The world's first HDD-mined cryptocurrency using the new algorithm, Proof-of-Capacity.
- Proof of Capacity - ASIC Proof / Energy efficient mining
- Fast sync. with multithread CPU or OpenCL/GPU (optional)
- "Turing complete" smart contracts, via Automated Transactions (AT)
- Decentralized Crowdfunding and Lottery via AT
- Asset Exchange and Digital Goods Store
- Advanced transactions: Escrow and Subscription
- Encrypted Messaging
- NXT based
- Proof of Stake Removed
- Proof of Capacity implemented
- No IPO
- No Premine
- 4 minute block time
- 2,158,812,800 coins total
- Block reward starts at 10,000/block
- Block Reward Decreases at 5% each month
- 2016/27/07 New version release Burst 1.2.6
- 2016/19/07 New version release Burst 1.2.5
- 2016/06/07 New version release Burst 1.2.4
- 2016/01/11 Community takeover
- 2015/04/20 New version release Burst 1.2.3
- 2015/02/05 New version release Burst 1.2.2
- 2015/01/20 New version release Burst 1.2.1
- 2014/12/22 New version release Burst 1.2.0
- 2014/11/04 New version release 1.1.5
- 2014/10/18 New version release 1.1.4
- 2014/10/04 Escrow transactions enabled
- 2014/09/27 New version release 1.1.3
- 2014/09/14 New version release 1.1.2
- 2014/09/13 Stuck transactions statement
- 2014/09/13 New version release 1.1.1
- 2014/09/09 New version release 1.1.0
- 2014/08/31 V2 mining pool now up
- 2014/08/27 New version release 1.0.3
- 2014/08/20 First pool (v1) now up
- 2014/08/17 New version release 1.0.2
- 2014/08/16 Statement regarding the difficulty adjustment
- 2014/08/11 Statement regarding The pool situation
Burstcoin can be build using maven or the compile scripts within this repository.
For further information, please visit the following pages. (New unmoderated) (Alternative moderated) (Original unmoderated) Original/Forked Burstcoin, ATDebugger, ATAssembler, POCMiner (Proof of concept plotter/miner), etc. Burstcoin Win Client, Android App Blago's Windows Miner, PlotsChecker, etc. GPU assisted jMiner, Faucet Software, Address generator Windows Plot Generator for SEE4/AVX2 gpuPlotGenerator, BurstMine (graphical plotter/miner) GUI for Dcct Tools, GUI for gpuPlotGenerator (linux) Burst Plot Generator by Kurairaito Improved Linux Burst Plotter / optimizer / miner (linux) C Miner, Pool, Block Explorer, Plot Composer (linux) Web interface for Plotting and Mining