is building with MkDocs and deploying to GitHub Pages. Documentation source files have been written in Markdown and configured with the mkdocs.yml
Requirements for work with MkDocs:
- Python
- pip
Install MkDocs:
pip install mkdocs
Install Material Theme for MkDocs:
pip install mkdocs-material
Clone the repository with docs.
Switch to the required branch or create it.
Make changes, commit and push.
For checking the changes locally, run the command in the project directory:
mkdocs serve
Open up
in your browser.
Changes in the documentation will be displayed immediately.
Run from the project directory:
mkdocs gh-deploy
MkDocs send the commit and push to the
branch. The site will be updated within a few minutes.
You should never edit files in your pages repository by hand if you're using the gh-deploy
command because you will lose your work the next time you run the command.
- MkDocs documentation for configurate settings.
- Material documentation for configurate theme and extentions.