You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
- BuyOne_Insert automation item on selected envelope at item under edit cursor on designated track.lua
- BuyOne_Insert automation item on selected envelope at item under mouse cursor.lua
- BuyOne_Insert automation item on selected envelope at selected items on the same track.lua
- BuyOne_Move, trim, stretch or shrink automation item and its contents_META.lua (31)
- BuyOne_Split selected automation items creating new unique items.lua
- BuyOne_Move edit cursor to snap offset cursor; fades; take, stretch markers; media cues; razor edit area and automation item edges_META.lua (18)
- BuyOne_Snap edit cursor to item edges, snap offset, fades within X ms across tracks (see settings).lua
- BuyOne_(Un)Collapse envelope lanes_META.lua (18)
- BuyOne_Move selected FX envelope in track to top_bottom_upwards_downwards_META.lua (6)
- BuyOne_Select points of envelope segment under mouse cursor.lua
- BuyOne_Select take Mute envelope.lua
- BuyOne_Select take Pan envelope.lua
- BuyOne_Select take Pitch envelope.lua
- BuyOne_Select take Volume envelope.lua
- BuyOne_Toggle visibility of non-selected envelopes.lua
BuyOne_FX presets menu (guide inside).lua
BuyOne_Generate .reabank file from FX preset list.lua
BuyOne_Insert selected FX or FX chain presets in OR copy focused FX to selected objects.lua
BuyOne_Link two FX parameters via parameter modulation (guide inside).lua
BuyOne_List all linked FX parameters in the project.lua
BuyOne_Move selected take FX down in the chain.lua
BuyOne_Move selected take FX up in the chain.lua
BuyOne_ReaControlMIDI navigate banks, programs_META.lua (12 or 15 depending on REAPER build)
BuyOne_Load FX chain on selected objects via file dialogue (guide inside).lua
BuyOne_Restore FX windows after screenset change (see settings).lua
BuyOne_Simplify FX names.lua
BuyOne_Shift RS5k instrument note map on track by semitones.lua
BuyOne_Shift RS5k instrument note map on track by white keys.lua
BuyOne_Temporary FX presets.lua
BuyOne_Toggle (Un)Bypass input FX for selected tracks.lua
BuyOne_Toggle bypass;offline state of all FX in a focused;selected item;take + visual indication (guide inside).lua
BuyOne_Update FX chain at object selection when one FX window at a time enabled.lua
BuyOne_(Un)Tag FX with (in)active envelopes (settings inside).lua
BuyOne_(Un)Tag FX with (in)active parameter modulation (sett. inside).lua
- BuyOne_Cycle through focused FX presets backwards (guide inside).lua
- BuyOne_Cycle through focused FX presets forward (guide inside).lua
- BuyOne_Dedicated FX presets backwards switcher (FX ID dependent) (guide inside).lua
- BuyOne_Dedicated FX presets backwards switcher (TAG dependent) (guide inside).lua
- BuyOne_Dedicated FX presets forward switcher (FX ID dependent) (guide inside).lua
- BuyOne_Dedicated FX presets forward switcher (TAG dependent) (guide inside).lua
- BuyOne_Extract focused FX preset count, list, active preset number and name.lua
- BuyOne_Lock FX and FX chains - append or remove lock tag (guide inside).lua
- BuyOne_Lock FX and FX chains (guide inside).lua
- BuyOne_Create pitch-rate (vari-speed) take envelope and render to new take.lua
- BuyOne_Delete selected item(s) and select next or previous (settings inside).lua
- BuyOne_Exclusively solo or mute only selected grouped items (settings inside).lua
- BuyOne_Explode MIDI note rows (pitch) to new items (keyboard note order).lua
- BuyOne_Explode multichannel MIDI to new one-channel items obeying keyboard note order.lua
- BuyOne_Move, select, im-, explode, crop overlapping items in lanes_META.lua (13)
- BuyOne_Move items from one track to many or from many to one.lua
- BuyOne_Propagate items in current region to other regions by name, color or index.lua
- BuyOne_Ripple edit per track when selected item length changes (settings inside).lua
- BuyOne_Split grouped items keeping splits in the same group as the originals.lua
- BuyOne_Split selected MIDI item at every note or chord.lua
- BuyOne_Split selected items creating loopable parts.lua
- BuyOne_Swap 2 items (select both).lua
- BuyOne_Apply fade-in, fade-out and crossfade to selected items.lua
- BuyOne_Fade presets.lua
- BuyOne_Open item properties dialogue, focus on property X_META.lua (23)
- BuyOne_Duplicate project marker.lua
- BuyOne_Duplicate project marker_META.lua (9)
- BuyOne_Insert gaps between regions.lua
- BuyOne_Insert project marker with current timestamp at edit;mouse cursor (options).lua
- BuyOne_Insert take marker with current timestamp at edit;mouse cursor in selected items;takes (options).lua
- BuyOne_Move project marker to the edit cursor or to selected item start.lua
