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CC Processor Compiler

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The cc-compiler project is developed as part of an exercise at HEPIA in Geneva, where students are tasked with creating their own processor using Logisim. This project aims to provide a Node.js-based compiler that can translate high-level language instructions into machine code compatible with the custom processor designed in Logisim.

C-Like Syntax

Syntax Arguments Example Description
R[0-7] = x x = Any int number (8 bits) R0 = 0 Assignation
R[0-7] = R[0-7] + R[0-7] R0 = R1 + R2 Addition
R[0-7] = R[0-7] - R[0-7] R0 = R1 - R2 Substraction
R[0-7] = R[0-7] >> 1 R0 = R1 >> 1 Shift right by 1
R[0-7] = R[0-7] << 1 R0 = R1 << 1 Shift left by 1
R[0-7] = R[0-7] ASR R[0-7] R0 = R1 ASR R2 ASR shift
R[0-7] = R[0-7] and R[0-7] R0 = R1 and R2 And operation
R[0-7] = R[0-7] or R[0-7] R0 = R1 or R2 Or operation
R[0-7] = not R[0-7] R0 = not R1 Not operation
while x y x = (not)
y = N,Z,C,V, True
while True While
if R[0-7] x R[0-7] x = ==, !=, <=, >=, <, > if R0 == R1 If
{ ` Brace to start if or while block
} ` Brace to end if or while block
STORE R[0-7] R[0-7] x x = offset int STORE R0 R1 0 Store from value into R[0-7] to RAM or peripheral (R[0-7] value pointer + offset)
LOAD R[0-7] R[0-7] x x = offset int LOAD R1 R2 0 Store from RAM or peripheral (R[0-7] value pointer + offset) to R[0-7] variable
JMP x x = Any int number (signed) JMP 2 Jump unconditional relative.

Assembler instructions

ALU instructions

Operation Opcode Result Source 0 Source 1 Reserved
Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
RD = RS0 + RS1 0000 RD RS0 RS1
RD = RS0 - RS1 0001 RD RS0 RS1
RD = RS0 << 1 0010 RD RS0
RD = RS0 >> 1 0011 RD RS0
RD = ASR(RS0) 0100 RD RS0
RD = RS0 AND RS1 0101 RD RS0 RS1
RD = RS0 OR RS1 0110 RD RS0 RS1
RD = NOT (RS0) 0111 RD RS0

Initialization with constant instructions

Operation Opcode Result Reserved Constant
Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
RD = val 1000 RD - val

Unconditional jump instructions

Operation Opcode Reserved Number of jump (signed)
Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
B : PC = PC + val 1011 - val

Conditional jump instructions

Operation Opcode Condition Number of jump (signed)
Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
BC: If(cond), PC = PC + val 1010 COND val


Branch instructions (TODO)

Operation Opcode Reg Link Reserved Address to the function
Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
BL : PC = val ; RL = PC + 1 1110 RL - val
BR : PC = [RL] 1111 RL - -

Memory access instructions (TODO)

Instruction Opcode Result Pointer offset
Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
LD RD, offset[RP] 1100 RD RP offset
ST RS, offset[RP] 1101 RS RP offset

Peripheral access table

Description Pointer value Access Pointer offset
Leds 128 R / W 128 0
Bit 0 - LED0
Bit 1 - LED1
Bit 2 - LED2
Bit 3 - LED3
Bit 4 - LED4
Bit 5 - LED5
Bit 6 - LED6
Bit 7 - LED7
Buttons 129 R 128 1
Bit 0 - BTN0
Bit 1 - BTN1
Bit 2 - BTN2
Bit 3 - BTN3
Bit 4 - BTN4
Bit 5 - BTN5
Bit 6 - BTN6
Bit 7 - BTN7
Registry Address 130 R / W 128 2
Bit 0 - Addr bit 0
Bit 1 - Addr bit 1
Bit 2 - Addr bit 2
Bit 3 - Addr bit 3
Bit 4 - Reserved
Bit 5 - Reserved
Bit 6 - Reserved
Bit 7 - Reserved
DataL 131 R 128 3
Bit 0
Bit 1
Bit 2
Bit 3
Bit 4
Bit 5
Bit 6
Bit 7
DataH 132 R 128 4
Bit 8
Bit 9
Bit 10
Bit 11
Bit 12
Bit 13
Bit 14
Bit 15
V1 133 W 128 5
V2 134 W 128 6
Valve 135 R / W 128 7
Bit 0 - Valve bit 0
Bit 1 - Reserved
Bit 2 - Reserved
Bit 3 - Reserved
Bit 4 - Reserved
Bit 5 - Reserved
Bit 6 - Reserved
Bit 7 - Reserved
DataL 136 R 128 8
Bit 0
Bit 1
Bit 2
Bit 3
Bit 4
Bit 5
Bit 6
Bit 7
DataH 137 R 128 9
Bit 8
Bit 9
Bit 10
Bit 11
Bit 12
Bit 13
Bit 14
Bit 15

UART Registries Table

Address Value Name Description
0000 0x0 Version Firmware version of the RobotMyLab
0001 0x1 Right Dist Distance measured by the front right sensor
0010 0x2 Front Dist Distance measured by the front sensor
0011 0x3 Left Dist Distance measured by the front left sensor
0100 0x4 Accel X X-axis of the accelerometer (front-back axis)
0101 0x5 Accel Y Y-axis of the accelerometer (left-right axis)
0110 0x6 Accel Z Z-axis of the accelerometer (up-down axis)
0111 0x7 Gyro X Angular velocity around the X-axis
1000 0x8 Gyro Y Angular velocity around the Y-axis
1001 0x9 Gyro Z Angular velocity around the Z-axis
1010 0xA Battery Charge state of the rechargeable batteries
1011 0xB Left IR Value measured by the left ground IR sensor
1100 0xC Right IR Value measured by the right ground IR sensor
1101 0xD Left Odom Cumulative distance measured by the left odometric sensor
1110 0xE Right Odom Cumulative distance measured by the right odometric sensor
1111 0xF IR RX Value measured by the IR communication receiver


R0 = 0
while true
    R1 = 0
    R2 = 1
    while not N
        R3 = R1 + R0
        R1 = R2 + R0
        R2 = R2 + R3

Compiled to:

0 0x8000
1 0x8200
2 0x8401
3 0x0640
4 0x0280
5 0x0498
6 0xA402
7 0xB0FC
8 0xB0F9

Another example:

// -----
// Test whether the value of a peripheral variable is 30
// -----
R1 = 127

// Load data from R1 pointer with offset 5 into R2 var
LOAD R2 R1 5

// Test variable
R3 = 30

if R2 == R3
    R4 = 1
// Else
if R2 != R3
    R4 = 0

// Reassign pointer to store
R1 = 0

// Store result into RAM at 0x0

Compiled to:


Another example:

// -----
// Get Value from UART
// -----

// Pointer to Perihperal part
R1 = 128

// Address of the wanted UART registry
R2 = 2

// Store address wanted into UART address peripheral

while true
    // Load data incoming from UART registry selected
    LOAD R0 R1 3

    // Display value from UART to Leds
    STORE R0 R1 0

Compiled to:
