Releases: CDLUC3/dashv2
Refinements to timed release
- Reworked publication date entry: radio button for today or future; mm / dd / yyyy textbox entry or datepicker; enforces maximum delay; extra validation and error messages
- Publication date and license in separate sections
- License acceptance is a checkbox rather than an alert/message box popup.
- Reviewer download link redirects to landing page if dataset is now public
- Generated reviewer link no longer has expiration and is automatically available for the dataset author when logged into the UI
- Revised large file prompt for email address that is a modal-style dialog w/ AJAX submission
- Logging on stage at medium "info" level
- Showing both original submission date and this version submission date in landing page.
- Fixed download count incrementing when using reviewer link
- Bug fix for missing "processing" step in displayed submission states
- Minor text changes such as tagline "An easy-to-use data publication service"
- Facets renamed in 'Limit your Search' and 'sort by relevance' section.
- Added further explanation to Usage Notes section.
Sprint release: 03/28/2017
See related tag v0.1.35 for embargo features for the same sprint (listed below)
(Embargo) Embargoed material streams through the Dash UI when requested by the owner or someone with a secret link
(Embargo) Determination if a download will be returned by Merritt synchronously or asynchronously
(Embargo) When a dataset has been recently submitted and is not available from Merritt yet, a friendly warning is displayed instead of an error page
(Embargo) Fixed "wrong arguments" error in the "Explore Data" link
(Embargo) The submitted datasets in the "My Datasets" page show a new "embargoed" status in addition to the "published" status; publication date reflects embargo as needed
(Embargo) Fixes to the embargoed, asynchronous (large file) download workflow
(Embargo) User Testing Scenarios document for Embargo workflow added in confluence.
(Embargo) Fixed issues with "/" in secret_id generation for Secret Links.
The dataset title shows as the landing page title
The Dash service manager gets notified of newly submitted datasets
Merritt & Dash version numbers are now tracked separately
Quotation marks and similar are no longer escaped in search results
logging changes, fixed typos, Merritt version tracking, keywords display fixes -- sprint ending March 10, 2017
- Fixed minor typographical errors
- Added dash logo to public directory so it can be used by InCommon to display in list of service providers
- Hiding routing errors (404s) in Rails log files to keep log file size much smaller
- Added a Merritt version number that is separate from the Dash version number because they may not align with each other and are used in different circumstances
- Embargo date being submitted to Merritt in mrt-embargo.txt
- Keywords text display no longer cuts off moderately long keywords
- Filenames display with ellipses in PDF file to fit column width
- Orcid formatting changes and icon changes
- Fix for map showing twice when breaking across pages (disabled Any3d setting)
- (embargo, in progress) added form for capturing embargo date and saving to database
- (embargo, in progress) added form for creating a secret, sharing link with copy/paste for sending to reviewers
- (embargo, in progress) sharing URL that allows someone with the secret identifier to download a dataset
- (embargo, in progress) adding email form for capturing asynchronous downloads
- (embargo, in progress) using API calls for determining download type (async or synchronous) and doing asynchronous downloads from Merritt
- (embargo) streaming downloads where credentials are required through the Dash UI
Sprint release: 02/28/2017 PDF tweaks, bug fixes, embargo features (embargo branch)
- (embargo branch) Migrated embargo table out of DataCite engine and into Stash Engine
- (embargo branch) Able to choose to publish today or on a specific date
- (embargo branch) Download, data paper and files sections hidden if under embargo unless logged in and owner of dataset
- Tweaks to PDF rendering
- Smaller fonts in header and more room between it and body
- DOI links are blue, underlined and clickable in PDF even where not linked in landing page
- Removed "Type" section
- Listing only up to 100 files with ... to indicate list is not complete
- Text changes for download and data paper buttons
- Added to and revised install and config docs
- Fixed file packaging bug that attempted zipping file not updated in that version.
- Fixed version cloning and status problems for a new version of a dataset and worked around problems with Amoeba cloning gem
- doi URLs use rather than as the domain
- Worked around Sauce Labs problems with testing of the upload page
- Adding ORCID icon to review and landing pages
- (embargo) Merritt embargo file added to the package in embargo branch of gem
Data paper, importing PLoS subjects, automated testing, refactor of merritt-specific code
- Code from the stash_engine and stash_datacite was refactored into stash-merritt gem which isolates Merritt-repository submission specifics from our main code.
- Most tests with Sauce Labs browser testing are working from to run automated browser tests when code is checked in.
- First pass of the "data paper" functionality released which generates a PDF similar to the landing page and linked from the landing page.
