SwiftKit is a template repository for new libraries from Brightify. It also serve as testing library for our new ideas. Everything here is highly experimental and every new commit can (and usually will) break a lot of things! If you are not interested in pre-pre-pre alpha testing then you should probably stay away from this.
List of all changes and new features can be found here.
- Swift 3
- iOS 8+
SwiftKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your test target in your Podfile:
pod "SwiftKit"
To use SwiftKit with Carthage add in your Cartfile this line:
github "Brightify/SwiftKit"
This library uses semantic versioning. Until the version 1.0 API breaking changes may occur even in minor versions. We consider the version 0.1 to be prerelease, which means that API should be stable but is not tested yet in a real project. After that testing, we make needed adjustments and bump the version to 1.0 (first release).
- Tadeas Kriz, tadeas@brightify.org
- Filip Dolník, filip@brightify.org
SwiftKit is available under the MIT License.