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475 lines (424 loc) · 16.5 KB

File metadata and controls

475 lines (424 loc) · 16.5 KB


In every emitted events the following data is made available for you to interact with your environment. Exposed data is about the current live informations, your platform configuration and the current user informations. All the configuration data is customizable in your dashboard in the configuration section of your project.

The following object, is the default returned data, you will find some additional data that are merged on specific events detailed in this page.

  "credentials": {
    "APP_ID": "7uVKGurbj0c2ca9Qp3MAUQdag7iLWWwTXc3f-KWrWSQ",
    "APP_KEY": "SP_S6EByQ50YFiSpmZS0fho8_Hg-7HsOagOmhDyxAwg"
  "config": {
    "id": "7uVKGurbj0c2ca9Qp3MAUQdag7iLWWwTXc3f-KWrWSQ",
    "type": "app",
    "attributes": {
      "name": "Caast Live for Christmas",
      "uid": "7uVKGurbj0c2ca9Qp3MAUQdag7iLWWwTXc3f-KWrWSQ",
      "secret": "SP_S6EByQ50YFiSpmZS0fho8_Hg-7HsOagOmhDyxAwg",
      "redirectUri": "",
      "configuration": {
        "color": {
          "button_background": "#000",
          "button_color": "#FFF",
          "header_background": "#000",
          "header_color": "#FFF",
          "product_background": "#fff",
          "product_color": "#333",
          "product_border": "#E7E7E7",
          "product_fill_buy": "#CCC",
          "product_active_background": "#fff",
          "product_active_color": "#333",
          "product_active_border": "#000",
          "product_active_fill_buy": "#000",
          "product_live_background": "#000",
          "product_live_color": "#FFF",
          "question_background": "#FFF",
          "question_border": "#000",
          "question_color": "#333",
          "question_active_background": "#000",
          "question_active_border": "#000",
          "question_active_color": "#FFF",
          "pseudo_background": "rgba(0,0,0, .05)",
          "pseudo_color": "#333",
          "chat_send_background": "#000",
          "chat_send_color": "#FFF",
          "live": "#FF015C",
          "checkbox_color": "#96e039"
        "target": {
          "element": "#service-one li:nth-child(4)",
          "position": "beforeend",
          "basket": ""
        "mobile_target": {
          "element": "#service-one li:nth-child(4)",
          "position": "beforeend",
          "basket": ""
        "hash": {
          "question": "caast-question_",
          "jump": "caast-jump_",
          "open": "caast-open"
        "mode": "mini",
        "custom_style": "",
        "custom_style_iframe": "",
        "custom_style_listing": "",
        "show_subscribe": true,
        "show_live_request": false,
        "add_to_kart": {
          "active": false,
          "url": "",
          "default_body": ""
        "listing": {
          "inject_before_highlight": "",
          "inject_after_highlight": "",
          "inject_after_list": ""
        "i18n": {
          "button": {
            "open": "Enter live room",
            "replay": "See replay",
            "send": "Send",
            "next": "Next",
            "prev": "Previous",
            "close": "Close",
            "hide": "Hide",
            "cancel": "Cancel",
            "validate": "Validate",
            "default": "Enter chatroom",
            "is_live": "See live"
          "product": {
            "title": {
              "is_live": "A live is in progress",
              "countdown": "Live presentation in",
              "today": "A live is scheduled today at",
              "tomorrow": "A live is scheduled tomorrow at",
              "date": "A live is scheduled on",
              "no_live": "This product does not have a live presentation yet",
              "replay": "Several lives are available for this product"
            "description": {
              "default": "Ask your questions now",
              "replay": "Watch them while waiting for a new live !",
              "is_live": "Enter to view the live and chat with others"
            "thumbnail": {
              "is_live": "Live"
          "listing": {
            "title": "Lives",
            "highlight_button": "",
            "badge": {
              "is_live": "Live",
              "countdown": "Live in",
              "today": "Today at",
              "tomorrow": "Tomorrow at",
              "date": "On"
            "status": {
              "all": "All lives",
              "live": "Lives",
              "replay": "Replays",
              "soon": "Soon"
            "subscribe": {
              "button": "be notified",
              "title": "Be notified by email and 10 minutes before a live start.",
              "description": "By checking this, you accept our <a href='' target='_blank'>conditions</a>.",
              "feedback": {
                "email": "Mail required",
                "accept": "Please accept our conditions",
