- (feature): add possibility to have a homepage with slider per section
- (feature): experimental but add low latency live, allowing you to lower latency to 4/6 sec
- (fix): remove some dead code and useless colors and translations
- (fix): UI/UX adjustements
- (fix): minor UI artefact issue on window chrome
- (feature): add new advanced methods to boot the Caast library
- (feature): expose new methods and new events
- (fix): fix mobile behaviour with Caast embed
- (doc): update documentation to match new features
- (feature): introduce Caast extensions, allowing partners to display contents inside our Caast Modal
- (feature): expose new methods and new events
- (feature): improved API cache
- (doc): update documentation to match new features
- (feature): caast now handle multiple product presentation
- (feature): new UI and behaviour for on screen products
- (feature): new moderation experience
- (feature): improved API cache
- (fix): refacto player integration in administration interfaces
- (fix): better handle mobile interactions
- (feature): add the brand new picture in picture experience, allowing you to navigate on site while viewing your live
- (feature): add the share component inside Caast Modal, allowing your users to easily share a live throught different platforms
- (feature): allow granular product override in API even if a product is connected to a product feed
- (feature): new double tap interaction on mobile device, allowing user to rewind or forward a replay
- (fix): performance improvements
- (fix): unexpected behaviour on ios devices
- (feature): new UI and complete rewrite of the Caast Modal experience
- (feature): add the new portrait mode for your lives
- (feature): add the reaction interaction, allowing your users to visually interact by triggering emoji on screen
- (feature): implement our new video provider
- (feature): implement a new video player
- (feature): better responsive performance and a completely new mobile experience
- (feature): improve cache on API
- (feature): add fallback function after initial canLoadCaast internal behaviour. If no live is available for the current page, Caast will look in DOM for [data-caast-embed] and [data-caast-open] attributes. If nodes are found, caast will execute related methods caast.parse / caast.embed.
- (feature): add new option for add to cart function in order to allow javascript interpretaion in order to be able to compute checkout url
- (feature): implement base features for caast displayed in iframe
- (feature): performance imporvements on live listing
- (fix): on onepage website caast was calling a function twice on url change.
- (fix): on landing page, triggering the caast modal on the highlight was causing a gray placeholder instead of keeping the video
- (fix): sometimes a hidden live was impossible to load due to our canLoadCaast internal methods
- (feature): update methods to open caast Modal via url parameters, this methods is now also available on the landing pages. You can read the documentation
- (feature): performance improvement for the landing page.
- (feature): improve performance for products search in database
- (feature): add a waiting screen while vimeo is encoding the replay of a live
- (feature): add two new methods on caast instance, caast.open and caast.parse
- (feature): reduce caast initial bundle size
- (feature): optimize iteration on landing sections
- (feature): optimize landing API response time
- (feature): implement better debug mode options
- (feature): add ability to add parameters to trigger specific actions on player via url view (documentation)
- (fix): better implementation of time consumption with the differents players
- (fix): reminder button was causing random page refresh
- (fix): cookies functions were badly intercepting available configuration of caast
- (fix): update outlook and macOS calendar generated files
- (fix): random behaviour for autoplay on landing page
- (feature): global loading ability. You can load Caast globally on a high traffic website without impacting your website performance.
- (feature): add trailer to your lives, this trailer will then be disabled 15 minutes before your lives start
- (feature): add autodisable for premoderation, like the trailer the premoderation will be disabled 15 minutes before your lives start
- (feature): update UI for product detailed view
- (feature): add dynamic entry to custom headers for cart data
- (fix): whitelist parameters is now in strict mode
- (fix): fix an issue with autostart on youtube lives
- (fix): migrate emitter to xhr instead of websockets, also reduce collected data
- (feature): split initial Caast script in order to reduce our impact on website
- (feature): ability to remove cookies from differents video providers
- (feature): more add to cart options
- (feature): ability to choose a default displayed tab on Caast Widget Modal
- (fix): random issue with muted video on ios
- (fix): empty tab on live without chat/questions
- (fix): minor feedbacks and bug issues after 2.0.0 release
- (feature): advanced cookies methods available for GDPR compliance (documentation)
- (feature): complete rewrite of the Caast Widget Modal UI/UX after a long period of exchanges and co-creation with our customers. Enjoy a new unified interface shared between desktop and mobile.
- (feature): new custom video player for replays. The player now display visual chapters per products, allowing to quickly jump click to the presented product
- (feature): better responsive performance and a completely new mobile experience
- (feature): localStorage has been migrated to cookies in order to be compliant with GDPR, you can also set your own cookie lifetime via our administration interface.
- (feature): completely new product experience. Caast now handle product variations and options with a direct visual impact on the product details.
- (feature): advanced add to cart options, allowing Caast to handle way more ecommerce frameworks to properly handle a direct add to cart experience on lives and replays.
- (feature): smooth integration with Lengow and Awin. No need to prepare products anymore in our interface, simply import them from your product feed platform.
- (feature): drop IE 11 support, allowing Caast to drop a lot of weight and be as fast as light.
- (feature): implement live preview feature, when a live is started, the thumbnail turn into a player with sound disabled
- (feature): add better uuid generation when localstorage is enabled
- (feature): rewrite analytics methods and add fallback when websocket is not launched
- (fix): no events was triggered on related videos click
- (feature): implement GET method and custom headers options for in live purchase
- (fix): error with Youtube Player
- (fix): better visual error for nickname
- (feature): implement loader for landing mode
- (fix): caastListing on Caast Widget method (documentation) is now marked as deprecated. You should now use use caast.js and custom configuration to implement a landing page
- (fix): various UI and UX feedback for landing page behaviour
- (feature): complete rewrite of the Caast Modal with new fullscreen feature
- (fix): optimization of eventListeners
- (fix): optimization for resize and mobile responsive
- (fix): better cache management in API
- (fix): remove dead code
- (fix): error while changing Caast related video, question were not updated
- (fix): problem with cache clear in API
- (fix): issue with responsive caastListing on Caast Widget method (documentation)
- (feature): implement method to hide a specific live from lives listing
- (feature): rewrite event emission system for Caast Player
- (fix): issue with related videos
- (fix): issue while changing video provider
- (feature): rewrite live provider class
- (fix): minor error in message moderation
- (feature): add custom code injection for caastListing. It will allow to inject custom HTML code in 3 differents parts of the caastListing HTML.
- (fix): youtube was sometimes unable to load a video
- (fix): prevent multiple instanciations of Caast libraries
- (fix): remove dead code
- (feature): add new widget method, caastWidget.loadListing, it will allow you to integrate in a few lines, a fully integrated WebTV experience on your website, please refer to documentation for details about this feature.
- (fix): error while changing live provider between replay and live mode
- (fix): minor responsive errors
- (feature): add Facebook as available broadcast provider
- (feature): extends configuration values
- (fix): minor error with twitch provider
- (feature): add new library, caastEmbed, it will allow you to diffuse a Caast live in your blogs, please refer to documentation for details about this feature.
- (feature): add possibility to handle configuration per device type (mobile or desktop)
- (feature): add Twitch as available broadcast provider
- (feature): add possibility to dynamically add product to your website cart.
- (fix): remove some useless UI elements
- (fix): optimize API response size
- (feature): add new library, caastEmitter, to track specific product on a purchase page, please refer to documentation for details about this feature.
- (feature): rebuild questions interface in admin
- (feature): you can now load Caast widget and launch at specific timestamps or question id via url parameters (see documentation)
- (feature): replay mode allow you to click on product to jump to first displayed time
- (feature): new UI for nickname and implement GDPR consent
- (feature): added possibility to override configuration per live and per URL
- (feature): new UI for question moderation in admin
- (fix): optimize API response size
- (fix): minor error on live save
- (fix): optimize statistics calculation time
- (feature): migrate modal content to React
- (feature): add new library, caastWidget, to include only specific Caast feature, please refer to documentation for details about this feature.
- (feature): add new Caast Chat, realtime, full branded with custom events and lots of incoming feature ;)
- (feature): migrate Caast config to state management library
- (fix): optimize library file size
- (feature): initial release of Caast Library