This module is intended to be a library that allows an HTML5 <canvas> element to exist seamlessly with a React application, using React-like components to allow drawing onto the canvas using JSX.
With NPM
npm install --save @bucky24/react-canvas
With Yarn
yarn add @bucky24/react-canvas
ReactCanvas has a peer dependency on react
. It requires version 18 at minimum.
The module exports a series of components that can be used in JSX. To use, declare a canvas of specific width and height inside your React app, then use the same nesting syntax as the rest of React to draw various elements. The components register and behave (with some exceptions) as normal React components, so most standard behaviors with components should work for them.
These modules must be inside a Canvas object to work properly, and normal HTML tags cannot be used inside them. So you can't nest ReactCanvas tags, then HTML tags, then more ReactCanvas tags.
The root level element. This will actually create a <canvas> canvas tag on the page. However, it will also pass the 2D context object into React context of all its children. This allows the children to draw to the canvas object.
Parameter | Description |
width | The width, in pixels, of the resulting canvas |
height | The height, in pixels, of the resulting canvas |
captureAllKeyEvents | If this is set to false, any events not originating from the body (which is the default when no input field is selected) will be ignored. If this is set to true (default), all key events will be captured. You should set this to false if you have any dom elements outside of the canvas that need to handle key events. |
drawWidth | The width, in pixels, that the canvas should use when drawing. Defaults to width |
drawHeight | The height, in pixels, that the canvas should use when drawing. Defaults to height |
debug | Boolean. If true, the debug logs for Canvas and any children that make use of the log method are enabled. Defaults to false |
Accepts multiple children. Children should be valid ReactCanvas elements.
return (<div>
The Shape element is simple-it draws a shape centered around a given point. Note that there have to be at least 3 entries in the points
Parameter | Description |
x | The origin x coord of the shape |
y | The origin y coord of the shape |
points | An array containing objects with x and y parameters. This will form the body of the shape. Note that all coords in this array are relative to the x and y given as top level params. |
color | A hex color code, which determines the color of the shape |
fill | a boolean value, which determines if the shape is drawn as an outline (false) or a filled in shape (true) |
close | A boolean value (default true) which determines if the shape's path is closed before drawing, or left empty. Closing the path means a line will be drawn from the last point to the first point. |
{ x: 10, y: 10},
{ x: 100, y: 10 },
{ x: 10, y: 100}
Draws text to the screen at the given coordinates.
Parameter | Description |
x | The origin x coord of the text |
y | The origin y coord of the text |
color | the color for the text (default black) |
font | the font for the text (default 12px Arial) |
Accepts a single child, which is the text to be displayed
Some text here
font="18px Times New Roman"
Blue Text
The Image element takes care of loading and displaying an image asset to the canvas.
Images are cached after first load, so re-using the same src will not cause the image to be loaded a second time.
Parameter | Description |
x | The origin x coord to draw the image at |
y | The origin y coord to draw the image at |
src | The URL that the image can be found at. This can also be base-64 encoded image data |
width | The width to draw the image at |
height | The height to draw the image at |
clip | See Image Clipping below |
rot | Rotation angle in degrees |
flipX | Boolean, indicates if the image should be flipped on the X axis |
flipY | Boolean, indicates if the image should be flipped on the Y axis |
onLoad | Function that is called when the image loads. If the image is already loaded, the function will not be called (note, using this function can cause optimization issues) |
const imageData = "data:image/png;base64,<some base 64 encoded data here>";
return <Canvas
The clip parameter allows drawing of only part of the image. It takes in the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
x | X coord of where to start the clip |
y | Y coord of where to start the clip |
width | The width of the clip |
height | The height of the clip |
Note that these parameters are all translated into image space from draw space. So for example, if I had an image that was 50x50, but I was drawing it like this:
x: 100,
y: 100,
width: 50,
height: 50,
The x coordinate is 50% of the final width of the image, meaning that when it is translated, it translates into half of the image width, so it becomes 25. This is to avoid the developer needing to know the size of the image before it's loaded (and becomes important because the Image component does not expose the image data). So when using clip, just use the width and height that you're passing into the Image component to make your calculations about how much to clip.
