This is a needlessly complicated tool for a simple job.
The situation was as follows: since 14 years do I make Youtube videos, mostly start-stop lets plays that honestly barely anyone watches. But, I do care and its a good way to get single player games done. Anyway, what I also care about is a proper naming scheme and numbering of all those videos and their description. Over the years I amassed over 10000 videos. My biggest project is Elder Scrolls Online which alone will reach 2000 Videos soon. The naming scheme for each episode is quite complicated and i have to iterate some numbers for every single video, some for sessions.
The solution is this over engineered piece of equipment:
tl;dr: this is a textual testing ground slash pattern mine for future projects. Think Factorio when you first build a base to have the resource to get to the real base
On the left a tree view with all my projects, on the right the currently active view of all the episodes. A simple key combination copies the assigned template text to the clipboard (using pyperclip
currently). There is also a screen to edit templates and projects.
If this is the only thing I wanted I could have just used some scripts that use an SQLite database directly and I would have inputed the data via an database explorer. Or some pre-fabbed input mask. But i like TUIs and I cannot lie.
So here we are now, mostly this is a big learning experience for me to try different TUI design patterns.
Currently I got ModalScreens, ScreenModes, Notify and one TextArea going for me. There is some other experimentation as well. I use the peewee
ORM for this one, I never touched it before and I saw it in some random project and wanted to try it. I am not so sure if its the right way, but I hope my software stack is sound and allows, if the need arises, to replace everything under the hood.
- Check out git
- Change to folder
- Create virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv venv
- Activate venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -e .
for editable module installation, this should, hopefully resolve all dependencies$ python3 episode_names/Utility/
to create dummy data$ python3 episode_names/
- Making the entire workflow in interface possible
- Creating, Editing, Deleting Templates
- Assigning Templates to Episodes
- Creating Projects
- Logic functions that keep internal numbering consistent
- Styling - different colors than default partially solved by textual 0.86?
- Import/Export of data
- Use proper tools for i18n and not some thrown together gobbligob
- Use proper user folders
- add some cli flags for db folders and stuff (user profiles? why though?)
- rearrange files by screens and modals
- make project tree view more sophisticated
- sort projects by episode edited data and category alphabetical
- revamp database scheme, currently everything is NotNull and got no defautls in SQL
- Hide/Show Keyboard shortcuts in EpisodeScreen based on currently active modal
- Make it so that the db connector does not create objects that are basically empty / work more with SQL restraints
- Import of all existing stuff I got on Youtube, separate descriptions from rest and make this the one-stop management solution for all my videos
- Find title duplicates
- save additional meta data
- make the interface more sleek and faster to use for the haxxor experience
- hide currently not working keyboard shortcuts
- I am currently loading all Episodes from the database multiple times to populate views. This should always be fast even if I had thousands of entries..yet, maybe I should still cache those and only update deltas when needed? It would be way more complicated, but, as an exercise, better
- Cannot duplicate template yet
- For some reasons I broke the scrollability of my main Datatable that contains the episodes, I added a ScrollView but this should not be necessary
- Some number inconsistency, sometimes -1 is assigned which is a bad way
- Per default, a new project has no template assigned, which might go haywire. Currently, dummy data creates a manual template 0 which should sidestep this