This repository is a companion to Jeremy's Github. It will be updated as we continue working on AGD, so at any point there are likely to be bugs not found in Jeremy's. Currently, it includes support for biases and affine parameters, although there is as yet not a rigorous theory behind these. We're also working on making it work for transformers (using minGPT as a base model). We have a minimum working example (still under testing) capable of training a GPT-2 based model on OpenWebText2 (final accuracy pending).
To run the transformer-based experiments go to the transformer/ directory, and run either
python config/
python config/
Jeremy Bernstein* · Chris Mingard* · Kevin Huang · Navid Azizan · Yisong Yue
Install PyTorch and a GPU, and run:
Command line arguments are:
--arch # options: fcn, vgg, resnet
--dataset # options: cifar10, cifar100, mnist, imagenet
--train_bs # training batch size
--test_bs # testing batch size
--epochs # number of epochs to train for
--depth # number of layers for fcn
--width # hidden layer width for fcn
--distribute # train over multiple gpus (for imagenet)
--beta # temperature parameter for xent
--gain # experimental acceleration of training
No training hyperparameters are neccessary. While the gain hyperparamter is unecessary for good performance, and goes against the spirit of AGD, we included it as it has been observed to speed up training and thus may be of some practical utility. It was not used anywhere in the paper.
├── supercloud/ # scripts for running on supercloud servers
├── util/
│ ├── util/ # datasets and preprocessing
│ ├── util/ # architecture definitions
├── transformer/ # testing transformers
├── # automatic gradient descent
├── # automatic gradient descent (with support for biases and affine etc.)
├── # entrypoint to training
For the
- initial weights are drawn from the uniform measure over orthogonal matrices, and then scaled by
$\sqrt{d_k / d_{k-1}}$ . - weights are updated according to:
$G \gets \frac{1}{L} \sum_{k\in{1...L}} \sqrt{\tfrac{d_k}{d_{k-1}}}\cdot \Vert\nabla_{W_k} \mathcal{L}\Vert_F$ ; -
$\eta \gets \log\Big( \tfrac{1+\sqrt{1+4G}}{2}\Big)$ .
This procedure is slightly modified for convolutional layers.
If you find AGD helpful and you'd like to cite the paper, we'd appreciate it:
author = {Jeremy Bernstein and Chris Mingard and Kevin Huang and Navid Azizan and Yisong Yue},
title = {{A}utomatic {G}radient {D}escent: {D}eep {L}earning without {H}yperparameters},
journal = {arXiv:2304.05187},
year = 2023
Our paper titled Automatic Gradient Descent: Deep Learning without Hyperparameters
is available at this link. The derivation of AGD is a refined version of the majorise-minimise analysis given in my PhD thesis Optimisation & Generalisation in Networks of Neurons
, and was worked out in close collaboration with Chris and Kevin. In turn, this develops the perturbation analysis from our earlier paper On the Distance between two Neural Networks and the Stability of Learning
with a couple insights from Greg Yang and Edward Hu's Feature Learning in Infinite-Width Neural Networks
thrown in for good measure.
Some architecture definitions were adapted from kuangliu/pytorch-cifar. Transformer experiments using karpathy/minGPT as a base.
We are making AGD available under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.