There is a lot going on in the setup of the warehouse environment on Azure, and to simplify that task, there will be written an Azure Resource Management template for each module so it becomes easy to install.
If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.
2022-01-28: How to setup the basic Bygdrift Warehouse (in Danish)
2022-05-26: How to update a Bygdrift Warehouse module (in Danish)
This will setup the warehouse environment and you will have to do it as the first thing. Then you can install the warehouse modules you like.
This deployment will setup a storage account for the apps, a storage account as a data lake, an Application Insight, a SQL server and a SQL database.
You can also run the ARM from PowerShell.
Either run the PowerShell from computer by installing Azure CLI, or use the Azure Cloud Shell from the Azure portal. This instruction will focus on the run from a computer.
Download warehouse_ARM.parameters.json to a folder and carefully fill in each variable.
Download warehouse_ARM.json to the same folder.
Login to azure: az login
If you don't have a resource group, then run the PowerShell-command: az group create -g <resourceGroupName> -l westeurope
And then: az deployment group create -g <resourceGroupName> --template-file ./Warehouse_ARM.json --parameters ./Warehouse_ARM.parameters.json
In both commands, replace <resourceGroupName>
with actual name.
I personally prefer to use CLI so I can collect all parameters into one json.