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Game of life

This project requires the ANSITerminal package to work. Run the following command to install it to your opam switch:

opam install ANSITerminal

From your fork of the repository, go to the lip/ directory and create a new project:

dune init project life

Then, run the following command from the lip/life directory:

sed -i '2i   (libraries ANSITerminal)' lib/dune

After running it, the file lib/dune should look as follows:

 (libraries ANSITerminal)
 (name life))

The goal of this project is to extend with a parser an OCaml project implementing Conway's Game of life. The original project can be run as follows:

dune exec life n_rounds

where n_rounds can take on any positive integer (e.g. 100).

If everything is fine, your console will display a field of asterisks which evolves forming strange patterns.

The rule that defines the behaviour of the game is in lib/

let alive w i j =
  let (cell,nb) = neighbours w i j in
  let alive_nb = count nb in
  if cell then (* cell is alive *)
    (* cell survives? *)
    alive_nb = 2 || alive_nb = 3
  else (* cell is dead *)
    (* cell is born? *)
    alive_nb = 3

This function takes as input a field w, represented as a list of lists of bools, and two indices i (row) and j (column). The function alive w i j tells the cell at index (i,j) is alive in the next round. In Conways' game of life, a cell is alive in the next round if either:

  • the cell is alive in the current round, and there are 2 or 3 alive cells in its neighbours;
  • the cell is dead in the current round, and there are exactly 3 alive cells in its neighbours.

The project requires to extend the game to general cellular automata of the Life family. Each cellular automaton in this family is defined by a S/B rule, i.e. a pair (S,B) of sequences of digits where:

  • S are the numbers of alive neighbours necessary for an alive cell to survive
  • B are the numbers of alive neighbours necessary for a dead cell to born. For instance, Conway's Game of life is defined by the rule S23/B3.

The project requires you to work at the following tasks:

Task 1

Define a type rule to represent rules in the S/B form, and make the alive function parameteric on a S/B rule. Its type must be:

alive : bool list list -> int -> int -> Life.Rule.rule -> bool

Modify bin/ to pass the rule S23/B3 to the loop function.

Task 2

This task employs the Menhir parser generator to define a syntax of S/B rules.

From lip/life, run the following two commands:

echo '(using menhir 2.1)' >> dune-project
echo -e '(menhir (modules parser))\n(ocamllex lexer)' >> lib/dune

These commands extend the dune configuration files, to instruct the compiler to use the ocamllex and the Menhir tools.

Use the Menhir parser generator to define a syntax of S/B rules. The obtained parser transforms strings into S/B rules, and it is made available by the function:

parse : string -> Life.Rule.rule

Modify bin/ to pass an additional command line argument that specifies a S/B rule. For instance, after this extension one can run the Conway's Game of life as follows:

dune exec life S23/B3 100

Task 3

Extend the parser to allow for extended S/B rules. In extended S/B rules, digits are separated by a comma. For instance, Conway's rule can be specified as follows:


The S and B are optional, while the E (which distinguishes extended rules from standard rules) is not:


Whitespaces can be used freely:

E 2,3 / 3

Ranges of values can be specified with the a..b notation. For instance, the following rule states that the alive cells needed to survive range from 0 to 5 and from 7 to 12, while died cells cannot reborn:
