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This document describes how to "bring your own benchmarks." In particular, one intentional design decision for rebar is that it doesn't have any specific knowledge about benchmarks, models or even the engines themselves. Namely:

  • Benchmarks are just TOML tables that include information like the regex to compile and the haystack to search.
  • Models are just a label given to a particular work-load. rebar doesn't care what the model is. The intent is for every runner program to implement each model in an apples-to-apples manner.
  • Engines are also just TOML tables that attach a label (a regex engine name) to a set of commands for rebar to run.

All of this information is contained within the benchmarks directory of this repository. But you can create your own benchmarks directory. And it can live anywhere. You just need to pass the -d/--dir flag to any rebar commands that need to read the benchmark definitions. (For example, rebar measure and rebar report.)

This document will demonstrate this by showing how to build our own memmem benchmark suite. (memmem is a POSIX routine for substring search. That is, given a needle and a haystack, it returns the first occurrence of the needle in the haystack, if any.) We'll create our own benchmark definitions, create our own runner programs, create our own models and define our own engines. In this exploration, we will do a bake off between the memchr crate's memmem routine and libc's memmem routine.

The example we use here was tested on Linux, although most of it should work on macOS as well. Some parts of it can probably be adapted to work on Windows as well.

Initial setup

Let's start by creating a directory that will contain our benchmark definitions and our program for collecting measurements. The directory can be anywhere:

$ mkdir -p byob/{benchmarks,runner}
$ mkdir byob/benchmarks/{definitions,haystacks}
$ cd byob

Now let's do a little setup for our runner program, which will be written in Rust. We bring in a dependency on memchr (which provides a Rust implementation of memmem) and libc (which provides FFI bindings to libc's memmem):

$ echo 'fn main() {}' > runner/
$ cargo init ./runner/
$ cargo add --manifest-path runner/Cargo.toml memchr libc

And check that the stub runner program builds:

$ cargo build --release --manifest-path runner/Cargo.toml

Finally, let's grab a haystack to use for benchmarking. We'll use The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes from Project Gutenberg:

$ curl -L '' > benchmarks/haystacks/sherlock.txt

First benchmark definition

Before starting on our runner program, it's useful to have at least one benchmark definition to test with. So let's add one:

model = "iter"
name = "sherlock-holmes"
regex = "Sherlock Holmes"
haystack = { path = "sherlock.txt" }
count = 91
engines = []

There are actually a few decisions that we're making by writing this defintion:

  • There is a model named iter. It's up to us what it represents, but the idea is that implementations of the model will look for all matches of the needle in the haystack. We'll see this more concretely when we write our runner program.
  • memmem of course does not support regexes, so we only write a literal string here even though the field is called regex.
  • For now, we leave engines empty because rebar will complain if you add an entry to the list that doesn't refer to an engine that it knows about. Since we haven't defined any engines yet, we leave it empty. We'll define the engines after we've written a runner program.

Now that we have a benchmark definition, we can ask rebar to convert it to the KLV format:

$ rebar klv memmem/sherlock-holmes | head
pattern:15:Sherlock Holmes
haystack:607430:The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle

We'll eventually use the rebar klv command to test our runner program before defining the engines. This tightens the feedback loop and makes it clearer what the precise inputs to our runner program are and its behavior.

The runner program

The runner program is what actually runs a memmem function repeatedly, and collects a sample (consisting of the duration and count) for each execution. These samples are then printed to stdout and read by rebar. The input to the runner program is the KLV data shown in the previous section, corresponding to the output of rebar klv memmem/sherlock-holmes.

(Note that adding a new runner program is also described in a little bit of detail in CONTRIBUTING. Although those instructions are somewhat specific to the regex barometer. In this guide, we will build our own runner program for our own benchmark from soup to nuts.)

There are a few parts to rebar runner programs:

  • Parsing a single item in the KLV format.
  • Combining all of the items into a single "configuration" object. This configuration object instructs the runner program what to do.
  • The implementation of each model for each version of memmem that we want to measure. (In this case, for simplicity, we combine everything into one program, but you might want to split different implementations of memmem into different programs. It really just depends on what works best.)
  • Choosing and repeatedly executing the model according to the configuration.
  • Gathering samples and printing them in a comma delimited format to stdout.

We'll go over each of these sections below. If you just want the source code for the program without dissecting each part, then you can find it at byob/runner/


Open runner/ in your favorite text editor. If you followed the instructions above, it should just contain the following:

fn main() {}

You can leave that be for now. But add this above the main function:

use std::{
    time::{Duration, Instant},

type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;

macro_rules! err {
    ($($tt:tt)*) => {
        return Err(From::from(format!($($tt)*)))

This provides the imports we'll use. It also defines a convenient type alias for representing fallible operations, along with an err macro for conveniently creating and returning an error. You could also use anyhow for error reporting, but for a simple runner program that isn't usually invoked directly by end users, this is good enough.

Parsing one KLV item

Let's write the code for parsing a single key-length-value (KLV) item from the input given to us. First, define the type:

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct OneKLV {
    key: String,
    value: String,
    len: usize,

The len field indicates the number of bytes that the entire KLV item used. This way, higher level code knows how many bytes to skip ahead to parse the next KLV item. We also assume valid UTF-8 here, but if we wanted to benchmark execution of memmem on invalid UTF-8, that'd be possible too. We just stick to valid UTF-8 here in order to keep things a little simpler.

Parsing a single KLV item generally involves parsing three fields delimited by :, with the final field always containing a trailing \n that isn't part of the value. For the full details on the format, see KLV.

The code to parse a single KLV item from the beginning of a &str:

impl OneKLV {
    fn read(mut raw: &str) -> Result<OneKLV> {
        let Some(key_end) = raw.find(':') else {
            err!("invalid KLV item: could not find first ':'")
        let key = &raw[..key_end];
        raw = &raw[key_end + 1..];

        let Some(value_len_end) = raw.find(':') else {
            err!("invalid KLV item: could not find second ':' for '{key}'")
        let value_len_str = &raw[..value_len_end];
        raw = &raw[value_len_end + 1..];

        let Ok(value_len) = value_len_str.parse() else {
                "invalid KLV item: value length '{value_len_str}' \
                 is not a number for '{key}'",
        let value = &raw[..value_len];
        if raw.as_bytes()[value_len] != b'\n' {
            err!("invalid KLV item: no line terminator for '{key}'")
        let len = key.len() + 1 + value_len_end + 1 + value.len() + 1;
        Ok(OneKLV { key: key.to_string(), value: value.to_string(), len })

Combining each KLV item into one configuration object

Now that we can parse one KLV item, we just need to parse all of them and combine them into a single configuration object. This object will tell the program which benchmark to run. We'll start with the Config type:

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
struct Config {
    name: String,
    model: String,
    needle: String,
    haystack: String,
    max_iters: u64,
    max_warmup_iters: u64,
    max_time: Duration,
    max_warmup_time: Duration,

We don't actually capture all possible KLV items because we don't need them for benchmarking memmem. We ignore anything we don't need or recognize. For example, the case-insensitive and unicode settings aren't relevant for memmem.

Parsing all of the KLV items into a Config object is just a simple loop that plucks one KLV item until the input has been exhausted:

impl Config {
    fn read(mut raw: &str) -> Result<Config> {
        let mut config = Config::default();
        while !raw.is_empty() {
            let klv = OneKLV::read(raw)?;
            raw = &raw[klv.len..];

    fn set(&mut self, klv: OneKLV) -> Result<()> {
        let parse_duration = |v: String| -> Result<Duration> {
        let OneKLV { key, value, .. } = klv;
        match &*key {
            "name" => = value,
            "model" => self.model = value,
            "pattern" => self.needle = value,
            "haystack" => self.haystack = value,
            "max-iters" => self.max_iters = value.parse()?,
            "max-warmup-iters" => self.max_warmup_iters = value.parse()?,
            "max-time" => self.max_time = parse_duration(value)?,
            "max-warmup-time" => self.max_warmup_time = parse_duration(value)?,
            _ => {}

A generic routine for benchmarking

Before getting to the actual implementation that calls a memmem routine for benchmarking, we'll take a brief detour and write a generic routine that repeatedly runs a function for a period of time (or up to a maximum number of iterations), records a duration and result count sample for each function call, and then returns all recorded samples.

First, let's define what a sample is:

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Sample {
    duration: Duration,
    count: usize,

And now the function, which also handles a "warm-up" phase where the function is executed but no samples are gathered:

fn run(c: &Config, mut bench: impl FnMut() -> usize) -> Vec<Sample> {
    let warmup_start = Instant::now();
    for _ in 0..c.max_warmup_iters {
        let _count = bench();
        if warmup_start.elapsed() >= c.max_warmup_time {

    let mut samples = vec![];
    let run_start = Instant::now();
    for _ in 0..c.max_iters {
        let bench_start = Instant::now();
        let count = bench();
        let duration = bench_start.elapsed();
        samples.push(Sample { duration, count });
        if run_start.elapsed() >= c.max_time {

Basically, this accepts a Config that we parsed above and a closure that executes arbitrary code and returns a count. In our case, this is the function that will execute a single unit of work according to the model we're gathering measurements for.

Implementing the iter model

Finally, we can implement the actual calls to memmem that we want to measure. First up is memmem from the Rust memchr crate:

fn rust_memmem_iter(c: &Config) -> Vec<Sample> {
    let finder = memchr::memmem::Finder::new(&c.needle);
    run(c, || {
        let mut haystack = c.haystack.as_bytes();
        let mut count = 0;
        while let Some(i) = finder.find(&haystack) {
            count += 1;
            haystack =
                match haystack.get(i + std::cmp::max(1, c.needle.len())..) {
                    Some(haystack) => haystack,
                    None => break,

Remember, our iter model is benchmarking the operation of "return a count of all matches in the haystack." So each execution should be a complete iteration of all matches. (Notice that we handle the case of an empty needle by ensuring that haystack is always smaller after each iteration, which guarantees termination.)

And now let's write the same implementation, but using libc's memmem. This needs a little bit more code because we write a safe wrapper around memmem and then use that in our benchmark instead.

fn libc_memmem_iter(c: &Config) -> Vec<Sample> {
    run(c, || {
        let mut haystack = c.haystack.as_bytes();
        let mut count = 0;
        while let Some(i) = libc_memmem(&haystack, c.needle.as_bytes()) {
            count += 1;
            haystack =
                match haystack.get(i + std::cmp::max(1, c.needle.len())..) {
                    Some(haystack) => haystack,
                    None => break,

/// A safe wrapper around libc's `memmem` function. In particular, this
/// converts memmem's pointer return to an index offset into `haystack`.
fn libc_memmem(haystack: &[u8], needle: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
    // SAFETY: We know that both our haystack and needle pointers are valid and
    // non-null, and we also know that the lengths of each corresponds to the
    // number of bytes at that memory region.
    let p = unsafe {
    if p.is_null() {
    } else {
        let start = (p as isize) - (haystack.as_ptr() as isize);
        Some(start as usize)

The wrapper is not precisely free, since it does have a null-pointer check and a subtraction. Most correct uses of memmem are going to do at least a null pointer check anyway. With that said, it is possible that this is not a correct choice to make, but it depends on what you care about measuring. I leave it as an exercise to the reader to make adjustments as you see fit.

Putting it all together

Finally, we can put everything together. Here, we'll change our main function to actually do something. Specifically, it should:

  • Handle a query for the version of the runner program, which is recorded with every measurement. (Along with the version of the rebar tool itself.)
  • Provide a way to specify which engine is being executed. (The KLV data does not include that, because every engine corresponds to its own program execution. Since we use the same program to handle multiple engines, we need some other channel of information to determine which engine we'll measure.)
  • Read all of the KLV data from stdin.
  • Parse the KLV data into a Config object.
  • Based on the engine and config model given, select the implementation of memmem to measure.
  • Run it, collect the samples and print them to stdout.

Here's the code that does just that:

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let Some(arg) = std::env::args_os().nth(1) else {
        err!("Usage: runner (<engine-name> | --version)")
    let Ok(arg) = arg.into_string() else {
        err!("argument given is not valid UTF-8")
    if arg == "--version" {
        writeln!(std::io::stdout(), env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))?;
        return Ok(());
    let engine = arg;
    let raw = std::io::read_to_string(std::io::stdin())?;
    let config = Config::read(&raw)?;
    let samples = match (&*engine, &*config.model) {
        ("rust/memmem", "iter") => rust_memmem_iter(&config),
        ("libc/memmem", "iter") => libc_memmem_iter(&config),
        (engine, model) => {
            err!("unrecognized engine '{engine}' and model '{model}'")
    let mut stdout = std::io::stdout().lock();
    for s in samples.iter() {
        writeln!(stdout, "{},{}", s.duration.as_nanos(), s.count)?;

Testing the runner program

Before moving on to the next step, it would be a good idea to test the runner program. This is what you might normally do if you were writing your own runner program.