You can also observe the imageExample in the source to see how this is used.
The Images element draws multiple images to the screen. This can be helpful when you need to draw a lot of images but don't want to have the overhead of a lot of React components. In general this component behaves exactly like the Image component.
Parameter | Description |
images | A list containing objects that conform to the parameters for the Image component |
onLoad | Function that is called when any images load. If all images are already loaded, the function will not be called. The callback function will be given a single param: the src of the image that was loaded. If the same image is listed multiple times in 'images', the callback will be called multiple times for the same src. Like Image, using this can cause slowness. |
The Line element draws a line of a specific color between two given points.
Parameter | Description |
x | The origin x coord of the line |
y | The origin y coord of the line |
x2 | The destination x coord of the line |
y2 | The destination y coord of the line |
color | A hex color code, which determines the color of the line |
The Rect element is just a wrapper around Shape that returns a rectangle drawn between two points.
Parameter | Description |
x | The first x coord of the rectangle |
y | The second y coord of the rectangle |
x2 | The second x coord of the rectangle |
y2 | The second y coord of the rectangle |
color | A hex color code, which determines the color of the rectangle |
fill | Boolean, indicates if the rectangle should be filled or an outline |
Draws a circle with a specific position and radius.
Parameter | Description |
x | The x position of the circle center |
y | The y position of the circle center |
radius | The radius of the circle |
color | A hex color code, which determines the color of the circle |
fill | Boolean, indicates if the circle should be filled or an outline |
Draws a semi-circle between two angles with a specific position and radius.
Parameter | Description |
x | The x position of the arc center |
y | The y position of the arc center |
radius | The radius of the arc |
startAngle | The start angle in radians of the arc |
endAngle | The eng angle in radians of the arc |
sector | Boolean, indicates if the drawn shape should be a slice of pie (true) or just the outer part of the circle (false) |
color | A hex color code, which determines the color of the arc |
fill | Boolean, indicates if the arc should be filled or an outline |
closed | Boolean, determines if the arc should close its path (draw a line back to the start) or not |
Sometimes the basic elements contained in react-canvas aren't enough. For example, if you need to do a very complex shape with semi-circles and lines, currently there's no way to to do that, except creating a custom component with access to the raw canvas context.
That's where the Raw component comes in. It takes in a single prop, which is a callback it will call with the context as the first parameter, allowing you to access any low level functions or complex operations you need to.
Parameter | Description |
drawFn | A callback that will be called on-render with a single param, which will be the context of the canvas. Note this is not a React context object. but rather an instance of CanvasRenderingContext2D |
<Raw drawFn={(context) => {
// do any low level canvas code here
}} />
Clip takes in parameters that define a rectangle, and a list of children. It will use the canvas context clip method to ensure that any part of those children that falls outside the rectangle is not drawn. This is different from the clip in Image, which determines the section of the source image to display.
Acts as a container, it can handle any ReactCanvas based children.
Parameter | Description |
x | The start x of the clip rect |
y | The start y of the clip rect |
width | The width of the clip rect |
height | The height of the clip rect |
Clipped text
The Pattern element allows drawing an image in a repeated pattern in a rectangle.
Parameter | Description |
x | X position to start the draw at |
y | Y position to start the draw at |
width | Width of the rectangle |
height | Height of the rectangle |
src | Similar to image, a url, or raw image data to tile |
The CompoundElement
is an attempt to improve rendering when there are a lot of objects on the screen. What it does is detect any time its children change. When this happens, it pre-renders its entire child list (using renderToCanvas
) and then draws that rendered image moving forward. It can be given an x and y offset to move the drawn image around the screen. This component is very useful when you have a lot of objects all moving in the same direction that don't change very often (such as a background layer of a map).