- BuyOne_Remove gaps between regions.lua
- BuyOne_Set markers and-or regions to random color(s) (all in one)_META.lua (7)
- BuyOne_Set region at play or edit cursor to a predefined color.lua
- BuyOne_Skip marker(s) or region(s) with the keyword in the name.lua
- BuyOne_Sort by length region bars displayed in lanes (respecting time sel.).lua
BuyOne_Convert selected notes to dotted (settings inside).lua
BuyOne_Copy or Move all notes and-or other MIDI events to specified MIDI channels.lua
BuyOne_Copy or Move selected notes and-or other MIDI events in visible lanes to specified MIDI channels.lua
BuyOne_Insert note at constant velocity depending on dummy toggle scripts.lua
BuyOne_Insert note at constant velocity set via a dialogue (guide inside).lua
BuyOne_Insert or edit MIDI event at edit cursor (see settings).lua
BuyOne_Move selected notes to a new MIDI item.lua
BuyOne_Paste notes at edit cursor obeying pitch cursor position.lua
BuyOne_Switch to next;previous active CC envelope_META.lua (2)
BuyOne_Time selection - set start ; end point.lua
- BuyOne_Add notes at pitch cursor to selection.lua
- BuyOne_Deselect only notes at pitch cursor.lua
- BuyOne_Move edit and pitch cursors to the next note relative to edit cursor.lua
- BuyOne_Move edit and pitch cursors to the previous note relative to edit cursor.lua
- BuyOne_Move pitch cursor to selected note.lua
- BuyOne_Move pitch cursor to the first note left of edit cursor.lua
- BuyOne_Move pitch cursor to the first note right of edit cursor.lua
- BuyOne_Move pitch cursor to the first note.lua
- BuyOne_Move pitch cursor to the first of selected notes.lua
- BuyOne_Move pitch cursor to the highest note left of edit cursor.lua
- BuyOne_Move pitch cursor to the highest note right of edit cursor.lua
- BuyOne_Move pitch cursor to the highest note.lua
- BuyOne_Move pitch cursor to the highest of selected notes.lua
- BuyOne_Move pitch cursor to the last note.lua
- BuyOne_Move pitch cursor to the last of selected notes.lua
- BuyOne_Move pitch cursor to the lowest note left of edit cursor.lua
- BuyOne_Move pitch cursor to the lowest note right of edit cursor.lua
- BuyOne_Move pitch cursor to the lowest note.lua
- BuyOne_Move pitch cursor to the lowest of selected notes.lua
- BuyOne_Move pitch cursor to the note ending at edit cursor.lua
- BuyOne_Move pitch cursor to the note nearest to or under edit cursor.lua
- BuyOne_Move pitch cursor to the note starting at edit cursor.lua
- BuyOne_Select only notes at pitch cursor.lua
BuyOne_Adjust track, item, envelope points, FX parameters with mousewheel.lua
BuyOne_Check length of custom action(s).lua
BuyOne_Convert a series of digits to note sequence.lua
BuyOne_Cycle switch last focused toolbar to next or previous.lua
BuyOne_Duplicate selected tracks, media or automation items with input box.lua
BuyOne_Dynamic ReaperMenu (guide inside).lua
BuyOne_Extract and apply object color.lua
BuyOne_Extract download links (not for REAPER).lua
BuyOne_Lua syntax highlighter for forum posts.lua
BuyOne_Multi-action based on mouse cursor position in Arrange.lua
BuyOne_Multi-action based on mouse cursor position relative to track or item.lua
BuyOne_Multi-context menu.lua
BuyOne_Multi-layer menu.lua
BuyOne_Musical division length prompter.lua
BuyOne_Prevent Arrange view going past markers with key words.lua
BuyOne_Scroll horizontally and;or move loop and;or time selection by user defined interval.lua
BuyOne_Select source object of a focused FX chain or FX window.lua
BuyOne_Select track of the currently focused track FX window.lua
BuyOne_Useless calculator.lua
'Set default mouse modifier...' actions in Lua format (relevant for REAPER 7).zip
'Set mouse modifiers ...' script toggle state restorer.lua
- BuyOne_Apply color to objects (guide inside).lua
- BuyOne_Apply same random color to objects (guide inside).lua
- BuyOne_Apply different random colors to objects (guide inside).lua
- BuyOne_Convert custom action to Lua ReaScript.lua
- BuyOne_Convert custom actions in batch to Lua ReaScripts or dump as Lua code.lua
- BuyOne_Convert filtered custom actions to Lua ReaScripts or dump as Lua code.lua
- BuyOne_Cursor toggleable sidebars (settings inside).lua
- BuyOne_Cursor toggleable toolbar at top of main window.lua
- BuyOne_Cursor toggleable Toolbar Docker (settings inside).lua
- BuyOne_Cursor toggleable Toolbar Docker simpler (settings inside).lua
- BuyOne_Cursor toggleable Toolbar Docker simplest.lua
- BuyOne_Exclusive dummy toggle - spawn new script.lua
- BuyOne_Exclusive dummy toggle startup script.lua
- BuyOne_Exclusive dummy toggles_META.lua (10)
- BuyOne_REAPER Profile terminal (autosave all) (guide inside).lua