                "valid": "All is good ! You will be notified when live is about to start"
          "subscribe": {
            "description": "Would you like to be notified before the live starts ?",
            "input_placeholder": "Enter your email",
            "success": "Registration successful! You will be notified by email of the next lives",
            "success_vote_for_live": "Thanks for your live request",
            "error": "An error has occurred",
            "error_already_mail": "You are already on the notification list"
          "modal": {
            "all_lives": "All the previous lives",
            "other_questions": "Other lives questions",
            "show_questions": "Show questionss",
            "search": "Search for a question",
            "no_result_for": "No results for search {{term}}",
            "live_date": "Live from {{date}}",
            "no_questions": "Currently no questions for this live",
            "tabs": {
              "description": "Description",
              "chat": "Discussions",
              "question": "Questions",
              "product": "Products",
              "replay": "Replay"
            "all_replays": "All replays"
          "chat": {
            "title": "Discussions",
            "change_mode": "Click here to display only the questions during the live",
            "offline": "Chat is currently offline",
            "form": {
              "message_placeholder": "Send your message",
              "pseudo_placeholder": "Choose a nickname",
              "add_emoji": "Add a smiley",
              "as_anonymous": "Post as anonymous",
              "character_left": "{{total}} remaining characters",
              "hint_pseudo": "Cannot contain spaces and maximum 25 characters"
            "message": {
              "anonymous": "Anonymous",
              "vote": "Vote for this question",
              "answered": "Question answered",
              "answered_at": "Question answered at {{time}}",
              "moderated": "Moderated content"
            "emoji": {
              "search": "Search",
              "clear": "Clear",
              "notfound": "No emoji found",
              "categories": {
                "search": "Results",
                "recent": "Frequently used",
                "smileys": "Smileys & Emotion",
                "people": "Peoples",
                "nature": "Animals & Nature",
                "foods": "Food & Drinks",
                "activity": "Activities",
                "places": "Travel & Places",
                "objects": "Objects",
                "symbols": "Symbols",
                "flags": "Flags"
            "new_message": "View new messages"
          "products": {
            "on_screen": "on screen",
            "buy_label": "Go on product page"
  "lives": {
    "coming": { "data": [] },
    "current": {
      "data": [
          "id": "f20aa128931a449b9478f5fb69e07c3b",
          "type": "live",
          "attributes": {
            "name": "Caast live event",
            "description": "A live event for christmas",
            "videoId": "a6b7e85c6433c00a4f1df62a1f7ec948",
            "chatId": "078a8000a55bc862c6bcf0a9cc72d9ec",
            "isStarted": false,
            "isFinished": false,
            "isDirectInsert": false,
            "startDate": "2020-12-25T20:00:00.000Z",
            "productActiveId": null,
            "productIds": ["310eb32e97044d96a5416b13fe7adf3d"],
            "productTimestamps": [
                "attributes": {
                  "productId": "310eb32e97044d96a5416b13fe7adf3d",
                  "timestampEnd": 30,
                  "timestampStart": 10
                "id": "49cbb03c0d594b71aceb113278f6821a",
                "type": "productTimestamp"
            "products": [
                "attributes": {
                  "name": "A fake product",
                  "thumbnailUrl": "",
                  "url": ""
                "id": "310eb32e97044d96a5416b13fe7adf3d",
                "relationships": {},
                "type": "product"
            "thumbnailUrl": null,
            "urls": [""]
    "passed": { "data": [] }
  "user": {
    "uuid": "1d5f65e4d53b20fcb223a7dc0aec3ea0"
  "userAccess": {
    "hardBan": null,
    "softBan": null
  "questions": [
      "id": "452159334435456999954edb1a04d779",
      "type": "question",
      "attributes": {
        "questionerName": "David Copperfield",
        "question": "What is the product price ?",
        "sentAt": "2020-12-25T21:07:57.000Z",
        "answered": true,
        "moderated": false,
        "answerTimestamp": 44
      "id": "27bb4a0bbda54303a5a02005b19924f5",
      "type": "question",
      "attributes": {
        "questionerName": "HarryHoudini",
        "question": "Is it available in other colors ?",
        "sentAt": "2020-12-25T21:12:34.000Z",
        "answered": true,
        "moderated": false,
        "answerTimestamp": 96

?> Note that the questions key will be missing if the modal is not yet opened.


