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Tests for the Korp backend

This directory tests contains Pytest tests for the Korp backend.


To be able to run tests, you need to install the development requirements by running

$ pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt

In addition, you need to have the Corpus Workbench (CWB), in particular cwb-encode, and the CWB Perl tools (for cwb-make), installed and on PATH (see the main README file). The CWB Perl tools can be installed from the CWB Subversion repository at

For database tests, you also need to have a MySQL/MariaDB server with a user with the privileges to create a database and grant access to it.

Running tests

To run tests, run

$ pytest

Database access

To run successfully tests that require Korp MySQL database data, you may need to specify custom command-line options to pytest:

  • --db-host=HOST: Use host HOST for the Korp MySQL test database
  • --db-port=PORT: Use port PORT for the Korp MySQL test database
  • --db-name=NAME: Use database name NAME for the Korp MySQL test database
  • --db-user=USER: Use user USER to access the Korp MySQL test database
  • --db-password=PASSWORD: Use password PASSWORD to access the Korp MySQL test database
  • --db-create-user=USER: Use user USER to create the Korp MySQL test database
  • --db-create-password=PASSWORD: Use password PASSWORD to create the Korp MySQL test database

If these are not specified explicitly, tests try to use the values specified in the Korp configuration for DBHOST, DBPORT, DBUSER and DBPASSWORD. That fails unless the user specified there has the privilege to create a database or you specify with --db-name the name of an existing database in which the user has the table creation privilege.

The database user should also have the file privilege to load data from files.

If the test database cannot be created, tests using the database (fixture database) are skipped.

Test coverage

To find out test coverage using, run

$ coverage -m pytest

and then, for example,

$ coverage report

Directory Layout

This directory tests/ contains:

  • unit/: unit tests, typically testing functions in modules directly under the korp package
  • functional/: functional tests, typically testing the endpoints (korp.views.*)
  • data/: test data
  • Pytest configuration; in particular, fixtures to be used by individual tests
  • utility functions for processing the Korp configuration
  • utility functions for setting up CWB corpus data
  • KorpDatabase class for setting up and using Korp MySQL test database
  • utility functions for tests, typically functionality that recur in multiple tests but that cannot be made fixtures

Adding tests

Individual test files and tests should follow Pytest conventions: the names of files containing tests should begin with test_, as should also the names of test functions and methods. Tests can be grouped in classes whose names begin with Test.


The following Pytest fixtures have been defined in

  • corpus_data_root: Return CWB corpus root directory for a session
  • corpus_registry_dir: Return CWB corpus registry directory for a session
  • cache_dir: Return Korp cache directory
  • corpus_config_dir: Return corpus configuration directory
  • corpus_configs: Copy corpus configurations in data/corpora/config to a temporary directory used in tests
  • corpora: Encode the corpora in data/corpora/src and return their ids
  • database: Return a KorpDatabase object for a session
  • database_tables: Import database data for the specified corpora and table types
  • app: Return a function to create and configure a Korp Flask app instance. The returned function optionally takes as its argument a dict for overriding default Korp configuration values.
  • client: Return a function to create and return a test client. The returned function optionally takes as its argument a dict for overriding default Korp configuration values.

Functional tests

A typical functional test testing an endpoint uses the client and corpora fixtures. For example:

def test_corpus_info_single_corpus(self, client, corpora):
    corpus = corpora[0].upper()
    response = client().get(
            "cache": "false",
            "corpus": corpus,
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.is_json == True
    data = response.get_json()
    corpus_data = data["corpora"][corpus]
    attrs = corpus_data["attrs"]
    assert attrs

If the endpoint uses the Korp MySQL database, it should also use the database fixture and load the appropriate database table data with database.import_tables(). For example:

def test_lemgram_count_single_corpus(self, client, database):
    """Test /lemgram_count on a single corpus."""
    lemgram = "test..nn.1"
    response = client().get(
            "corpus": "testcorpus1",
            "lemgram": lemgram,
            "cache": "false",
    data = response.get_json()
    assert lemgram in data

Corpus data

Each CWB corpus corpus whose data is used in the tests should have a source VRT file corpus.vrt in data/corpora/src. The corpus source files use a slightly extended VRT (VeRticalized Text) format (the input format for CWB), where structures are marked with XML-style tags (with attributes) and each token is on its own line, token attributes separated by tags.

