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Hevikai Stim Pack

Ceterai edited this page Dec 14, 2023 · 15 revisions

 Hevikai Stim Pack is a legendary lvl.6 medicine item.
Can be sold for 140 pixels.
Develops  Hevikai inside of you. Why would you do that? Who knows. Make sure to have a complimenting  Hevikai Antidote with you.
Because of the energy-draining void atmosphere on  enterash prime planets, these enhancers have found a good use protecting altas while there.

Race descriptions:

  • Alta: I can't believe someone would take this on purpose. But, thanks to it, we're able to travel to enterash prime... I guess it's true that there's medicine in every poison.

Item Variants

 Light Stim Pack is an uncommon lvl.3 medicine item.
Can be sold for 32 pixels.
Adds a little bioluminescence in safe level to your body for 2 mins. Taking more than one won't make you shine brighter, but will cause an overdose.
The mixture in this enhancer is safe for most organic and semi-organic creatures and provides a dim glow after reacting with the body.

Race descriptions:

  • Alta: If there's no kight source, I can be the light source.


Can be crafted:


Can be found as loot in: (Expand 5 items)

Technical Information

Tags: alta enhancer hevikai legendary
Level: 6
Race: Alta
In-game ID: ct_hevikai_stim
File path (GitHub link): /items/generic/other/ct_hevikai_stim.consumable

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