When using the setUser method, you will add additional informations on the user object in global config, the object will now have a custom_fields entry in it, regrouping all the data you've provided

"user": {
    "uuid": "1d5f65e4d53b20fcb223a7dc0aec3ea0",
    "custom_fields": {
        "email": "",
        "first_name": "David",
        "last_name": "Copperfield"

The user entry can also be altered when a user set his nickname or decide to go as anonymous in the ChatRoom, you will then receive an object additional keys

"user": {
    "uuid": "1d5f65e4d53b20fcb223a7dc0aec3ea0",
    "custom_fields": {
        "email": "",
        "first_name": "David",
        "last_name": "Copperfield"
    "author": "davidCopperfield"

// OR

"user": {
    "uuid": "1d5f65e4d53b20fcb223a7dc0aec3ea0",
    "custom_fields": {
        "email": "",
        "first_name": "David",
        "last_name": "Copperfield"
    "anonymous": true


When listening to an event using onLivePlay or onLivePause method, you will receive additional informations regarding the player state.

"player": {
    "seconds": 36.8


When listening to an event using onLivePlay, onLivePause, onLiveSubscription, onRelatedClick,onModalTrigger,onModalShow or onModalClose method, you will receive additional information regarding the current live id.

"live_id": "f20aa128931a449b9478f5fb69e07c3b"


When listening to an event using onLivePlay, onLivePause, onLiveSubscription, onRelatedClick, onModalTrigger,onModalShow or onModalClose method, you will receive additional information regarding the current live.

"currentLive": {
  "attributes": ...,
  "id": "f20aa128931a449b9478f5fb69e07c3b"


When listening to an event using onQuestionClick method, you will receive additional informations regarding the question id.

"question_id": "452159334435456999954edb1a04d779"


When listening to an event using onProductClick method, you will receive additional informations regarding the product id.

"product_id": "925da3518ec44b29a0cf2ed86a3610e6"


When listening to an event using onProductClick method, you will receive additional informations regarding the product ref.

"product_ref": "128627"


When listening to an event using onProductDetailsClick, onProductDetailsShow, onProductOpen or onBasketAdd method, you will receive additional informations regarding the product details. This information regroup all the product available variations and properties, contrary to the currentProductDetails which contain the current matching variation for the selected product.

"product_detailed": {


When listening to an event using onMessageSubmit method, you will receive additional informations regarding the submitted message.

"message": {
    "author": "davidCopperfield",
    "message": "Abracadabra !"


When listening to an event using onVoteForLive method, you will receive additional informations regarding the current page.

"url": "https://mywebsite/product/29749874"


When listening to an event using onProductClick method, you will receive additional informations regarding the context of the action. If this event is coming from our direct add to cart method you will receive this data.

"from_caast": "true"


When listening to an event using onShare method, you will receive additional informations regarding the context of the action.

"share": {
  "type": "mobile" | "url" | "facebook" | "twitter" | "linkedin" | "messenger" | "whatsapp",
  "url": "https://..."

The mobile type is emitted when the user is using the native share option only available on mobile devices. You cannot have further informations on what application the link is going to be shared on after this event is triggered.


When listening to an event using onReaction method, you will receive additional informations regarding the emoji the user just sent.

"emoji": "❤️"


When listening to an event using onExtensionDetailsClick, onExtensionDetailsShow, or onExtensionDetailsClose method, you will receive additional informations regarding the extension details. Below is an exemple of what this object looks like.

"extensionDetails": {
  "attributes": {
    "configuration": {
      "title": "Extension card title",
      "text": "Extension card text",
      "background_color": "#27ccb8",
      "text_color": "#d60707"
    "extensionId": "ea21a60968e74473918f18b854629504",
    "extensionNoReload": true,
    "extensionUrl": "",
    "thumbnailUrl": null,
    "triggerId": "919f9e6d5d1540bda2fb9293b85a8a92",
    "triggerName": "pushed_box" | "announcement"
  "id": "bc5b8bff46f74ee68937485672960f1f",
  "type": "extensionTrigger"