very best work on this project. (And thanks to David Perell for introducing us.) 我很感谢凯瑟琳·马丁是一位真正出色的行编辑,并在这个项目上做了非常出色的工作。(感谢大卫·佩雷尔介绍我们。) I am grateful to Kusal Kularatne for his many contributions. You were an early believer, an early reader, and a huge help when this project was young and fragile. I appreciate you and thank you for your service.

我感谢Kse Kularatne做出的许多贡献。你是一个早期的信徒,一个早期的读者,在这个项目还很年轻和脆弱的时候,你给了我们很大的帮助。我很感谢你,感谢你的服务。

I am grateful to Max Olson, Emily Holdman, and Taylor Pearson. You are all wonderful friends who became extremely helpful advisors to me throughout this book -building and publishing process. Without you, I’d still be googling things and mumbling curses.


I am grateful to my posse of early readers for their time, edits, and wise advice. Every one of you made valuable contributions to this book, and it wouldn’t be what it is without you. My deepest appreciation for each of you: Andrew Farah, Tristan Homsi, Daniel Doyon, Jessie Jacobs, Sean O’Connor, Adam Waxman, Kaylan Perry, Chris Quintero, George Mack, Brent Beshore, Shane Parrish, Taylor Pearson, Ben Crane, Candace Wu, Shane Mac, Jesse Powers, Trevor McKendrick, David Perell, Natala Constantine, Ben Jackson, Noah Madden, Chris Gillett, Megan Darnell, and Zach Anderson Pettet.


I am grateful to the authors and creators who inspired this book. My drive to create and share this book came directly out of a deep appreciation for the life -changing impact of similar books, a few I’d like to name specifically: 我感谢启发这本书的作者和创作者。我创作和分享这本书的动力,直接源于对类似书籍改变生活的影响的深切欣赏,我想具体列举几本:

  • Poor Charlie’s Almanack edited by Peter Kaufman (of Charlie Munger’s work)
  • 彼得·考夫曼编辑的“可怜的查理的年鉴”(查理·芒格的作品)
  • Zero to One by Blake Masters (of Peter Thiel’s work)
  • 布莱克·马斯特斯的“零比一”(彼得·泰尔的作品)
  • Seeking Wisdom (and others) by Peter Bevelin (of Buffett and Munger’s work)
  • 彼得·比弗林(Peter Bevelin)著(巴菲特和芒格的作品)
  • Berkshire Hathaway Letters to Shareholders edited by Max Olson (of Buffett’s work)
  • 伯克希尔·哈撒韦致股东的信(巴菲特作品)马克斯·奥尔森(Max Olson)编辑
  • Principles by Ray Dalio (and team)
  • 雷·达利奥(和团队)的原则 I am grateful to the team at Scribe, for being early and earnest supporters of this book. Zach Obront provides fantastic advice, and Hal Clifford is a patient and persistent editor.


I am grateful to Tucker Max for creating Scribe, hiring a great team, and for the very personal attention and effort in this project. I appreciate your willingness to hurt my feelings in pursuit of a great product. And I deeply appreciate your trust in me to do good work.

我感谢Tucker Max创建了Scribe,雇佣了一个伟大的团队,以及在这个项目中非常个人的关注和努力。我很感激你愿意为了追求伟大的产品而伤害我的感情。我非常感谢您对我的信任,让我把工作做好。

I am grateful to Bo and the whole team at Zaarly for their patience and grace around my obsession with this book and the effort that went into it.


I am grateful for the support of many friends and strangers online who supported and encouraged me throughout this project. My DMs overflow with kind words and eager inquiries. I appreciate every gesture. Your energy helped pull me through the thousand hours it took to create this for you.


Sources 来源 [1] Ravikant, Naval. “Naval Ravikant Was Live.” Periscope , January 20, 2018. .


[2] Ravikant, Naval. “Naval Ravikant Was Live.” Periscope , February 11, 2018. .


[3] Ferriss, Tim. Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017.


[4] Ravikant, Naval and Shane Parrish. “Naval Ravikant: The Angel Philosopher.” Farnam Street, 2019. .


[5] Ferriss, Tim. Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016.


[6] Ferriss, Tim. “The Person I Call Most Often for Startup Advice (#97).” The Tim Ferriss Show, August 18, 2015. .

[6]费里斯,蒂姆。“我最常打电话询问创业建议的人(排名第97位)。”蒂姆·费里斯秀(Tim Ferriss Show),2015年8月18日。Https://

[7] Ferriss, Tim. “Naval Ravikant on the Tim Ferriss Show—Transcript.” The Tim Ferriss Show, 2019. .

