Exposes a Python API for the CVLDoc module.
Currently exposes a single function, cvldoc_parser.parse(path)
. It takes a single path, and returns a list of parsed CVLDoc objects.
Up-to-date builds (built by the CircleCI script) are available on Test PyPI
pip install --pre --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple cvldoc_parser
First, install Rust. Clone the entire repo, then from the project base:
$ cd src/python_wrapper
$ python -m venv .env
$ source .env/bin/activate
$ pip install maturin
It creates a virtual environment for development, and should only be done once.
Now, while the .env
is sourced, it is possible to run
$ maturin build
in order to build the module, which can then be used in the virtualenv
or installed globally with pip install {generated .whl file}
. It is also possible to run maturin develop
in order to generate a temporary module.
It is now possible to import the module:
$ python
>>> import cvldoc_parser