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Alta Ships

Ceterai edited this page Jan 25, 2024 · 6 revisions

 Alta Ships is a legendary lvl.6 codex item.
Can be sold for 140 pixels.
A piece of information about alta spaceports and space travel industry.
This document explains the common design choices and safety protocols behind most things you can find on an alta ship.

Race descriptions:

  • Alta: Safety is important, so I'm glad that desicions around modular ship parts are being given this much thought.
Pickup Messages: (Expand 1 items)
  • You've found an alta ebook - a collimator electronic reader usually used for as a reusable substitude for books. Often crafted in  alta datacenters.

Contains following information:

Altas are proud of their space construction industry. Spaceships of all sizes and purposes, divided by categories, models and types.

Prowling the expanses of space over long distances, for short flights, for trade, for recreation.

Space stations, starships, cruisers and even the Al'deron mothership are the pride of many alta architects and alta scientists.

All ships, as is customary among altas, are subject to their own general standards and protocols.

Both in the form of communication rules and designations, and in the form of requirements for equipment and technologies.

So, in the case of any space mechanisms, the main conditions are always air-tightness, certain levels of reliability and stability, convenience and modularity.

Many parts of a typical alta spaceship can exist on their own, rather than as an integral part of the ship itself.

Good examples of such part technologies would be alta ship shelves,  alta ship tables, and even  alta ship beds with protective screens.

If air-tight, many ship devices can continue to operate in any conditions - both underwater and in the vacuum of space. This includes both  alta ship terminals and the simplest alta ship lamps.

But the main example of tightness and reliability are alta ship gateways - massive blast-proof structures that can keep most problems on the other side.

In the case of cargo ships, the main objects on board will be the  alta ship containers - sealed pods with many fastenings and protective mechanisms.

Although regular  alta ship pods are also suitable for carrying cargo, containers provide additional protection and greater capacity due to the ease of manual handling - containers are designed specifically for operating cargo-carrying mechanisms, while pods are designed for direct use by altas.


Can be crafted:


Can be found as loot in:

Found In Biomes

Can be found in following biomes:

Technical Information

Tags: alta alta_ship data_source ebook legendary
Level: 6
In-game ID: ct_alta_ship-codex
File path (GitHub link): /codex/alta/ct_alta_ship.codex

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