First, let's make sure our runner program has been built:

$ cargo build --release --manifest-path runner/Cargo.toml

And now, as we did above, we can use the rebar klv command to convert our benchmark definition to structured data and then pass that into our runner program via stdin. We also choose to run the rust/memmem engine by passing it as the first command line argument to the runner program.

$ rebar klv memmem/sherlock-holmes | ./runner/target/release/runner rust/memmem

Hmmm, what went wrong here? Shouldn't some samples be printed? The reason why nothing was printed is because we didn't tell rebar klv how much time to spend benchmarking, nor did we tell it how many iterations to use. By default, both of them are zero. So let's give it some non-zero values:

$ rebar klv memmem/sherlock-holmes --max-iters 10 --max-time 3s | ./runner/target/release/runner rust/memmem

We can also test our libc/memmem engine:

$ rebar klv memmem/sherlock-holmes --max-iters 10 --max-time 3s | ./runner/target/release/runner libc/memmem

Defining the engines

In order to use rebar to build the runner program and gather measurements, we have to actually teach rebar how to do it. We have tell it how to get the version, how to build it, how to run it and how to clean any build artifacts.

The engines are defined in benchmarks/engines.toml, which we created above but left it empty. Here's the rust/memmem engine:

  name = "rust/memmem"
  cwd = "../runner"
    bin = "./target/release/runner"
    args = ["--version"]
    bin = "./target/release/runner"
    args = ["rust/memmem"]
    bin = "cargo"
    args = ["build", "--release"]
    bin = "cargo"
    args = ["clean"]

And the libc/memmem engine is very similar. The only difference is the first argument we pass when running the program:

  name = "libc/memmem"
  cwd = "../runner"
    bin = "./target/release/runner"
    args = ["--version"]
    bin = "./target/release/runner"
    args = ["libc/memmem"]
    bin = "cargo"
    args = ["build", "--release"]
    bin = "cargo"
    args = ["clean"]

Collecting measurements

Once you've defined the engines, you should be able to build them:

$ rebar build
rust/memmem: running: cd "runner" && "cargo" "build" "--release"
rust/memmem: build complete for version 0.1.0
libc/memmem: running: cd "runner" && "cargo" "build" "--release"
libc/memmem: build complete for version 0.1.0

And then test that measurements can be gathered and the result is what is expected:

$ rebar measure -t

Now we can gather measurements. We use tee here so that you can see the progress of recording measurements (since it can take a while, especially when the number of measurements grows), and also so that the measurements are saved somewhere for later analysis.

$ rebar measure | tee results.csv
memmem/sherlock-holmes,iter,0.0.1 (rev e5d648ff17),libc/memmem,0.1.0,,607430,50577,4.57s,59.28us,0.00ns,59.28us,3.16us,53.54us,70.32us
memmem/sherlock-holmes,iter,0.0.1 (rev e5d648ff17),rust/memmem,0.1.0,,607430,209468,4.62s,14.49us,0.00ns,14.29us,343.00ns,13.51us,26.04us

Finally, we can compare the results in a more palatable form:

$ rebar cmp results.csv
benchmark               libc/memmem       rust/memmem
---------               -----------       -----------
memmem/sherlock-holmes  9.5 GB/s (4.09x)  39.0 GB/s (1.00x)

Bonus: measuring musl's memmem implementation

If you've followed along so far and are on Linux, it's very likely that the runner program you've written is measuring glibc's's memmem routine. This is because Rust programs on Linux will by default dynamically link with your system's libc, and most Linux systems use glibc by default. (But not all.)

(If you're on a different platform like macOS, then your program is likely measuring whatever implementation of memmem is provided by your platform. This is why the engine is called libc/memmem and not, for example, glibc/memmem. Because there's nothing about our setup here that specifically chooses a particular libc implementation.)

