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This is a summary of a setup and workflows for developers who want to work with the Cesium for O3DE Gem. Such a setup consists of three main components:

  • cesium-native : A collection of engine-independent libraries for 3D Tiles, geospatial, etc. Most of the functionality of Cesium for O3DE is built based on these libraries.
  • cesium-o3de : The source code of the actual Cesium for O3DE Gem.
  • An O3DE project that uses the Gem. You can use the cesium-o3de-samples here to get started quickly. It contains sample levels for different use cases, and can therefore be used to quickly check for possible regressions of feature changes.

Note: It is generally possible to work with cesium-native independent of cesium-o3de. But any modification in cesium-native will have to be checked carefully for possible breaking changes in the API or the build process. So the following describes the developer setup from the perspective of someone who wants to work with cesium-native mainly in the context of cesium-o3de.

How to install Cesium Gem


  • Make sure all the hardware and software meet the O3DE's system requirement which is specified here.
  • O3DE Engine can be downloaded and installed via this link
  • CMake 3.20.5 or later

Clone the Gem repo

  • Check out the Gem repo with:

    git clone --recurse-submodules
  • If you forget the --recurse-submodules, nothing will work because the git submodules will be missing. You can fix it with:

    git submodule update --init --recursive

Compile Cesium Native and third party libraries for the Gem

  • Before using the Gem for your project, you will need to build and package Cesium Native and other third party libraries first. Below is the instructions to build and package the libraries assuming that the current working directory is the Cesium Gem repo directory cesium-o3de:

    cd External
    cmake -B Build -S .
    cmake --build Build --config release --target install
  • Once the build finishes, all the library binaries and headers will be packaged in the External/Packages/Install directory.

Add Cesium Gem to an O3DE Project

  • If you want to add the Gem to a new project, please follow those steps below:

    • Open the O3DE project manager, click on Create a Project or Add a Project
    • Click on Add Existing Gem in the Configure Gems panel
    • Select the cloned directory containing the Cesium Gem
    • In the Configure Gems panel, enable the Cesium Gem
    • Click on Build Project
    • Once the project is finished building, click on Open Editor button to begin using the Gem
  • If you want to use the cesium-o3de-samples for the Gem development, please follow its Get Started instructions.

Open the project Visual Studio Solution

  • Once the project is finished building, open the menu button right next to the project's name and click on Open the Project folder...
  • In the project directory, go to build/windows_vs2019 directory
  • You can find a Visual Studio sln solution file with the project name to open for development. The solution will also include the source code of the actual Cesium for O3DE Gem.