[7]费里斯,蒂姆。“纳瓦尔拉维坎特在蒂姆·费里斯秀上--文字记录。”蒂姆·费里斯秀(Tim Ferriss Show),2019年。Https://

[8] Killing Buddha Interviews. “Chief Executive Philosopher: Naval Ravikant On Suffering and Acceptance.” Killing Buddha, 2016. ; “Chief Executive Philosopher: Naval Ravikant On the Skill of Happiness.” Killing Buddha, 2016. ; “Chief Executive Philosopher: Naval Ravikant On Who He Admires.” Killing Buddha, 2016. ; “Chief Executive Philosopher: Naval Ravikant On the Give and Take of the Modern World.” Killing Buddha, 2016. ; “Chief Executive Philosopher: Naval Ravikant On Travelling Lightly.” Killing Buddha, 2016. ; “Naval Ravikant on Wim Hof, His Advice to His Children, and How He Wants to Look Back on His Life.” Killing Buddha, 2016. .

[8]杀佛访谈。“首席执行官哲学家:纳瓦尔拉维坎特对苦难和接纳的看法。“杀佛,2016年。Http://;“首席执行官哲学家:纳瓦尔拉维坎特谈幸福的技能。“杀佛,2016年。Http:// ;“首席执行官哲学家:纳瓦尔拉维坎特关于他钦佩的人。“杀佛,2016年。;“首席执行官哲学家:纳瓦尔拉维坎特谈现代世界的取舍。“杀佛,2016年。;“首席执行官哲学家:纳瓦尔拉维坎特在轻装上阵。“杀佛,2016年。纳瓦尔拉维坎特谈维姆·霍夫,他给孩子们的建议,以及他想如何回顾自己的人生。杀佛,2016年。。

[9] DeSena, Joe. “155: It’s All About Your Desires, Says AngelList Founder Naval Ravikant.” Spartan Up! , 2019. .

[9]迪塞纳,这是乔“155:AngelList创始人纳瓦尔·拉维坎特说,这完全取决于你的愿望。斯巴达向上!,2019年。Https:// .

[10] “Naval Ravikant was live.” Periscope, April 29, 2018. .


[11] Ravikant, Naval. Twitter, .


[12] Naval Ravikant, “What the World’s Smartest People Do When They Want to Get to the Next Level,” interview by Adrian Bye, MeetInnovators, Adrian Bye, April 1, 2013. .

[12]Naval Ravikant,《世界上最聪明的人想要更上一层楼时会怎么做》,Adrian Bye采访,MeetInnovators,Adrian Bye,2013年4月1日。Http://

[13] “Episode 2—Notions of Capital & Naval Ravikant of Angellist,” Origins from SoundCloud. .

[13]《第二集--天使清单中的资本和纳瓦尔拉维坎特的概念》,《声云起源》(Origins From SoundCloud)。Https://

[14] “Naval Ravikant—A Monk in Silicon Valley Tells Us He’s Ruthless About Time.” Outliers with Panjak Mishra from Soundcloud, 2017. .

[14]“纳瓦尔拉维坎特--硅谷的一位僧侣告诉我们,他对时间很无情。”来自Soundcloud的Panjak Mishra的离群值,2017。Https://

[15] Ravikant, Naval and Babak Nivi. “Before Product-Market Fit, Find Passion-Market Fit.” Venture Hacks, July 17, 2011. .


[16] Cohan, Peter. “AngelList: How a Silicon Valley Mogul Found His Passion.” Forbes , February 6, 2012. .


[17] Ravikant, Naval. “Why You Can’t Hire.” Naval , December 13, 2011. .


[18] Ravikant, Naval. “The Returns to Entrepreneurship.” Naval , November 9, 2009. .

[18]拉维坎特,纳瓦尔“回归创业精神”(The Return To Entretreurship)。纳瓦尔,2009年11月9日。Https://

[19] Ravikant, Naval. “Build a Team That Ships.” Naval , April 27, 2012. .


[20] Ravikant, Naval. “The 80-Hour Myth.” Naval , November 29, 2005. .


[21] Ravikant, Naval. “The Unbundling of the Venture Capital Industry.” Naval , December 1, 2010. .


[22] Ravikant, Naval. “Funding Markets Develop in Reverse.” Naval , December 1, 2010. .


[23] Nivi, Babak. “Startups Are Here to Save the World.” Venture Hacks, February 7, 2013. .


[24] Nivi, Babak. “The Entrepreneurial Age.” Venture Hacks, February 25, 2013. .


