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ProTINA version 1.0

The MATLAB subroutines in the ProTINA package (v.1.0) have been successfully tested on MATLAB® 2014b to 2017a platforms. Please refer to the ProTINA manuscript for more detailed information about the algorithm. Any questions regarding ProTINA usage can be addressed to or to

Installation instruction:

  1. Unzip the package (7.51MB) to a preferred folder.
  2. Download the MATLAB version of GLMNET package, and unzip the GLMNET package under a new subfolder in ProTINA.
  3. Set the current working directory to ProTINA in MATLAB.
  4. Add the path for GLMNET package.

Note: glmnet package may not work in Matlab later than 2015b in windows. For the later version of Matlab in windows, glmnet function in Fortran may need to be compiled again.

The ProTINA package includes the following:

1. example_data

A subfolder in ProTINA package, containing microarray data from the chromatin targeting study using mouse pancreatic beta cells [1]:

  • lfc_mouse-pancreas-beta_13010genesX87samples.txt: log2FC data (lfc), pre-processed as described in ProTINA manuscript
  • list_of_genes.txt:The list of gene symbols corresponding to the rows in the log2FC data
  • table_of_samples.txt: The table of sample descriptions including time points (if in time-series) and group indices (same index for the same drug)
  • edges-TFTG_mouse_pancreas_fromCellNet.txt: Transcription factor (TF)-gene network for mouse pancreas cells obtained from CellNet database [2]
  • edges_ppi_fromSTRING_short.txt: Protein-protein interactions for mouse cells obtained from STRING database [3]

2. findiff.m

This function implements a 2nd order accurate finite difference for calculating slopes (time-derivatives) of the log2FC data using three time points. The function is used in generateSlope function below.

3. generatePGN.m

This function constructs the protein-gene network (PGN) by combining TF-gene and protein-protein interaction networks.

pgn = generatePGN(GList, tftg, ppi, tftg_thre, ptf_thre, ppi_thre)

  • GList: The n x 1 vector of genes in the same order of the genes in log2FC data. The length (n) of GList should be the same as the number of rows in log2FC data.
  • tftg: The matrix of TF-gene interactions. The first column is the list of TFs, and the second column is the list of genes regulated by the corresponding TFs. The third column is optional, and if present, the column should contain the (confidence) score for each interaction.
  • ppi: The matrix of protein-protein interactions. Each row of the first two columns give the protein pairs with interactions. The third column is optional, and if present, the column should contain the (confidence) score for each interaction.
  • tftg_thre: A threshold for TF-gene interactions. This variable is used only when the confidence score of TF-gene interactions are given in the matrix tftg. Any TF-gene interactions with confidence scores lower than the threshold will be excluded.
  • ptf_thre: A threshold for protein-TF interaction. This variable is used only when the confidence score of protein-TF interactions are given in the matrix ppi. Any protein-TF interactions with the scores lower than the threshold will be excluded.
  • ppi_thre: A threshold for protein-protein interaction. This variable is used only when the confidence score of protein-protein interactions are given in the matrix ppi. Any protein-protein interactions with the scores lower than the threshold will be excluded.


pgn: The n x n adjacency matrix of PGN. The elements of the matrix are either 0 or 1. The rows and columns correspond to proteins and genes, respectively, which follow the order given in GList. If the (i, j)-th element of the matrix is 1, then there exists a regulatory edge from protein i to gene j in the PGN, i.e. protein i is regulating the expression of gene j.

4. generateSlope.m

The function for calculating slope matrix from log2FC data. If more than two time points are available for a given drug/compound treatment, then a 2nd order accurate finite difference approximation is used for calculating the slopes. If only two time points are available, then a linear slope between the two time points is used.

slope = generateSlope( lfc, tp, group )

REQUIRES: findiff.m


  • lfc: The matrix of log2FC data. Each row represents a gene and each column represents a sample.
  • tp: A vector of time points of the samples in the matrix lfc. The length of the vector should be the same as the number of samples (i.e. the number of columns in the matrix lfc).
  • group: A vector of indices indicating the set of samples from a particular drug/compound treatment. The (time-series) samples from the same drug treatment experiment should have the same unique index. The length of the vector should be the same as the number of samples.


slope: the slope matrix

5. run_protina_example.m

An example script of running ProTINA for mouse pancreas data.

6. protina.m

The main function for ProTINA for generating the protein scores for each drug treatment.

[Pscore, A] = protina( lfc, slope, pgn, grplist, kfold, par, numCores )

  • lfc: The matrix of log2FC data. Each row represents a gene and each column represents a sample.
  • slope: The slope matrix from log2FC data. This matrix can be obtained using the function generateSlope. If the data are not time-series, set slope to an empty matrix (i.e. slope=[]).
  • pgn: The n x n adjacency matrix of the protein-gene regulation network, where n is the number of genes in GList. This matrix can be created using the function generatePGN.
  • grplist: The group index for protein scoring. This vector defines the samples for which the protein scores are computed. The length of this vector should be the same as the number of samples in the log2FC matrix. A single (aggregate) protein score is generated for samples with the same index. The group indices should be a consecutive integer starting from 1 to the number of groups.
  • kfold: The number of folds used in the k-fold cross validation.
  • par: A Boolean variable TRUE or FALSE indicating whether to use parallel computing. The default is FALSE (no parallel computation).
  • numCores: The number of CPU cores to be used for parallel computing. This parameter is considered only if par is TRUE. The default is 4.

  • Pscore: The matrix of protein scores. Each row corresponds to a gene following the same order as the one in the log2FC data, while each column corresponds to a group of samples as defined in the grplist.
  • A: The n x n matrix of edge weights of the PGN. The (i, j)-th element of the matrix corresponds to the weight of the regulatory edge from protein j to gene i in the PGN, i.e. the regulation of the expression of gene i by protein j. The rows and columns of the matrix correspond to genes and proteins in the PGN.


[1] Kubicek, S., J. C. Gilbert, D. Fomina-yadlin, A. D. Gitlin, and Y. Yuan. 2012. Chromatin-targeting small molecules cause class-specific transcriptional changes in pancreatic endocrine cells.

[2] Cahan, P., H. Li, S. A. Morris, E. Lummertz Da Rocha, G. Q. Daley, and J. J. Collins. 2014. CellNet: Network biology applied to stem cell engineering. Cell 158 (4): 903–915.

[3] Szklarczyk, D., A. Franceschini, S. Wyder, K. Forslund, D. Heller, J. Huerta-Cepas, M. Simonovic, et al. 2015. STRING v10: Protein-protein interaction networks, integrated over the tree of life. Nucleic Acids Research 43 (D1): D447–D452.