But what if you did want to measure a particular libc implementation? Depending on the environment, this could be quite tricky for a variety of reasons. But if you're on Linux x86_64, have rustup and musl installed, then it's very easy to add a new engine to our harness that measures musl's memmem implementation. First, make the musl target available to Cargo:

$ rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

Then add the following engine definition to benchmarks/engines.toml:

  name = "musl/memmem"
  cwd = "../runner"
    bin = "./target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/runner"
    args = ["--version"]
    bin = "./target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/runner"
    args = ["libc/memmem"]
    bin = "cargo"
    args = ["build", "--release", "--target", "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl"]
    bin = "cargo"
    args = ["clean", "--target", "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl"]

Notice that this is the same as the existing libc/memmem definition, except we add a --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl argument to the build command and subsequently tweak the path to the runner binary itself.

Now add musl/memmem to the list of engines to get measurements for in our benchmarl, so that the list in benchmarks/definitions/memmem.toml now looks like this:

engines = [

And that's it. We don't even need to change the program since we re-use the program's libc/memmem engine. Remember, it doesn't care about which libc is used. We control that through the linking step in the build process (which is mostly hidden from us, but is a consequence of us using the musl target).

Now just rebuild the runner programs. You should now see the musl/memmem engine:

$ rebar build
rust/memmem: running: cd "runner" && "cargo" "build" "--release"
rust/memmem: build complete for version 0.1.0
libc/memmem: running: cd "runner" && "cargo" "build" "--release"
libc/memmem: build complete for version 0.1.0
musl/memmem: running: cd "runner" && "cargo" "build" "--release" "--target" "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl"
musl/memmem: build complete for version 0.1.0

Test that things work. In particular, ensure that musl/memmem shows up here. If you forgot to add musl/memmem to your list of engines for the sherlock-holmes benchmark above, then it won't show up here.

$ rebar measure -t

Next we can gather measurements:

$ rebar measure | tee results.csv
memmem/sherlock-holmes,iter,0.0.1 (rev e5d648ff17),libc/memmem,0.1.0,,607430,53312,4.57s,54.68us,0.00ns,56.24us,3.00us,53.07us,75.35us
memmem/sherlock-holmes,iter,0.0.1 (rev e5d648ff17),musl/memmem,0.1.0,,607430,13508,4.51s,221.79us,0.00ns,222.05us,1.57us,219.25us,246.42us
memmem/sherlock-holmes,iter,0.0.1 (rev e5d648ff17),rust/memmem,0.1.0,,607430,215489,4.62s,13.87us,0.00ns,13.89us,108.00ns,13.59us,18.44us

And finally, compare them in a palatable way:

$ rebar cmp results.csv
benchmark               libc/memmem        musl/memmem        rust/memmem
---------               -----------        -----------        -----------
memmem/sherlock-holmes  10.3 GB/s (3.94x)  2.6 GB/s (15.99x)  40.8 GB/s (1.00x)

Bonus: stooping to libc's level

If you were paying really close attention while we built our runner program, you might have noticed that for the libc memmem implementation, we call memmem for every search:

while let Some(i) = libc_memmem(&haystack, c.needle.as_bytes()) {
    count += 1;
    haystack =
        match haystack.get(i + std::cmp::max(1, c.needle.len())..) {
            Some(haystack) => haystack,
            None => break,

Where as for the memchr crate's implementation of memmem, we call a function that only accepts the haystack, not the needle:

while let Some(i) = finder.find(&haystack) {
    count += 1;
    haystack =
        match haystack.get(i + std::cmp::max(1, c.needle.len())..) {
            Some(haystack) => haystack,
            None => break,

What gives? Well, it turns out that libc's memmem API nearly requires it to rebuild its internal searcher on every call. That is, there is no API that let's you say, "build a searcher with this needle and then use that built searcher to look for occurrences in many different haystacks." This turns out to be a really common use case. For example, iterating over the lines in a file and looking for lines containing a certain substring. memmem has to repeatedly rebuild its searcher every single freaking time. (This is probably why there is no end to articles about how "my naive substring search algorithm beats libc's hyper-optimized memmem routine! See, the trick to optimization really is to just write simple code!")

In contrast, the memchr crate provides an API for building a Finder once, and then using it to execute many searches. This is a legitimate advantage to better API design, and is in my opinion fair game. Still though, what if you were thinking about implementing your own libc? Legacy requires that you provide a memmem API. So how well would the memchr crate fair?

