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ALA Installation Scripts

This project contains Ansible playbooks for setting up ALA components on Ubuntu 14 machines. This project includes a playbook for setting up the ALA demo .

Ansible version

The playbooks and roles in this repository require Ansible 1.8.x. There have been reported problems with Ansible 1.9+ which we are working on.

NOTE: many linux packages have an older version of Ansible (1.7 or even 1.5). You will need to update your packages and upgrade ansible first.

For APT:

$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-dev git python-pip
$ sudo pip install -I ansible==1.8.4

If you see this error:

ERROR: apache2_module is not a legal parameter in an Ansible task or handler.

then you have an older version of Ansible.

Setup the ALA demo

Below are some instructions for setting up the ALA demo with Ansible & Vagrant on your local machine.

1. Vagrant

Vagrant can be used to test ansible playbooks on your local machine. To use this, you will need to install VirtualBox and Vagrant. We recommend using vagrant version 1.7.x. Earlier versions of vagrant will not work with the VagrantFile in this repository.

The vagrant/ubuntu-trusty directory contains configurations that can used with VirtualBox to bring up a VH for deploying against.

This is included only to simplify local testing, but any server Ubuntu 14.x could be used.

To create a virtual machine with vagrant:

$ cd vagrant/ubuntu-trusty
$ vagrant up

The first execution of this downloads the Ubuntu image which can take 20 minutes or more. The ALA sample inventories (in the ansible/inventories/vagrant directory) refer to the VM as 'vagrant1' rather than the IP address. For this to work, you will need to add the following entries to you /etc/hosts file (alternatively, you can edit the inventory file and replace 'vagrant1' with the IP address of your VM).  vagrant1

Once ready you can ssh to your VM like so:

$ ssh vagrant@vagrant1


$ ssh vagrant@

with password vagrant.

####Erros that may occured :

  • Memory error :
A customization command failed:

["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "4096"]

The following error was experienced:

#<Vagrant::Errors::VBoxManageError: There was an error while executing `VBoxManage`, a CLI used by Vagrant
for controlling VirtualBox. The command and stderr is shown below.

Command: ["modifyvm", "f2fd9fe3-3058-4ad8-91c0-b7bdbeb29fc2", "--memory", "4096"]

Stderr: VBoxManage: error: Invalid RAM size: 4096 MB (must be in range [4, 3584] MB)
VBoxManage: error: Details: code NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG (0x80070057), component SessionMachine, interface IMachine, callee nsISupports
VBoxManage: error: Context: "COMSETTER(MemorySize)(ValueUnion.u32)" at line 558 of file VBoxManageModifyVM.cpp

Please fix this customization and try again.

that means that the memory value in the Vagrantfile file is not in the range of the virtual machine memory size (between 4 MB and 3584 MB). Check the Vagrantfile file in ubuntu-trusty at the line 13 and change the value.

  • IP address error
$ ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host :

Check the Vagrantfile file in ubuntu-trusty at the line 8 to see if the IP address is the same that the one in /etc/hosts/.

2. Ansible

An Ansible inventory file is included that allows for running against a Vagrant configured VM (see inventories/vagrant/demo-vagrant). Other inventories can easily be crafted to match other infrastructure.

Note: any application deployed as part of a playbook requires the following two variables to be defined in the inventory: <applicationName>_hostname variable and <applicationName>_context_path. See the readme file in the ansible directory for more information.

To run Ansible against your vagrant instance you need to locate the correct key file (e.g. the default insecure vagrant file if using the Vagrant config for testing):

$ cd ansible
$ ansible-playbook -i inventories/vagrant/demo-vagrant ala-demo.yml --private-key ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key -u vagrant -s

Once completed successfully you can view the demo on

Installing the ALA demo on EC2 or other cloud providers

There is an inventory you can use to setup the demo on a cloud provider here. An Ubuntu 14 instance with 15GB of RAM and 4 CPUs is recommended. The scripts where tested on 30th April 2015 and took approximately 20 mins to run on a EC2 instance.

Here are the steps to run with this inventory:

  • Create your Ubuntu 14 instance. Make sure your machine is open on ports 22, 80 and 443.

  • Add the following to your /etc/hosts file on the machine your are running ansible from (e.g. your laptop):	ala-demo 

You'll need to replace "" with the IP address of your newly created Ubuntu 14 instance.

  • Check the line 22 on ala-install/ansible/inventories/demo-ec2, you should have this :

rather than this :

  • Run the following:
ansible-playbook --private-key ~/.ssh/MyPrivateKey.pem -u ubuntu -s -i ansible/inventories/demo-ec2 ansible/ala-demo.yml
That worked, now what do I do ?
  • Have a look at the documentation and load a data resource.
  • Or, load occurrence data in CSV format into the application using the sandbox which can be found at using your new VM.


The inventories/vagrant/ directory contains sample inventories for most playbooks that will work against a Ubuntu Vagrant virtual machine. To use these inventories, add an entry for vagrant1 and to your hosts file, or edit the inventory file and replace the hostnames and URLs, then run

ansible-playbook -i inventories/vagrant/<inventoryFile> <playbook>.yml --private-key ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key -u vagrant -s

The inventory files can easily be modified to work against other virtual machines or servers (e.g. Nectar or CSIRO) simply by modifying the server and host names appropriately.

Notes for different environments (CSIRO/Nectar)

There are some minor differences for running these playbooks against Nectar VMs, CSIRO IM&T VMs and Vagrant VMs. In each case you will need to create an inventory file that points to your VM(s).

For IM&T virtual machines:

$ ansible-playbook -i inventories/demo ala-demo.yml -u <CSIRO_IDENT> --ask-pass --ask-sudo-pass -s

For Nectar VMs:

$ ansible-playbook -i inventories/nectar-sandbox sandbox.yml --private-key <PATH_TO_YOUR_PEM_FILE> -u root

Note Nectar VMs will require an edit of the /etc/hosts file on the VM so that it recognises its own host name.

For Vagrant VMs:

$ ansible-playbook -i inventories/vagrant ala-demo.yml --private-key ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key  -u vagrant

For EC2 instances:

$ ansible-playbook -i inventories/solr-amazon solr-standalone.yml --private-key ~/.ssh/dmartin-amazon.pem -u ubuntu -s

Required inventory properties

Most ALA playbooks will require at a minimum the following set of inventory properties:

  • <applicationName>_hostname - The hostname portion of the url used to access the deployed service (e.g. '' in the url
  • <applicationName>_context_path - The context path portion of the url used to access the deployed service (e.g. 'myApp' in the url Note: this property should be blank for the context root, NOT a slash).
  • auth_base_url - The HTTPS URL of the authentication server (e.g.
  • auth_cas_url - The HTTPS URL of the CAS application on the authentication server (e.g.