Low-level Vue pagination component
This is a low-level, ui-agnostic pagination component.
You pass it an array of data, the current page index and the desired amount of results per page.
It then exposes a scoped slot through which you can access the following:
- subset: the subset of data corresponding to the current page.
- totalPages: the total amount of pages.
- isFirstPage: whether the current page is the first one.
- isLastPage: whether the current page is the last one.
Recommended usage: wrap this in a high-level styled component.
npm install --save vue-lpage
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-lpage@latest"></script>
<!-- This will render [ "a", "b" ] -->
<vue-lpage :data="['a', 'b', 'c']" :page="1" :results-per-page="2">
<div slot-scope="{ subset }">
{{ subset }}
import VueLpage from "vue-lpage";
export default {
components: {
<vue-lpage :data="data" :page="page" :results-per-page="resultsPerPage">
<div slot-scope="{ subset, totalPages, isFirstPage, isLastPage }">
<input type="number" v-model="page" :min="1" :max="totalPages" /> out of
{{ totalPages }}
results per page
<button :disabled="isFirstPage" @click="page--">
<button :disabled="isLastPage" @click="page++">
<li v-for="quote in subset" :key="quote">{{ quote }}</li>
Pagination is one-based (page 1 is the first page).
- data: the array of data to paginate.
- page: the page to display.
- results-per-page: the maximum amount of results to display per page.
- subset: the subset of data corresponding to the current page.
- totalPages: the total amount of pages.
- isFirstPage: whether the current page is the first one.
- isLastPage: whether the current page is the last one.