[25] Ravikant, Naval. “VC Bundling.” Naval , December 1, 2005. .


[26] Ravikant, Naval. “A Venture SLA.” Naval, June 28, 2013. .


[27] Nivi, Babak. “No Tradeoff between Quality and Scale.” Venture Hacks , February 18, 2013. .


[30] Ravikant, Naval, “An interview with Naval Ravikant,” interview by Elad Gil, High Growth Handbook, Stripe Press, 2019. .

[30]纳瓦尔Ravikant,《纳瓦尔Ravikant访谈》,Elad Gil专访,《高增长手册》,条带出版社,2019年。Http:// .

[31] Ferriss, Tim. “Tools of Titans—A Few Goodies from the Cutting Room Floor.” The Tim Ferriss Show, June 20, 2017. .

[31]费里斯,蒂姆“泰坦的工具--剪辑室地板上的一些好东西。”蒂姆·费里斯秀(Tim Ferriss Show),2017年6月20日。Https://

[32] Delevett, Peter. “Naval Ravikant of AngelList Went from Dot-Com Pariah to Silicon Valley Power Broker.” The Mercury News, February 6, 2013. .

[32]德莱维特,彼得“AngelList的纳瓦尔拉维坎特(Naval Ravikant)从Dot-Com Pariah变成了硅谷权力经纪人。”“水星新闻”,2013年2月6日。Https:// .

[33] Coburn, Lawrence. “The Quiet Rise of AngelList.” The Next Web , October 4, 2010. .


[34] Loizos, Conny. “His Brand Burnished, Naval Ravikant Plans New Fund with Babak Nivi.” The PEHub Network , November 5, 2010.


[35] Nivi, Babak. “Venture Hacks Sucks Now, All You Talk About Is AngelList.” Venture Hacks, February 17, 2011, .


[36] Kincaid, Jason. “The Venture Hacks Startup List Helps Fledgling Startups Pitch Top Angel Investors.” TechCrunch, February 3 2010. .

[36]金凯,杰森“Venture Hacks Startup List帮助羽翼未丰的初创公司推介顶级天使投资者。”TechCrunch,2010年2月3日。Https://

[37] Babak, Nivi. “1.5 Years of AngelList: 8000 Intros, 400 Investments, and That’s Just the Data We Can Tell You About.” Venture Hacks, July 25, 2011. .


[38] Smillie, Eric. “Avenging Angel.” Dartmouth Alumni Magazine , Winter 2014. .


[39] Babak, Nivi. “AngelList New Employee Reading List.” Venture Hacks, October 26, 2013. .


[40] Babak, Nivi. “Things We Care About at AngelList.” Venture Hacks , October 11, 2013. .


[41] Rivlin, Gary. “Founders of Web Site Accuse Backers of Cheating Them.” The New York Times, January 26, 2005. .

[41]加里·里夫林“网站的创建者指责支持者欺骗他们。”“纽约时报”,2005年1月26日。Https:// .

[42] PandoDaily. “PandoMonthly: Fireside Chat with AngelList Co-Founder Naval Ravikant.” November 17, 2012. YouTube video, 2:03:52. .


[43] Ravikant, Naval. “Ep. 30—Naval Ravikant—AngelList (1 of 2).” Interview by Kevin Weeks. Venture Studio, 2016.


[44] Sloan, Paul. “AngelList Attacks Another Startup Pain Point: Legal Fees.” CNet, September 5, 2012. .


[45] Ravikant, Naval. “Naval Ravikant on How Crypto Is Squeezing VCs, Hindering Regulators, and Bringing Users Choice.” Interview by Laura Shin. UnChained , November 29, 2017. .

[45]拉维坎特,纳瓦尔Naval Ravikant讲述了Crypto是如何挤压风投、阻碍监管机构并给用户带来选择的。采访:劳拉·辛(Laura Shin)。解锁,2017年11月29日。Http:// .

[46] Ravikant, Naval. “Introducing: Venture Hacks.” Naval , April 2, 2007. .


[47] Ravikant, Naval. “Ep. 31—Naval Ravikant—AngelList (2 of 2).” Interview by Kevin Weeks. Venture Studio , 2016.


[48] AngelList. “Syndicates/For Investors.” .


[49] Ferriss, Tim. “You’d Like to Be an Angel Investor? Here’s How You Can Invest in My Deals…” The Tim Ferriss Show, September 23, 2013. .

[49]费里斯,蒂姆“你想当天使投资人吗?以下是您投资My Deals…的方法。“蒂姆·费里斯秀(Tim Ferriss Show),2013年9月23日。Https:// .

