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WebAdmin Features

Blue edited this page Nov 29, 2019 · 7 revisions


Since EasyAdmin Version 5.1 there is WebAdmin (e.g. Nucleus) Support, this uses the "normal" EasyAdmin Permissions.

Set Up

EasyAdmin Requires webadmin-lua to function, this resource needs to be installed onto the server and added to the server config file before EasyAdmin, additionally, to support editing settings of EasyAdmin while the server is active, wap-settings is required, but optional.

For Admins to use WebAdmin, they will require to be added through Steam ID and require the easyadmin.web Permission, it is granted like any other Permission using ACE.

Once both has been set up, Admins can log onto their nucleus interface (ip:port/webadmin/ or the generated nucleus page) using Steam, then they should be able to see the "EasyAdmin" Menu Option.


Using EasyAdmin-Web is similar to how it is used from in game, there are a few things to note though:

Currently, there is no record of who is using Nucleus, any Kicks, Bans, Unbans, etc will show as "Console".

There may be issues where the player list stops showing correctly on certain configurations/servers, if this happens, please get in touch through the Support Discord.

Banlist Management Requires the "easyadmin.unban" Permission to use, Removed Bans cannot be recovered, so be aware to whom you give this permission.