The extension is that the positional and structural attributes need to be declared at the top of the file as XML comments as follows:

<!-- #vrt positional-attributes: attr1 attr2 ... -->
<!-- #vrt structural-attributes: text:0+a1+a2 sentence:0+a3+a4 ... -->

For example:

<!-- #vrt positional-attributes: word lemma -->
<!-- #vrt structural-attributes: text:0+id paragraph:0+id sentence:0+id -->
<text id="t1">
<paragraph id="p1">
<sentence id="s1">
This	this
is	be
a	a
test	test
.	.
<sentence id="s2">
Great	great
!	!

In addition to the VRT file corpus.vrt, a corpus should have a corresponding info file containing at least the number of sentences and date of update in the ISO format as follows:

Sentences: 2
Updated: 2023-01-20

Note that the encoded test corpus data is placed under a temporary directory for the duration of a test session, so test corpora are isolated from any other CWB corpora in the system.

Corpus configuration data

Corpus configuration data used in tests for the /corpus_config endpoint is under data/corpora/config in the format expected by Korp; please see the documentation for more information.

Database data

Test database data resides in files under the subdirectory data/db/ and its subdirectories. It can be specified in two formats:

  1. SQL files (extension .sql) containing all the necessary table creation and value insertion statements. A single SQL file may contain data for multiple tables.
  2. TSV (tab-separated values) files (extension .tsv), each containing values for a single table. The table is inferred based on the file name and table information files in YAML format that also specify the table definition (see below).

TSV files should not have a header row: columns in the file must be in the order they are in the table definition. Backslash escapes are not recognized, so values cannot contain tab or newline characters.

Each file, whether SQL or TSV, should contain data only for one corpus, whose id should be a part of the file (or directory) name.

Data can be imported by specifying either the corpus id and type(s) of table(s) (one or more of timedata, lemgram_index and relations) or the files containing data (globs can be used).

The YAML files in data/db/tableinfo/ contain table information specifying a mapping from (TSV) data files to database tables (and indirectly also the other way round). Each file contains a sequence of one or more mappings with the following keys recognized:

  • tablename: The name of the table. The name may contain the format specification {corpus} or {CORPUS}, referring to the corpus id replacing the placeholder {corpus} in the regular expression in filenames (see below), in lower or upper case, respectively.
  • filenames: A sequence of file name regular expressions. If a full file name matches one of the expressions and none of those in exclude_filenames, load the data from it to the table specified in tablename. Each regular expression should contain the placeholder {corpus} to be replaced with a corpus id for the fixture database_tables to be able to find the database data for a corpus.
  • exclude_filenames: A sequence of excluded file name regular expressions.
  • definition: A string containing the MySQL table definition: columns and possible keys.

If a file name would match regular expression in multiple mappings, the first mapping found is used. Regular expressions are matched to absolute file names in their entirety, including the directory. If the regular expressions in filenames and exclude_filenames do not begin with .*/, it is prefixed to the expression. The regular expressions should not include the extension .tsv (or .sql).

The value of definition may contain variable references as {var}. Their values must be defined before use in a separate sequence item with key definition_vars and value that is a mapping from variable names to values:

- definition_vars:
    var1: value1
    var2: value2

Currently, the table information files support the following file name and directory naming schemes (under tests/data/db/) for the various types of tables:

  • tabletype/corpus.ext
  • tabletype/corpus[_:+]tabletype_detailed.ext
  • corpus/tabletype_detailed.ext


  • corpus = corpus id (in lower case)
  • tabletype = high-level table type: one of lemgram_index (or lemgrams), timedata and relations
  • tabletype_detailed = more detailed table type (mainly for TSV files):
    • lemgram_index: lemgram_index (or lemgrams) (the same as the high-level type)
    • timedata: timedata or timedata_date
    • relations: relations, relations_strings, relations_rel, relations_head_rel, relations_dep_rel or relations_sentence
  • ext = file type extension: tsv or sql