--- develop ---
- issue#8: Edit/delete UPS issue
- feature#2: Provide Site and Location filters when viewing UPS's
--- 1.2 ---
- issue: Fix issue with replication full sync errors
- issue: A new UPS was not being polled due to a SQL error
- feature: Provide more output when running poller_apcupsd.php --debug
--- 1.1 ---
- feature#3: When changing UPS snmp and other settings on the UPS edit page, transfer those changes to the Cacti device
- feature: Support the 'ONLINE SLAVE' status as being a good status
- feature: Add the uknown column MASTER or ups_master to the stats table
- issue#5: Initial table creation failed due to bogus defaults
- issue#6: Typo field name ups_abmtemp should be ups_ambtemp
- issue: Unable to locate apcaccess command path
- issue: Fix some minor GUI display issues
- issue: Dont run automation until you have some information in the stats table
--- 1.0 ---
- Initial Release
Copyright (c) 2004-2024 - The Cacti Group, Inc.