- Added manual script (at stash_datacite/lib/script/plos_keywords.rb) to import PLoS Subject Area Thesaurus ( It is flattened and imported to database of DataCite keywords for autocompletion.
- DOI text shows as a full URL rather than doi:xxxxx/xxxxx format.
- Fixed upload size in "help" vs "getting started" page in order to show the same size (total size).
- Fixed bug in Merritt packaging that could add wrong files in V2 of dataset and onward (updates).
- Fixed bug with old versions of datasets that was brought in when state history stopped being saved and new datasets would have a completed state on initial creation of v2 and later.
- Fixed bug occuring when trying to edit old datasets where the version wasn't created until submission meaning a missing version caused errors.
Release Notes, January 31, 2017
- Identifiers get autolinked linked when they show in related identifiers in review or on landing page.
- Uploading files works on three files in parallel
- Separate module for Merritt submissions (not yet integrated)
- Help and Home links removed from top menu. The logo goes home and help is in the bottom navigation.
- Progress bar is higher contrast.
- Author names are entered correctly when using browser autofill rather than generating multiple records.
- Map only zooms with scroll wheel after a previous click inside the map area.
- Added code to do a manual tab separated value export of related identifiers for validation.
- Increased timeouts for large file uploads.
- PDF Creation for a data paper is partially working (but not exposed to the user yet).
Release notes, January 17, 2017: Testing, documentation, bug fixes
- Added documentation for an install of dash with all required local engines and with MySQL and Solr setup (under documentation directory in this Dashv2 repository)
- Created new example configuration repository at which contains example commented configuration files and a sample record for the database/Solr
- Created Capybara integration tests to test application at the browser level
- Moving packaging and submission into separate module (in progress)
- Added dynamically generated site map to point crawlers at the public datasets on each domain
- Changed formatting for markdown on help and about pages so the bullets and tables look more like the rest of the application; differentiated heading levels in help page so heading levels are more distinct
- Email message changed so that it displays DOI correctly and indicates that the link may take time to become active
- Reduced logging level so log files in stage/production do not show informational messages, but just warning or higher
- Using --deployment switch in Capistrano scripts which installs gems in the bundle rather than in system/user Ruby install, reduces number of gems on servers
- Fixed database connections so they don't leak when used in background thread
- Changed page titles to contain "Publish and Preserve" rather than Dash2, and footer text wording changed
- Fixed bug where multiple versions of a dataset all used the same geolocation records, so changing a later version also affected the earlier versions
Minor UI and Workflow fixes to application Jan 3, 2017
v0.1.22 (Jan 3, 2016)
- Integration testing working for many pages in the application with Capybara browser testing.
- Zip packaging handled by background task, so not a long wait after a submission.
- Branches and tags added to config repo and deployment changed to use config version consistent with our code.
- 3 different maximum sizes ("total" size, submission size, file size) which are configured per tenant.
- Unknown/404 pages showing a custom not found page.
- Less verbose logging in stage/production.
- Mobile menu working in discovery part of web application.
- Titles of pages include "publish and preserve' and footer modified.
- Things that look like URLs in text of landing page auto-converted into links and shorter URLs.
- Graph icon shows as graph instead of random box.
- Maximum size for submission only counts added/replaced files in a version.
- Added Google Analytics.
- ResourceTypes with free text that come from outside imports are retained even though no way to set in the UI.
- Misc code cleanup and simplifications.
File Submission, testing, ajax loading support
Release notes
v0.1.15 to v0.1.21 (Nov 18 to Dec 9, 2016)
- UC Merced logo -- Added extra space added on top
- Maximum upload size is displayed based on configuration in all places
- Ajax loading errors fixed, caused by jquery-ui gem released with missing dependencies, updated to later version of gem
- Added manual script to import file list from an Atom feed when we must do manual deposit
- Renaming resource_type field to resource_type_general which is what this controlled list actually represents
- Adding resource_type_general (free text) and updating all code so it fills in both values and uses the new fields
- Up to 2 GB submissions
- (In private puppet repo) Updating Apache config to allow longer http requests before the balancer times out
- Updating Capistrano deploy to allow longer-running background tasks to complete before they are killed
- Updated configuration to allow larger submissions
- Installed rspec testing framework and set up directories
- Minor cleanup of stash-sword gem and file upload code
- Use short campus names when possible -- both tenant display and autocompletion when available
- Fixing "Participating Partners" drop-down to stay on top of buttons/text on the page
- Simplify code that sets the version number for an identifier
- Fix DOI formatting/links in email