Note that this component auto-detects the dimensions of its content. This requires two passes with the render which can be expensive. This also does not correctly handle every possible draw operation, and should be considered experimental.
Lastely, this component is not well named and the name may change in the future.
Takes multiple children, must be ReactCanvas elements.
Parameter | Description |
xOff | X position to offset the image draw at. Optional (defaults 0) |
yOff | Y position to offset the image draw at. Optional (defaults 0) |
extraData | Any extra data that gets passed into renderToCanvas. Use this when you need to pass context data to children. Note that any change to extraData will cause the element to re-render |
zoom | Current zoom level for the element. Optional (defaults 1) |
maxZoom | The highest zoom level your component can go. Optional (defaults 1) |
zoomAffectOffset | If true, offsets will also be affected by zoom level (defaults false) |
noZoomPosition | If true, position will not be affected by zoom level (defaults false) |
zoomXOff | X Offset to not zoom (see zoom below) |
zoomYOff | Y Offset to not zoom (see zoom below) |
Zooming in and out of a component can be confused to not cause a re-render, similar to how the offset works. In the case of zooming, both zoom
and maxZoom
are treated such that a value of 1
is 100%, normal zoom level.
If you change the zoom
parameter, the CompoundElement
will not re-render its children, but rather will draw the pre-rendered image larger or smaller, as appropriate.
Because stretching images/text/etc tends to pixelate them, the maxZoom
property can be used. When the maxZoom
property is given, the resulting components are treated as if they were rendered at that level. This then allows the CompoundElement
to only shrink the resulting image, and never expand it, which can improve pixelation.
Text does not perform well with small zoom levels.
Important: When using maxZoom
, render all children of the CompoundElement as if that zoom was in effect. IE if a Rect
is normally from (50,50) to (100,100), and your maxZoom
is 2, render it from (100,100) to (200,200). The CompoundElement
will take care of ensuring it draws the correct size.
Sometimes it becomes important to only zoom a portion of the image. For example, let's say you have a frame starting at (100, 100), and a rectangle at (125, 125) inside that frame. If you only want to zoom what is inside that frame, you don't want to have the zoom apply to the entire 125 of the rectangle's position, as that could cause it to move more than expected. That is what zoomXOff
and zoomYOff
are for. In this case you would set them to the coordinates of the frame, and only the last 25 of the rectangle would be subject to the zoom.
{, index) => {
return <Image key={index} src={sampleImage} x={image.x} y={image.y} width={50} height={50} />
The ImageStrip
component is meant to be able to display certain portions of a sprite-sheet, one frame at a time.
Parameter | Description |
src | The image to use as the spritesheet |
x | The x coord of where to draw on the canvas |
y | The y coord of where to draw on the canvas |
width | How wide the resulting image should be on the canvas |
height | How tall the resulting image shoudl be on the canvas |
cellX | The x coord of the sprite on the spritesheet to draw |
cellY | The y coord of the sprite on the spritesheet to draw |
cellWidth | How wide each sprite in the sheet is |
cellHeight | How tall each sprite in the sheet is |
This example renders the second sprite of the sheet, assuming a sheet with 75x75 px sprites. It renders the image at 100x100 at 50x50 resolution.
The Animate
is meant to be able to automatically display the correct frame of a spritesheet, based on a global frame ticker.
The Animate component must be wrapped in an AnimationProvider
to function.
The following parameters are required but are the same as ImageStripe
src, x, y, width, height, cellWidth, cellHeight
Parameter | Description |
startX | The starting cellX on the sprite sheet |
startY | The starting cellY on the sprit sheet |
frameCount | The total number of frames in the animation |
rowWidth | The number of spritesheet frames per row |
This example renders the animation
The AnimationContext
provides a way for the animation system to sychronize the animations as well as for your application to advance them.