[50] Buhr, Sarah. “AngelList Acquires Product Hunt.” TechCrunch, December 1, 2016. .


[51] Wagner, Kurt. “AngelList Has Acquired Product Hunt for around $20 Million.” Vox , December 1, 2016. .

[51]瓦格纳,这是库尔特“AngelList以大约2000万美元收购了Product Hunt。”VOX,2016年12月1日。Https://

[52] Hoover, Ryan. “Connect the Dots.” Ryan Hoover, May 1, 2013. .

[52]胡佛,瑞恩“把点连起来。”瑞安·胡佛(Ryan Hoover),2013年5月1日。Http://

[53] “Naval Ravikant.” Angel . .


[54] Babak, Nivi. “Welcoming the Kauffman Foundation.” Venture Hacks, October 5, 2010. .


[55] “Introducing CoinList.” Medium, October 20, 2017. .


[56] Hochstein, Marc. “Most Influential in Blockchain 2017 #4: Naval Ravikant.” CoinDesk , December 31, 2017. .


[57] Henry, Zoe. “Why a Group of AngelList and Uber Expats Launched This New Crowdfunding Website.” Inc. , July 18, 2016. .


[58] “New Impact, New Inclusion in Equity Crowdfunding.” Republic, July 18, 2016. .


[59] AngelList. “Done Deals.” .


[60] Ravikant, Naval. “Bitcoin—the Internet of Money.” Naval, November 7, 2013. .


[61] Token Summit. “Token Summit II—Cryptocurrency, Money, and the Future with Naval Ravikant.” December 22, 2017. YouTube video , 32:47. .


[62] Blockstreet HQ. “Beyond Blockchain Episode #3: Naval Ravikant.” December 5, 2018. YouTube video, 6:01. .


[63] Ravikant, Naval. “The Truth About Hard Work.” Naval, December 25, 2018. .


[64] “Live Stories: The Present and Future of Crypto with Naval Ravikant and Balaji Srinivasan.” Listen Notes, November 16, 2018.


[65] Blockstack. “Investment Panel: Naval Ravikant, Meltem Demirors, Garry Tan.” August 11, 2017. YouTube video, 27:16. .


[66] Yang, Sizhao (@zaoyang). “1/Why Does the ICO Opportunity Exist at All?” August 19, 2017, 1:43 p.m. .


[67] Ravikant, Naval. “Towards a Literate Nation.” Naval, December 11, 2011. .


[68] Ravikant, Naval. “Be Chaotic Neutral.” Naval, October 31, 2006. .


[69] AngelList. “AngelList Year in Review.” 2018. .


[70] Ravikant, Naval. “The Fifth Protocol.” Naval, April 1, 2014. .


[71] “Is Naval the Ravikant the Nicest Guy in Tech?” Product Hunt , September 21, 2015. .


[72] Ravikant, Naval. “Life Formulas I.” Naval, February 8, 2008. .


[73] @ScottAdamsSays. “Scott Adams Talks to Naval…” Periscope, 2018. .


[74] @Naval. “Naval Ravikant was live.” Periscope , February 2019. .


[75] “4 Kinds of Luck.” .


[76] Kaiser, Caleb. “Naval Ravikant’s Guide to Choosing Your First Job in Tech.” AngelList, February 21, 2019. .

[76]凯勒·凯泽(Kaiser,Caleb)“纳瓦尔拉维坎特选择你在科技行业的第一份工作指南。”AngelList,2019年2月21日。Https:// .

[77] PowerfulJRE. “Joe Rogan Experience #1309—Naval Ravikant.” June 4, 2019. YouTube video, 2:11:56. .


[78] Ravikant, Naval. “How to Get Rich: Every Episode.” Naval, June 3, 2019. .


[79] Ravikant, Naval. Original content created for this book, September 2019.


[80] Jorgenson, Eric. Original content written for this book, June 2019.


About the Author 关于作者 Eric Jorgenson is a product strategist and writer. In 2011, he joined the founding team of Zaarly, a company dedicated to helping homeowners find accountable service providers they can trust. His business blog, Evergreen , educates and entertains more than one million readers.

埃里克·乔根森(Eric Jorgenson)是一位产品策略师和作家。2011年,他加入了Zaarly的创始团队,这是一家致力于帮助房主找到他们可以信任的负责任的服务提供商的公司。他的商业博客Evergreen教育和娱乐了100多万读者。

Eric is on a quest to create—and eat—the perfect sandwich. He lives in Kansas City with Jeannine, the most wonderful woman in the world. Follow him on Twitter @ericjorgenson, or check out his new projects on .
