- condor.sh: main script
- job_mapper: python job mapper script, creates a map for a given set of options (1 entry per condor job)
- job.description.template: condor job description template, filled by condor.sh
- job.sh: job script, executed by the condor job
- README.md: this readme
The condor.sh script is the main script to prepare and submit jobs to a HTCondor cluster. Requirements:
- Analysis Software set up within CMSSW
- to be executed from a condor scheduler
- to be executed from the CMSSW src directory ($CMSSW_BASE/src).
To run just a test:
BristolAnalysis/Tools/condor/condor.sh --operation=test
to run a single sample in a single mode
BristolAnalysis/Tools/condor/condor.sh --operation=single --mode=central --energy=7 --sample=TTJet --cores 1
to run a single sample for all analysis modes
BristolAnalysis/Tools/condor/condor.sh --operation=single-sample-analysis --energy=7 --sample=TTJet --cores 1
to run the full analysis (many jobs!)
BristolAnalysis/Tools/condor/condor.sh --operation=analysis --energy=7 --cores 1