- Add a hosts entry for the Docker
grep -q hypernode.hypernode.local /etc/hosts || echo " hypernode.hypernode.local" >> /etc/hosts
- Start an SSH agent and add your key
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
ssh-add # Add your keys
- Log in to the hypernode-docker container
# Log in with SSH agent forwarding
# The default password is 'insecure_docker_ssh_password', or use the insecure key
ssh -A root@
- Double-check you are in the Docker environment and not the real Hypernode
# This file does not exist on real Hypernodes
app@e4b7d958e69c:~$ ls /etc/hypernode/is_docker
- Run the hypernode-importer to import a shop from a real Hypernode
hypernode-importer --host vdloo.hypernode.io --path /data/web/public --set-default-url
- Point your browser to the importer shop
Go to http://hypernode.hypernode.local/