To figure this out, we should do two things:

  • Define a new benchmark where this API difference probably matters. The one benchmark we've already defined only has 91 matches, which probably is small enough that this API difference doesn't lead to a legitimate improvement. (The API difference is a latency optimization, not a throughput one. Although, the more restrictive API might prevent one from doing more throughput optimizations if they would too negatively impact latency!)
  • Define a new rust/memmem/restricted engine that always rebuilds the searcher for every search. We could just change the code of rust/memmem, rebuild the runner program and then recapture measurements. And sometimes that might be the right thing to do. But in this case, it would be nice to have both options available simultaneously since this really comes down to a public API difference and not some internal tweak that we're testing.

First, let's define a new benchmark. We'll look for all occurrences of he, which is about two orders of magnitude more common than Sherlock Holmes:

model = "iter"
name = "very-common"
regex = "he"
haystack = { path = "sherlock.txt" }
count = 11_706
engines = [

Now teach the new engine to rebar by adding it to benchmarks/engines.toml:

  name = "rust/memmem/restricted"
  cwd = "../runner"
    bin = "./target/release/runner"
    args = ["--version"]
    bin = "./target/release/runner"
    args = ["rust/memmem/restricted"]
    bin = "cargo"
    args = ["build", "--release"]
    bin = "cargo"
    args = ["clean"]

And add rust/memmem/restricted to both of our benchmark definitions, so that the list in both looks like this:

engines = [

As usual, test that everything works:

$ rebar measure -t

Then collect measurements:

$ rebar measure | tee results.csv
memmem/sherlock-holmes,iter,0.0.1 (rev e5d648ff17),libc/memmem,0.1.0,,607430,51058,4.57s,58.94us,0.00ns,58.72us,3.48us,53.08us,86.91us
memmem/sherlock-holmes,iter,0.0.1 (rev e5d648ff17),musl/memmem,0.1.0,,607430,12463,4.51s,243.65us,0.00ns,240.67us,4.32us,233.96us,255.69us
memmem/sherlock-holmes,iter,0.0.1 (rev e5d648ff17),rust/memmem,0.1.0,,607430,209354,4.62s,14.06us,0.00ns,14.30us,357.00ns,13.54us,21.91us
memmem/sherlock-holmes,iter,0.0.1 (rev e5d648ff17),rust/memmem/restricted,0.1.0,,607430,186450,4.62s,15.98us,0.00ns,16.06us,212.00ns,15.72us,22.69us
memmem/very-common,iter,0.0.1 (rev e5d648ff17),libc/memmem,0.1.0,,607430,8601,4.51s,345.96us,0.00ns,348.78us,6.36us,339.93us,394.50us
memmem/very-common,iter,0.0.1 (rev e5d648ff17),musl/memmem,0.1.0,,607430,6966,4.51s,429.51us,0.00ns,430.68us,5.09us,426.53us,479.23us
memmem/very-common,iter,0.0.1 (rev e5d648ff17),rust/memmem,0.1.0,,607430,19255,4.51s,154.69us,0.00ns,155.77us,4.33us,152.76us,183.47us
memmem/very-common,iter,0.0.1 (rev e5d648ff17),rust/memmem/restricted,0.1.0,,607430,11390,4.51s,263.38us,0.00ns,263.36us,2.79us,256.52us,303.20us

And compare the results:

$ rebar cmp results.csv
benchmark               libc/memmem          musl/memmem          rust/memmem        rust/memmem/restricted
---------               -----------          -----------          -----------        ----------------------
memmem/sherlock-holmes  9.6 GB/s (4.19x)     2.3 GB/s (17.33x)    40.2 GB/s (1.00x)  35.4 GB/s (1.14x)
memmem/very-common      1674.4 MB/s (2.24x)  1348.7 MB/s (2.78x)  3.7 GB/s (1.00x)   2.1 GB/s (1.70x)

Firstly, it looks like there is a small but measurable difference in total throughput for the Sherlock Holmes search. That is, rebuilding the searcher 90 times is enough to ding the throughput a little bit.

Secondly, the difference between rust/memmem and rust/memmem/restricted is much higher for the very-common benchmark. In this case, the searcher is rebuilt much more, and as a result, the overall throughput is about 2x slower.

We'll stop our investigation there. The point here isn't necessarily to do a full analysis on memmem performance, but to show how one might go about the process of building their own benchmark suite. And in particular, it's important to show the flexibility of the engine and model concepts built into rebar. When taken together, they can lead to capturing a variety of different types of workloads and configurations.