The following values are exported by the context
Value | Description |
frame | The current animation frame. This continuously increases. |
tick | This is a function. Call this function when you want the animation frames to move forward |
import React, { useContext, useEffect } from 'react';
import { AnimationContext } from '@bucky24/react-canvas';
import SampleImage from '../assets/sampleSpriteSheet.png';
export default function App() {
const { tick } = useContext(AnimationContext);
useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(tick, 100);
return () => {
return <Canvas width={300} height={300}>
The following events are available on the Canvas:
Event | Params |
onMouseMove | Coords |
onMouseDown | CoordsWithButton |
onMouseUp | CoordsWithButton |
onKeyDown | KeyData |
onKeyUp | KeyData |
onWheel | CoordsWithDirection |
Coords is simply an object containing x and y as integers.
CoordsWithButton contains x and y coordinates, as well as a button
field that is one of the following:
Type |
ButtonTypes.LEFT |
ButtonTypes.MIDDLE |
ButtonTypes.RIGHT |
KeyData is an object containing char
which is the character of the key pressed, and code
which is the key code.
CoordsWithDirection contains x and y coordinates, as well as an up
field, which indicates if the scroll wheel was moved up (true) or down (false)
The quickest way to handle canvas events is via event handlers directly on the Canvas object. Any component containing a Canvas can listen for any events it emits via callbacks.
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (<div className={styles.appRoot}>
onMove={({ x, y, button }) => {
console.log("mouse moved to", data.x, data.y);
onMouseDown={({ x, y, button }) => {
onMouseUp={({ x, y, button }) => {
{ /* some things here */ }
If your components extend CanvasComponent
(see below sections), you can handle events as native functions inside the component as React lifecycle methods.
If bounds
is set on the child object (containing x, y, width, and height), the second parameter of the callback for all mouse events will be a boolean indicating if the operation took place within those bounds. If no bounds are set, then this boolean is always false.
Note that if you make a component a CanvasComponent but it is not nested inside a Canvas element, it will throw an error to your console because the child context doesn't exist.
Another thing of note: CanvasComponent consumes componentDidMount
to do event handling. If you are using componentDidMount
in your custom component, be sure to call super.componentDidMount()
or else event handling will not work.
import React from 'react';
import { CanvasComponent } from 'react-canvas';
class MyElement extends CanvasComponent {
constructor(props) {
this.bounds = {
x: 100,
y: 100,
width: 20,
height: 20
onMouseMove({ x, y }, overMe) {
// take some action
onMouseDown({ x, y, button }, overMe) {
// take some action
onMouseUp({ x, y, button }, overMe) {
// take some action
onKeyDown({ char, code }) {
// do something
onKeyUp({ char, code }) {
// do something
onWheel({ x, y, up }, overMe) {
// take action
render() {
// some rendering here
export default MyElement;
It is possible to hook into canvas events for your component by using the registerListener
and unregisterListener
functions on the Canvas context.
Both registerListener
and unregisterListener
take in two parameters: an EventType, and a closure that will be passed a data object when the event is triggered.
It is recommended that your component call registerListener
only once, and that you call unregisterListener
when the component is about to unmount, similar to any other listeners in react.
Event Type | Triggered by | Contents of Data |
EventTypes.MOVE | The mouse moving across the canvas | An object containing x and y of the mouse on the canvas. May also contain a "touches" key if on a multi-touch device, which contains the x and y of all touches detected |
EventTypes.MOUSE_UP | The mouse being released | An object containing x and y of the mouse on the canvas and a button corresponding to a ButtonType above |
EventTypes.MOUSE_DOWN | The mouse being pressed | An object containing x and y of the mouse on the canvas and a button corresponding to a ButtonType above |
EventTypes.KEY_DOWN | A key being pressed or repeated | An object containing the char value of the key and the key code |
EventTypes.KEY_UP | A key being released | An object containing the char value of the key and the key code |
EventTypes.WHEEL | The scroll wheel being spun | An object containing x and y of the mouse on the canvas, and a boolean "up" which indicates if the wheel is spinning up or down |
You can easily create your own elements that have access to the canvas context.
