Default value for MSSQL_PID
environment variable is Express
, but you can change it by setting
-e 'MSSQL_PID=Enterprise'
, for instance, when creating a container.
See more configuration on Microsoft Official base image
Check the list of available tags on Microsoft site to update to the latest version.
This image already contains the 2 databases:
(connection userbonita
, passwordbpm
(connection userbusiness_data
, passwordbpm
docker build -t bonitasoft/bonita-sqlserver:2019-CU14 .
docker push bonitasoft/bonita-sqlserver:2019-CU14
The simple way:
docker run -d --name bonita-sqlserver-2019 -p :1433 bonitasoft/bonita-sqlserver:2019-CU14
The more-complete way:
docker run -d --name bonita-sqlserver-2019 -e 'MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=S0mES3cRet!P455W0rD' -e 'MSSQL_RPC_PORT=135' -e 'MSSQL_DTC_TCP_PORT=51000' \
-p 51433:1433 -p 135:135 -p 51000:51000 bonitasoft/bonita-sqlserver:2019-CU14