- BuyOne_REAPER Profile terminal (guide inside).lua
- BuyOne_Transcribing A - Create and manage segments (MAIN).lua
- BuyOne_Transcribing A - Format converter.lua
- BuyOne_Transcribing A - Generate Transcribing A toolbar ReaperMenu file.lua
- BuyOne_Transcribing A - Go to segment marker.lua
- BuyOne_Transcribing A - Import SRT or VTT file as markers and SWS track Notes.lua
- BuyOne_Transcribing A - Offset position of markers in time selection by specified amount.lua
- BuyOne_Transcribing A - Prepare transcript for rendering.lua
- BuyOne_Transcribing A - Real time preview.lua
- BuyOne_Transcribing A - Select Notes track based on marker at edit cursor.lua
- BuyOne_Transcribing B - Create and manage segments (MAIN).lua
- BuyOne_Transcribing B - Format converter.lua
- BuyOne_Transcribing B - Generate Transcribing B toolbar ReaperMenu file.lua
- BuyOne_Transcribing B - Import SRT or VTT file as markers and SWS track Notes.lua
- BuyOne_Transcribing B - Offset position of regions in time selection by specified amount.lua
- BuyOne_Transcribing B - Prepare transcript for rendering.lua
- BuyOne_Transcribing B - Real time preview.lua
- BuyOne_Transcribing B - Scroll Region-Marker Manager to target entry.lua
- BuyOne_Multi-speed horizontal scroll.lua
- BuyOne_Multi-speed vertical scroll.lua
- BuyOne_Scroll down with variable speed.lua
- BuyOne_Scroll horizontally with variable speed.lua
- BuyOne_Scroll left with variable speed.lua
- BuyOne_Scroll right with variable speed.lua
- BuyOne_Scroll TCP and MCP with variable speed.lua
- BuyOne_Scroll up with variable speed.lua
- BuyOne_Close tab or quit REAPER without Save prompt (see settings).lua
- BuyOne_Color ruler depending on play-record mode.lua
- BuyOne_Color ruler if tracks are record armed.lua
- BuyOne_Export project tabs and import from dump (settings inside).lua
- BuyOne_Import metadata from media into the Project Render Metadata.lua
- BuyOne_Load instance of current project in another tab.lua
- BuyOne_Open project templates in new tab.lua
- BuyOne_Open recent projects in new tab (settings inside).lua
- BuyOne_Project list menu.lua
- BuyOne_Set project length limit to mouse or edit cursor.lua
- BuyOne_Store last audio buffer size in project file and display warning if changed between sessions.lua
- BuyOne_Remove Razor Edit areas from item or envelope lanes_META.lua (8)
- BuyOne_Create Razor edit area from cursor to mouse on envelope or item lane_META.lua (8)
- BuyOne_(Re)Store Razor edit areas slots #1-5_META.lua (10)
- BuyOne_Play a file when rendering is finished (guide inside).lua
- BuyOne_Render each item in place separately (guide inside).lua
- BuyOne_Alternative take ranking scales.lua
- BuyOne_Randomize active take in items (settings inside).lua
- BuyOne_Reverse order of all takes in items.lua
- BuyOne_Create time selection between two marked points from the closest to cursor on the left (guide inside).lua
- BuyOne_(Re)Store Mixer scroll position per project.lua
- BuyOne_Adjust track pan and volume at selected resolution with mousewheel.lua
- BuyOne_Adjust track pan at selected resolution with mousewheel.lua
- BuyOne_Adjust track volume at selected resolution with mousewheel.lua
- BuyOne_Apply MCP layout to selected tracks.lua
- BuyOne_Apply TCP layout to selected tracks.lua
- BuyOne_Apply folder parent track color to all child tracks.lua
- BuyOne_Automatically increase height of selected tracks, decrease others'.lua
- BuyOne_Insert multiple new tracks automatically sending them to tracks specified in the settings.lua
- BuyOne_Insert new track automatically sending it to tracks specified in the settings.lua
- BuyOne_Mute empty tracks with FX and optionally set their FX offline (guide inside).lua
- BuyOne_Navigate to track send destination or receive source track via menu.lua
- BuyOne_Save track template with items selected or within time selection.lua
- BuyOne_Save-Load window set #1-10 with Mixer scroll position_META.lua (10)
- BuyOne_Scroll named track into view in the Mixer (guide inside).lua
- BuyOne_Scroll to or exclusively show track(s) by name or index.lua
- BuyOne_Select MCP layout and insert new tracks.lua
- BuyOne_Select TCP layout and insert new tracks.lua
- BuyOne_Send selected tracks to designated track for monitoring.lua
- BuyOne_Send selected tracks to tracks specified in the settings.lua
- BuyOne_Set sends;receives in selected tracks to the next mode (relative to the current).lua
- BuyOne_Set sends;receives in selected tracks to the same mode and cycle through the modes.lua
- BuyOne_Track embedded notes displayed as a tooltip.lua
- BuyOne_Track visibility menu.lua