The following properties are available from the CanvasContext:
Name | Purpose |
context | The raw canvas context. It is not recommend that you use this, see useWithContext below. |
registerListener | Function for event handling. See above for usage |
unregisterListener | Function for event handling. See above for usage |
loadImage | Function that takes in a src and a cb function. If the image is already loaded, it will return the img object. If not, the cb function is called when the image is loaded |
loadPattern | Function that takes in a src and a cb function. If the pattern is already loaded, it will return the canvas pattern object. If not, the cb function is called when the pattern is loaded |
forceRenderCount | This is the number of times the forceRerender function has been called. This can be used to determine if a render is taking place because an image has loaded (as image loads call forceRerender by default) |
width | The width of the Canvas |
height | The height of the Canvas |
forceRerender | Forces the entire canvas to re-render |
debug | True if the debug flag was passed into the Canvas |
log | Function that logs debug information if debug flag is true. The first paramter is a prefix meant to indicate where the log is coming from. |
import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { CanvasContext } from 'react-canvas';
const MyElement = (props) => {
const { context } = useContext(CanvasContext);
if (!context) {
return null;
// do context things here
export default MyElement;
The canvas context also provides a function forceRerender
which will essentially call this.forceUpdate()
on the top level canvas. This can be useful in some situations to force the canvas to redraw.
React Canvas exports a method, renderToImage
, that can take in a series of React Canvas components, and a width and height, then return a data string that represents the image that would be the result of those components being rendered to a canvas.
does not need to be called from inside a component's render method.
is not a required parameter, but it is recommended to pass in the context of the parent Canvas if possible. If you are trying to get the context from a top level component that exports the Canvas element, you can use a ref to the Canvas and call getMyContext
to get the context object.
import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-canvas';
const App() {
const width = 300;
const height = 100;
const components = <>
const imageSource = renderToImage(components, width, height);
return (<div>
<img src={imageSource}>
export default App;
React Canvas exports a method, renderToCanvas
, that does basically the same thing as renderToImage
(and takes the same parameters), but instead of a base-64 data string, returns a canvas dom element that has had the given elements rendered to it. This is useful if you have images that are loaded from outside of your domain, as the browser will not allow these to be rendered to an image, but it will allow them to be rendered to a canvas.
The method returns an object containing the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
canvas | canvas | The canvas object |
dims | Rect | Contains x, y, width, and height |
This canvas can be passed into the src
attribute of an Image element to render it.
This method does take the following additional properties:
Property | Type | Description |
extraData | mixed | Used in case of a need to pass any sort of context data to rendered components. renderToCanvas breaks context chains. Any data passed in this method will be available in the RenderContext |
The blendImage
function allows an existing image to be manipulated on the fly, generating a new image (as a Canvas) that can be drawn.
Name | Description |
src | The source (url or base64 string) to blend |
operations | An array of BlendOperations. If empty, the original src is returned |
blendImage(sampleImage, [
from: '#ffffff',
to: '#0000ff',
from: '#000000',
to: '#00ff00',
]).then((newImg) => {
// newImg is a Canvas containing the rendered image, and can now be stored for drawing.
Represents an operation that can be performed on an image
Name | Type | Description |
type | BLEND_TYPE | Describes what operation to perform |
* | * | Other params determined by BLEND_TYPE, see below |
allows swapping one color in an image completely for another color. It expects the following parameers on the BlendOperation
Name | Type | Description |
from | Hex Color | A string containing the RGB hex code to look for |
to | Hex Color | A stirng containing the RGB hex code to use as a replacement |
The useWithContext
hook is the safest way to actually access the raw canvas context. This is because it takes into account any Clip
elements that your component might be inside. It also protects against the context being null, so you don't have to worry about checking that in your components. It also handles the appropriate return value so that React doesn't complain about your component returning nothing.
const React from 'react';
const { useWithContext } from '@bucky24/react-canvas';
export default function MyComponent() {
const withContext = useWithContext();
return withContext((context) => {
// the context is now safe to use for raw drawing even if you're inside a clip region.